The auctioneer was so excited that he didn't expect that a humble belt would fetch 20 million yuan. It seemed that someone recognized the value of the belt, so he immediately bewitched, "see, three foreign guests on stage 27 bid 20 million yuan. It can be seen that several foreign friends have found the value of the belt. Is there anyone else increasing the price?"

No need for him to bewitch, the Japanese led by the middle directly raised the price, "30 million!" Then the Japanese's exquisite eyes kept scanning the two groups of foreigners, and the sudden appearance of two groups of foreigners seemed to surprise him.

"Forty million!" Paladins raised the price by 10 million again.

Everyone's eyes were wide open in surprise. A belt that was just an antique was photographed from 800000 to 400000, which made them feel incredible. Although they realized that it might be good, after all, the price was beyond the psychological endurance of ordinary people, and no one offered any more.

The hall quieted down again. Just when people thought it would be sold by 40 million yuan, a plain female voice came again: "60 million!"

When people looked around, they saw that it was the lady who had made the final decision just now. Even the Japanese also cast strange eyes at Liu Meiyan. Liu Meiyan's manner was flat, calm, as always noble and elegant. It was difficult to see anything from her appearance, and there was no doubt that she was a strong woman.

In fact, Liu Meiyan is not for her own sake. She is not interested in the belt. The reason why she wants to raise the price by 20 million yuan is that she sees that Chen Nan seems to be interested in the belt. Chen Nan saved her, and helped her a lot. She wanted to take a picture of it and give it to her, which can be regarded as a comfort to her heart.

It's just that although her price is very high, it's still nothing for paladins and vampires who want to win.

"Seventy million!" The handsome guy on the 27th raised the price by 10 million again.

"80 million!" The blonde's tone was flat, and she raised the price quietly.

Liu Mei smoke stealthily swept an eye Chen south, see his interest seem not very big, also gave up the offer. I do not know why, the Japanese stall, it seems difficult to understand such a high price, also gave up to continue to increase prices.

"120 million!" A handsome man on 27 has a firm eye and is determined to win.

The blonde's sexy lips conjure up an enchanting radian, smile indifferently, and raise the number plate again: "150 million!"

150 million, the people in the hall are all stupid. You know, the starting price is only 800000, and there are two groups of foreigners bidding. It's totally difficult for people to understand. They all stare and become spectators. They even hope that the person who finally photographed the belt can give them some popular science about the difference of the belt, which makes many experts lose their eyes. Of course, some people think that the foreigner is a big wrongdoer, and they are going to listen to it as a joke in the future.

"Two hundred million!" The handsome guy on stage 27 is obviously well prepared, with strong self-confidence in his cold eyes.

The blonde, with her beautiful blue eyes, looked in the direction of stage 27. She flashed a sharp kill in her eyes and raised the number plate again, "230 million!"

"250 million!" Vampires did not hesitate to raise prices again, looking at the girl's eyes with a trace of contempt.

The hall was booed, and the price of 250 million yuan exploded again. The auctioneer was also silly. The price was completely beyond his estimation. The starting price was 800000 yuan, and the auction price was 250 million yuan. Is that too outrageous? Because of the shock, the auctioneer forgot to drop the hammer when he saw that no one was bidding again.

"Hum!" The blonde snorted, and suddenly stood up. Three foreigners on stage 16 came out and looked at the vampires.

The three handsome men sneered scornfully, revealing a mouthful of white teeth. The white teeth were dazzling under the light. No one had ever seen a man have such perfect teeth. A few women were even fascinated by the three handsome men and began to discharge electric discharge and wink at them.

In the end, the auctioneer hammered down, and the seemingly ordinary belt was sold by the handsome man of Taiwan 27 for 250 million yuan and delivered on the spot.

Liu Meiyan a pair of beautiful eyes once again looked at the eye Chen south, see his breeze light cloud pale appearance, in the heart relaxed tone, secretly thought he to this belt interest is not very big, so quoted a price to give up.

The auction is still going on, and the three handsome men on stage 27, after going through the handover procedures, have a beautiful square box in their hands. The color is very bright, which is obviously a back match. Two handsome men will take the box in the middle of the man, no longer nostalgia, quickly walked out of the hall.

Three Japanese also did not stay, at the same time step out of the hall, Chen Nan a pull ice Mei's hand, two people also followed out.

A bodyguard looked back at chennan, then gathered in the middle of the Japanese ear said a few words, a few people did not move forward, but turned to another direction to leave.

Chen Nan looks at the Japanese's back and shows a thoughtful expression. Then she turns around and takes Bing Mei to chase several vampires. The expression of paladins before leaving has already explained everything. There must be a fierce battle outside.

In the hall, Liu Meiyan sees chennan and Bingmei leave. She's inexplicably upset. Although she's still sitting there dignified and elegant, she doesn't want to auction any more. Her mind is very messy.Chennan with ice Mei did not chase far, see six blood people and enough eight Paladins in confrontation, obviously both sides have someone to answer, came to help. Chen South let ice Mei stealth, wait and see in the dark, satisfy curiosity, he is quietly lurking in the past.

The blonde glanced at each other and said: "call out your belt. I'll give you a way to live. Otherwise, hum, you don't want to go back. Huaxia is your burial place." At the same time, eight paladins surrounded them in a fan.

There was a middle-aged man at the head of the other side. He thought he had someone on his side to take care of him. The plan was perfect, but he didn't expect that the paladins were more than his side. He was slightly surprised, but he was not afraid in the face of danger. He sneered: "grace, you can buy it with your money. This is what we photographed. Why can I give it to you? Don't you paladins claim justice? Is your so-called justice to block the way and rob other people's things? "

Grace gave a scornful smile: "Saxon, do you dark creatures who suck human blood deserve to talk about justice? It's the paladin's duty to destroy you. After your death, the ownerless things will be ours

"Shameless people who boast of justice!" Saxon sneered: "snatching other people's things and winning with more is your so-called morality and justice?"

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