It's normal for business celebrities to like antiques. After all, there's not only a belt to be auctioned here. Chen Nan doesn't think much about it. Accompanied by Bing Mei, she takes the number plate and sits down. Time is not long. Accompanied by her secretary, Liu Meiyan comes in and sits on stage 6.

Today, Liu Meiyan wore a set of yellow dress, white shawl around her shoulders, and a pair of half high heel Khaki boots, revealing a section of black stockings, a little pink, and a light sweep of her eyebrows. Under the light, she looked like a girl in February and August.

But her body is more plump than the average girl, and the crisp breast is more plump than the average girl, with more mellow and mature taste. Both she and Bingmei are of soft figure, and their appearance immediately becomes the most dazzling presence in the hall.

At this time, many people have come to the hall, most of them are antique lovers, and there are many business celebrities with mediocrity and elegance.

In a short time, three groups of people came to the interior of the hall. One group was three Japanese, sitting in position 7. The other group was three cold faced, blonde white people, including a blonde, sexy beauty. They were sitting in position 16. The last group was four white people, and four handsome men with long hair and elegant hair But his face was a little pale, which gave people a feeling of cold and evil, which made people close to him feel chilly. They sat in the 27th seat in the corner.

The three groups of people attracted chennan's attention as soon as they came in. Two of the three Japanese were bodyguards, and the leader had snot whiskers, which was easy to identify. There were no other Japanese in the hall. Chennan guessed that they should have been to an antique shop. And the other two groups of people are very obvious. The three white men in position 16 have just let out their momentum and have hidden energy fluctuations. They should be the legendary paladins. Although the four people in the corner seem to be the same as ordinary people on the surface, they are full of cold and gloomy breath, and there is a special energy fluctuation. They should be blood people, that is, the legendary vampires.

Because Chen Nan specially chose the back seat, so can clearly see all the people in the hall, Chen Nan gently touched ice Mei, said with a smile: "don't you want to see paladins and vampires? Look, 16 is Paladin, 27 is vampire, don't make too much publicity

Hearing Chen Nan's words, Bing Mei is a little excited. She looks at the two groups of people carefully. Although her movements are very hidden, the two groups of people feel it. Immediately, several cold eyes sweep over. She sees that she is a beautiful young woman, and there is nothing special about her. The blood sucking ghosts smile and withdraw their eyes.

Bingmei didn't see anything for a long time. She poked chennan and said in a low voice, "husband, I don't see any difference?"

"Ha ha!" Chen Nan laughs, "if you can see it casually, they won't appear here. From the appearance, they are no different from ordinary people, but vampires appear at night!"

I can see it because I have divine sense. Although I can only put it more than ten meters away, it's enough. Bingmei is an ordinary person no matter how capable she is. She can't see the truth at all.

"What do you think?" Bingmei is not reconciled. Whether she is a paladin or a vampire, she has only seen it in movies or books. Now when she sees a real person, she can't see the truth, so she is naturally depressed.

Chen Nan said: "that's because they haven't changed yet!" Before the auction started, there was a lot of noise in the hall, but no one noticed what they said.

"Ah Will it change? " Bingmei was even more surprised.

"Don't worry, there will be a chance!" Chen Nan sees the auctioneer come to the stage and stops Bingmei.

The auctioneer made a few simple opening remarks, then announced the start of the auction. Miss Li put a tray covered with thick color on the stage and stood to one side with a smile.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the first item we auction is a boat shaped jade. The bottom price is 50 million yuan, and the increase should not be less than one million yuan each time!"

With the auctioneer's words, the etiquette lady took off the colored silk, and the hall immediately let out a burst of exclamation.

This boat shaped jade is dark green, 25 cm wide and 13 cm high. There is a soft halo around it. Under the light, it is crystal clear and gorgeous.

Chen Nan immediately saw that the boat shaped jade was carved from a whole piece of jade. Such a large jade is extremely rare. After polishing, the value of carving is multiplied.

Although the jade is good, Chen Nan is not interested. He has two pieces of jade. One is also a jade boat, and the other is a jade inkstone. He either robbed it or sent it by others. Now he doesn't know who is keeping it, and he won't be interested in the boat shaped jade in front of him.

"Sixty million!"

As soon as the boat jade was displayed, someone immediately increased the price, and directly increased it by 10 million.

"65 million!"

"Seventy five million!"

The price soared all the way, and soon reached 80 million.

when the price reached this position, chennan knew about it. From the beginning to the end, no matter the three Japanese, or the paladins and blood clans, they didn't even raise their eyelids. Obviously, their target was not Chuanyu.During this period, Liu Meiyan also increased the price several times, but it can be seen that she was not interested. She increased the price several times and gave up when she saw that the price was on the high side. It can be seen that although she was a rich woman, she was a careful woman.

Finally, the boat jade was sold by a refined looking businessman on stage 9 for 85 million yuan.

The second item is a piece of jewelry handed down from the Tang Dynasty. It is exquisite and beautiful. Seeing this jewelry, Liu Meiyan's eyes suddenly lit up. But she was not in a hurry to offer. When the competition was almost over, no one would bid again. Liu Meiyan raised the price by 20 million, which shocked all the people present. She looked at Liu Meiyan one after another and saw that she was a very beautiful woman. Her eyes lit up and her love overflowed with words. Liu Meiyan's charm made many self righteous diamond Wang Laowu lose his temper.

No one bid at the scene. In the end, Liu Meiyan won the jewelry at a high price of 120 million yuan. Chen Nantong is very angry. She deserves to be the chairman of Meifu. She is very proud. She is willing to spend money for her favorite jewelry and her own beauty. She has paid such a high price.

"What do the rich women do with so much money? For us women, keeping youth is the most important thing! " Bingmei said in silence, with a trace of envy in her eyes.

"Well!" Chen Nan deeply agrees, especially for a woman like Liu Meiyan. A man has money to spend his time and drink. A widow of her who wants to travel around the world is in a state of depression, so it's understandable to spend money on her beauty. But one side of the head, Chen Nan saw ice Mei some disappointed expression, immediately understand her meaning, but he did not even buy jewelry for her, no wonder ice Mei some lost.

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