Bingmei catches chennan's embarrassment and nestles up to her. She fondly touches the pendant on her chest and says with a smile, "husband, in my eyes, nothing can match it. No matter how much money Mei Yanjie spends, she can't buy it, do you think?"

With that, Bingmei also intentionally or unintentionally glanced at Liu Meiyan.

"Well Good Women are so understanding, what can chennan say? She reached out and held her soft waist tenderly.

The auction will continue, the scene is very hot, and Chen Nan attention of the three groups of people from the beginning to the end did not hand, even squint eyes closed.

Finally, when the fifth item was put on the stage, the other customers didn't respond much, and the three groups of people on stage 7, 16 and 27 all opened their eyes and their eyes brightened up.

Chennan knew that it might be the antique belt. Sure enough, when the etiquette lady opened the silk cloth, a simple belt appeared in the tray, which was similar to the ancient jade belt in appearance, but with an indescribable texture and a trace of mystery.

On the surface, it is a common belt in ancient times. Even under the light, it is dim and has no luster. On the contrary, it gives people a feeling of nothingness.

"Isn't it just an ordinary belt? It's just an antique. It's nothing special! "

Chen Nan is curious. He slowly releases his divine consciousness and observes the belt carefully. After just a moment, Chen Nan is ecstatic. This belt is true, but it's a rare treasure for the practitioners. While it can be used as a belt, it also has a storage space. Because there are restrictions on it, the size of the space can not be determined, but the storage space is certain.

Chen Nan can't help but carefully recall the records in Hongyu. Hongyu records jiulunzhen's life experience. However, jiulunzhen's knowledge of natural resources and local treasures is recorded in it. Now his divine consciousness is not strong enough, so he can only see part of the contents, and this part of the contents is exactly the record of this belt.

This belt, which looks like a common belt, is called Yuanxu belt. It not only has hundreds of square meters of storage space, but also can reduce people's weight ten times if it is worn on the body. What's the concept of ten times? If you can jump one meter at ordinary times, you can jump more than ten meters after wearing a belt, which can make you light as a swallow and agile. Even ordinary people can come like rain and go like wind, let alone him.

The value of things in the realm of cultivation can't be measured by money. If you don't know the goods, you can sell hundreds of thousands of dollars as an antique. If you know the goods, you can sell tens of billions, which is not high.

The auctioneer may not know what it is, but he has the ability to fool everyone. The auctioneer looked down and said, "this is not an ordinary belt. According to the expert's judgment, it has existed for hundreds of years at least. The value of the collection is self-evident. The starting price is 800000 yuan, and each increase should not be less than 100000 yuan!"

Chen Nan also knows that he really has nothing to say, because he doesn't know what this thing is. Hundreds of square meters of storage space can no longer be measured by money, but also make the body as light as a swallow. For him, even if he can buy it for 10 billion yuan, he is willing to buy it. It's ridiculous because no one knows the goods, and the starting price is only 800000, which is probably high in their opinion.

After watching the belt, someone has started to quote: "900000!"

A man holding No. 10 plate shouts. Chen Nan looks at his expression. He is not urgent. He thinks it's just an ordinary antique.

"1.5 million!" Liu Meiyan raised the number plate and began to offer. It seems that she is also curious about the belt.

"Three million!" The sexy blonde among the paladins took the lead in raising the price to three million.

Although this woman has raised the price a lot, it's only a drop in the bucket compared with the value of the belt itself. It can be seen that she doesn't want to attract everyone's attention, and then competes to offer a relatively high price for others to retreat.

After all, they don't know much about it. There are not many real collectors. Most of them are for the purpose of profit appreciation, which exceeds their psychological expectations. Therefore, these people give up happily.

And the Japanese and vampires are waiting, not anxious to offer.

The three paladins all looked excited. They must have seen the difference of the belt. It would be a surprise for them if they could spend three million to get the belt.

Chennan see no one to offer again, suddenly raised the number plate, "3.1 million!"

Chen Nan is really eager for this belt. He has divine sense and knows how to use it. He can control the space completely. With the space of hundreds of meters, his pills, talismans, even pistols and rocket launchers can be put in. The purpose of his offer is to test the reaction of three groups of people. As a mercenary, it's not his style at all to compete with others clearly. To put it bluntly, it's their style to seize.

Almost at the same time, three groups of people's eyes swept over to him. They saw that the man and the woman just now were very ordinary. They all turned around and didn't attract their attention. After all, chennan only raised the price by 100000.Liu Meiyan hears Chen Nan's voice and looks to this side. She sees that he is interested in the belt and has some doubts. But when she sees Bingmei nestling by Chen Nan's side, her face suddenly turns pale and her mood is a little excited.

"Three hundred and one thousand times!"

"3.1 million twice!"

The auctioneer raised his hammer and was about to fall. A cold voice came from the corner and said, "twenty million!"


People's eyes turned to the three foreign handsome men on stage 27, and the three paladins also turned their eyes to them. After a slight consternation, the blonde's eyes flashed a vicious color. Chen Nan looks at the expression to know that this female Knight saw the origin of three handsome boys.

In fact, the Crusade was a war against the blood clan by the Catholic emperor, which resulted in heavy losses to the blood clan. Since then, in order to conserve their energy, the vampires went underground and rarely carried out aboveboard activities. Now the blood clan people are sitting here. As a natural opponent, no one knows more about vampires than paladins. They just pay a little attention to them and find out their fate origin.

"If you want this belt, I will support you!" Ice Mei waved a small fist, high interest.

Chen Nan waved his hand and spent millions to buy it back. If he spent tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of yuan to compete with others, he was a mercenary. He was ready to rob.

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