Listen to him say can cure, Qiao Shida excited speechless, "Mr. Chen, you must save my father, my father suffered a lot in his early years, did not enjoy a day's happiness, how much money you need to speak!"

A nurse came forward and said, "Sir, Mr. Qiao takes care of his father himself every night. He has to work during the day. It's not easy. Please help him!"

"Father?" Chen Nan peeps out a wry smile and stares at the middle-aged man for a moment and says, "let her go down!"

When the nurse leaves the ward, Chen Nan takes out the wooden needle and disinfects it first. Then he comes to the old man's bed and enters it with a trace of genuine Qi. After determining the location of the lesion, he sticks two wooden needles into the old man's head.

This kind of disease surgery is difficult to treat, but it is not difficult for him, first refine the blood clot, extract it through the wood needle, and then open the blocked vein.

Soon, a layer of blood red appeared on the needle, and finally condensed into two fine blood drops.

Seeing this scene, Qiao Shida was completely shocked. What a magic medical skill it was. It could extract the remaining blood stains. How could the young people in front of him be described by a miracle doctor?

Chen south takes out a wood needle, for the sake of insurance, will wood needle vitality degree some go in to the old man.

A quarter of an hour later, Chen Nan took off the second wooden needle and said, "it's OK. The patient has just recovered and needs to rest. It's not suitable to walk for a long time!"

"That's good?" Qiao Shida was so shocked that many famous doctors were at a loss. The young man in front of him cured his father's illness in less than a quarter of an hour. He didn't respond to the huge surprise.

"Star!" The old man on the bed made a call, weak but clear.

"Daddy Qiao Shida shed tears, knelt down and climbed two steps to his father's bed, "Dad, are you really good?"

The old man looked at his son with a happy smile on his face, "silly boy, why are you still kneeling? Help father sit up quickly

"Ah Qiao Shida answered and happily stepped forward to help his father up.

After the old man sat up, he pushed aside Qiao Shida and said, "I'll go down and walk!" With that, he went down to the ground and walked back and forth slowly for several circles.

Looking at this scene, Qiao Shida almost did not believe his eyes. His father was lying on the sickbed dying just now, and now he can walk?

The old man looked at chennan gratefully and looked at his son, "Shida, what are you still standing for? Thank you, doctor

"Thank you, doctor!" Josepha's excited lips were trembling and didn't know what to say. Then without saying a word, he took out a check and filled in a figure of 20 million and handed it to chennan, "Mr. Chen, I don't think I can repay you for your great kindness. Please accept it with a small heart!"

Chen Nan stretched out his hand to push away, "I'm the one who takes a fancy to you. I'll talk about money!" With that, Chen Nan turned to the old man, "old man, you have a good son!"

The old man had a happy smile and a proud expression on his face.

See chennan out of the room, Qiao Shida chase out, anyway, father's condition has recovered, let the nurse in to take care of it, he pulled chennan, said what also want to invite chennan to dinner.

Chennan shirked, but had to let him invite a meal, in the process of eating, chennan received a message: dear, I'm hungry, want to eat, tonight in our first meeting place waiting for you. The signature is a gold medal.

"The enchanting little wife

See this text message, Chen Nan immediately emerged in front of ice Mei that angry body and sexy lips, the face showed a smile, some fascination.

After dinner, Qiao Shida handed chennan a business card: "brother Chen, I'll ask you to shout, brother. Later, if you have something to say, I'll be on call."

Chen Nan glanced at the business card, and saw the gold inlaid business card that said: Qiao Shida, chairman of Feiyue group company. When Chen Nandun's eyes brighten, he can't help thinking of the company when Jin Xiangyu signed the contract. Its name is leap media. It can't be a company.

What I thought in my heart, I asked, "what's the relationship between leap media and you?"

"That's a subsidiary of our group!" Qiao Shida replied, and then his eyes brightened. Since he asked the name of his subsidiary, he must have something to do with it. He said, "brother Chen, what's the matter with you? If you have something to say, I will do it. "

Chen Nan can't help but think of Jin Xiangyu's conscientious work. In order to sign the bill, she was almost raped. It can be seen that she needs to sign the bill very much. If he can help her, he doesn't mind helping her, so he says with a smile: "I have a friend who went to the hotel this morning to sign a contract with Feiyue media. As a result Ha ha I was cheated by a man named Mr. Ma. "

Josda was furious. "No matter who offends your friend, I'll check it out. Check it out!" After two thorough investigations, Qiao Shida took out a business card and handed it to chennan with his autograph: "let your friend go to find the CEO of leap media. If you have any requirements, just mention them. In the future, all the lists related to your friends are hers. I don't believe it. A small horse can always go to heaven?"

Although he is called Mr. Ma, actually he doesn't know this person at all. He's just a little assistant. How can chairman Tang know him?

"Well, I'll take it!"Qiao Shida will send chennan to the downstairs of Donghuan group company. Chen Nan came to the public relations department and saw a group of OL people saying something around Jin Xiangyu.

"The flower protector is back!" Seeing Chen Nan come in, they all pay homage to him. After all, if it's not Chen Nan today, Jin Xiangyu will accompany his wife and turn into soldiers, which makes female public relations attach great importance to Chen Nan. Jin Xiangyu's affair rings an alarm for ol. After all, they are all women. Having such a bodyguard around them on some occasions makes them feel more secure.

Minister Chi wanting gathered her shoulders and stood in the office looking at all this, subordinates to sign almost raped, let her heart is not taste, know that Chen Nan saved Jin Xiangyu, his view has improved.

Chennan see Jinxiangyu spirit is still not strong, went to the gold card to her, said with a smile: "Xiaoyu sister, tomorrow you go to leap media to sign the contract!"

"Ah Jin Xiangyu was stunned when she looked at the gold inlaid business card. What shocked her was not the business card, but the signature on it.

"Show me!" Zhang manyue snatched the business card and screamed, "Qiao Shida, is it Qiao Shida? That's the chairman of Feiyue group! "

The business card came from the ol's hands quickly. Li Lingyu took the business card in his hand and glanced at chennan: "brother Chen, where did you get this business card?"

"Where did it come from?" Chen south a burst of speechless, push boat way: "pick up on the ground."

"It's amazing that you can pick up Qiao Shida's Autographed business card

"Qiao Shida is the chairman of Feiyue group. The comprehensive strength of the group is no weaker than that of our Donghuan group. If it's really his signature, Xiaoyu, you will be very rich."

"Cut, just pick it up, can you sign it?" Ol people are talking about it.

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