"Qingxue, your dance is so beautiful. I envy it. When can you teach me?"

After singing and dancing, Nalan Shiyu comes forward to talk with Yao Qingxue. They stand hand in hand and look at the children with a smile, just like a pair of close sisters.

Suddenly, Nalan poetry language found Chen Nan, who was in a daze. Nalan poetry language seemed to be played up by Yao Qingxue. She was in a good mood and said with a smile: "chennan, come here, I'll introduce you!"

Chen South action machinery, all don't know oneself how walk past of, so silly came to Na LAN poem language in front.

Nalan said with a smile: "Qingxue is the image ambassador of the orphanage. Children like to play with her most. I also like to be with her. When I am with her, I seem to forget the troubles of the world and the tiredness of work. Her singing can wash my heart..."

Nalan kept on talking. Seeing chennan's head down and silent, he was a bit disappointed. But the words had already been exported, so he had to introduce them to him. He turned around and said, "Qingxue, I'll introduce you Well... "

Nalan Shiyu turns around and finds that Yao Qingxue's figure is missing. Looking up, the elegant figure is disappearing at the door. The lonely figure seems to be desolate and lonely.

"If life is just like seeing for the first time, what's the matter with autumn wind and painting fan?" When he walked out of the yard, Yao Qingxue burst into tears.

"Clear snow Chen South suddenly walked forward a few steps, seem to stretch out a hand to want to grasp what.

"A rogue who can't walk when he sees a beautiful woman!" Nalan said coldly, "you can't be restrained. You don't have to be so obvious to pick up girls."

Chen Nan suddenly wake up, "she doesn't want to be with me, she is not that Yao Qingxue after all!" Chen Nan sighs in his heart, and Sheng stops.

After this incident, Nalan Shiyu's good mood is gone. He accompanies the children for a while, gives them gifts, and leaves the dean. After returning to the villa, he puts chennan home and goes to work overtime alone.

Chen Nan is not in a good mood. He lies on the bed and looks at the ceiling. The angel like figure always lingers in his mind. The day goes by like this. Only on the afternoon of the weekend, Chen Nan receives Jin Xiangyu's phone call and says that in order to express her gratitude, she has to invite him to dinner and thank him for signing a big order for herself.

Chennan refused, but had to promise down, because the mood is not very good, chennan did not drive, all the way to the designated restaurant.

Kim Xiangyu set up a small room specially, two people sat down in the private room, ordered the dishes, and Jin Xiangyu also asked for a bottle of Baijiu.

Chen Nan wry smile, "is worthy of female public relations, even gentle implicative Jin Xiangyu can drink white."

After a few cups of wine, Jin Xiangyu seems to be drunk, and her beautiful eyes become moist and blurred. Her cheeks are flushed, and her drunken and hazy state is more bright and moving. Tasting the wine, she tells chennan a lot about herself.

Jin Xiangyu was born in a mountain village. Her parents are both native to the mountains. She lives in poverty. Moreover, she has a boyfriend who is studying abroad. The living expenses of going to school are all borne by her. That's why she is so anxious to sign this list. As a result, she almost lost herself by the sex wolf.

Chen Nan is dumb however, no wonder this wench so desperately, originally the pressure is so big, can't help but smile way: "foreign isn't all work study?"? You have to support your boyfriend to go to school? "

"I can't help but get used to it. He is my first love. Although he has many shortcomings, I still can't bear him!" Said words, the gold fragrant jade water Mou pulse looked at the eye Chen south, shameful smile a way: "if I knew you early, certainly choose you!"

With that, Jin Xiangyu's face became more red and she lowered her head silently.

Chen Nan just laughs at this. Jin Xiangyu must love her boyfriend very much. Otherwise, how could she have to bear his expensive tuition.

After dinner, out of the restaurant, Chen Nan just turned to leave, Jin Xiangyu suddenly cried: "Chen Nan!"

"Ha ha, what's the matter with Xiaoyu?" Chen Nan is a little strange in the heart, this Niu originally is to call South elder brother, now how suddenly call oneself of name?

Jin Xiangyu doesn't answer. She goes forward with a red face and suddenly sticks up a deep hug for him. The girl hugs her actively. Chennan has to respond. Her body is very soft and slim. Although the size of the jade rabbit in front of her chest is not very big, it is tight and soft. The amazing elasticity of the compression and the attractive red lips with the aroma of wine make chennan's abdomen suddenly hot I held her tightly.

Feeling the man's embrace, Jin Xiangyu's body is hot, and her delicate body trembles slightly. Chen Nanxin says that you don't have a boyfriend. It's as sensitive as if you haven't touched a man.

After embracing for a moment, Jin Xiangyu breaks free from his arms, lowers her head, charmingly closes her hair in front of her forehead, then turns around and leaves. Without saying hello, she gets on the bus and leaves.

"Ha ha!" Chen Nan grins bitterly and shakes her head. This girl is really strange, but she feels really good. She looks at her car and turns back to the villa. She is not in the mood to do anything. She continues to lie on the bed and looks at the sky.

On Monday morning, chennan got up and practiced his gun in the yard. He got up and went to work.Once in the public relations department, because Jin Xiangyu signed a large order, whether chennan picked up a business card or not, it was all his credit. Not only ol, but also Chi wanting was polite to him.

"Brother chennan, when can I pick up a business card for my sister?"

"Pick up a business card for my sister, too!"

"Brother Nan, don't forget your brother if you have a good thing!" Even Guan fatty, who didn't know which woman to talk to on wechat, didn't forget to go back and say a word.

There, Jin Xiangyu, with a shy smile, bowed her head and said nothing.

After waiting for OL to enter the working state, chennan suddenly feels restless, as if something is going to happen. Chennan immediately gets up and walks out of the public relations department without hesitation. Without taking the elevator, she runs upstairs to the president's office.

"The president is not here!" The female secretary in the card seat sees Chen Nan coming over and immediately stands up to stop. If at ordinary times, Chen Nan may think that she is prevaricating, but now he doesn't think so. He thinks that his uneasiness will come true, and immediately asks: "where has the president gone?"

After all, the president had met chennan in person. Seeing that he was worried, the little secretary didn't hide it. He immediately said, "the president and assistant Murong are out, maybe Go to... "

"Where did you go, you hurt faster?" Chen Nan grabs his V-collar. The little secretary is scared and says with a sad face: "I I don't know. "

"NIMA!" Chennan almost didn't throw her out. She took out the phone and tried to dial Nalan Shiyu's mobile phone. As soon as she put her hand on the button, the phone rang first. Chennan saw that it was Nalan Shiyu's number. Seeing this number, chennan not only didn't relax, but also felt more and more crisis. She immediately pressed the answer button.

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