What came from the phone was not the voice of Nalan poetry, but the voice of a gloomy man: "chennan, your wife is in my hand."

"Wei Xiangming!" Years of killer career, training is to listen to the sound of the ability to distinguish people, although it is only sound waves, the voice is a little different, but the other side obviously did not deliberately change the voice, chennan immediately recognized that it is Wei Xiangming's voice.

"Is your ear good? I tell you, not only your wife is in my hands, but also a Murong assistant. Ha ha, two cold beauties are very attractive, and their breasts are very attractive... "

"Cut the crap. What do you want?"

"You just believe me? You're not afraid I'm lying to you? Don't you need to hear their voices to confirm? " The other side seems to be on the alert.

Chen Nan realized that he was too worried, stabilized his mood and said: "of course, I will believe you Wei Da Shao. Can you make up a story to cheat me? What's more, you're using a poetry phone. Come on, what do you want? "

"Ha ha, boy, you are wise. Do you think I will be short of money? How much money will I kidnap women for? You look down on me, too! "

Chennan immediately understood, the other party this is to revenge, suppress anger, try to make the voice keep calm way: "say, what do you want?"

"What do I want? Hum, come to wharf 9 and warehouse 23 immediately. Remember, if you come alone and dare to call the police, you will never see your wife. Ha ha, this is the first iceberg beauty in Shanghai. Are you willing, boy? "

Wei Xiangming is extremely arrogant and hangs up the phone. Since he was beaten by Chen Nan, he has been thinking about revenge. One of the reasons why Chen Nan came here is for revenge. The most important thing is to make women in front of her husband. Only in this way can he have a sense of achievement and experience great excitement and happiness. This is a hobby of Wei Da Shao.

Chen Nan goes downstairs without saying anything. The little secretary behind him is scared by Chen Nan. He says that the man is too rude. He grabs the phone to ask for the security guard. Seeing his anxious appearance, he realizes that he has something to do. He hesitates and puts it down.

Xiao Fukang drives out of the garage like Fei and goes straight to the sea. Along the way, chennan quickly sorts out the information about the kidnapping. Wei Xiangming's bodyguard has lost his leg, so it's impossible for him to take part in the kidnapping. If Wei Xiangming takes two women to the container terminal alone in broad daylight, he won't believe it, since he's not alone, That means he asked for help again.

His skill Wei Xiangming has seen it, and now he dares to let himself go openly, which shows that he is fully prepared and not afraid of himself at all, so he should be careful. Think through these, Chen South double eyes shoot out cold light, the brain is more and more calm.

The sea is boundless and blue. The waves are beating on the beach, splashing silver water in the sun, and the moist air is coming. A small fukangfei usually gallops on the beach with a yellow line filled with smoke. Its speed is no slower than the ordinary sedan.

Although the car is second-hand, Chen Nan specially let himself know in the shantytown. His friend Xiao erhei, who runs a repair shop, refitted it. All the four tires are Ferrari's Pirelli tires. The four cylinder engine has been changed to six cylinders and equipped with a four-wheel drive system. The power is very strong. 8L car can't match, plus Fukang's light load, the speed is naturally extremely fast.

After about ten minutes of galloping northward along the beach, wharf No. 9 appears in front of it. It is full of containers and large machinery, and rusty pylons stand in it.

Chen Nan stops the car, goes in and walks through the containers. Because it is a mechanical operation with a high degree of automation, there are few workers in the container group, which is also the reason why criminals like to choose the location here.

According to the row number, chennan quickly found No. 23 warehouse in the depth of the container group. Chennan uses the container as a cover to scan the warehouse. There is no one at the door or around. By intuition, chennan believes that there must be someone ambushing in the dark. Maybe there are rifles, sniper guns and other medium and long-range shooting weapons.

Although worried about the safety of Nalan Shiyu and Murong qinger, chennan knows that the more urgent this kind of moment is, the more urgent it is. There is an open space around warehouse 23. Even if he rushes in rashly, he may be ambushed by the enemy.

Although he has divine sense, but such a long distance also can't sweep in, Chen Nan leans next to an abandoned container, unties the wrist watch, aims at the warehouse.

This watch is not only a watch, it is actually a specially made high-precision equipment made in Germany, which has many functions such as thermal imaging, recording, photographing, USB flash disk, mobile phone, satellite positioning and navigation. It is a perfect combination of modern high-end technology and traditional applications. The product is small, delicate and highly concealed. The price of this watch alone exceeds 10 million US dollars.

Targeting the warehouse, chennan quickly finds more than a dozen people ambushing in the warehouse. At the same time, he can also make sure that Nalan Shiyu and Murong qinger are not in danger for the time being.

Chennan long tone, since there is no danger, for a long time did not play cat and mouse game, ye will accompany you to have a good time.

Damn, it's always Lao Tzu who kidnaps others. Now someone kidnaps her own woman. Although she doesn't admit it, she was still her own woman one night. It seems that Lao Tzu has not been in the world for a long time, and there is no legend of elder brother in the world. She dares to make a decision to kidnap her ancestors. Today, I'm going to take you out.Chen Nan can't help but send out a fierce air. He quickly detours to the warehouse to avoid the ambush sentry. He quickly comes to the warehouse and stealthily pushes a window to flash in.

Two minutes later, Chen Nan swaggered at the door of the warehouse and pushed open the door of the warehouse. The warehouse smelled damp and moldy. The sunlight came in through the old window. On the middle chair, Nalan Shiyu and Murong qinger were tied back to back on the chair. They couldn't see each other. Although their hair was a bit messy, their clothes were still neat.

Next to them stood Wei Xiangming, talking to seven or eight young men in camouflage clothes. These people are holding AK47, Mauser rifle, VERP rifle and other weapons. Only one man is wearing a light green vest, jungle combat suit and military boots. On his belt is a Smith Wilson M500 double action revolver, which is known as the most powerful in the world today.

"No wonder Wei Xiangming is so arrogant. He hired a lot of mercenaries. There are more than 20 of them. They are all heavy guys." Chen South footstep didn't stop, straight to two female walk past.

Several mercenaries glanced at him with disdain on their faces. Wei Xiangming, seeing chennan coming in, hid behind subconsciously. "Suri, this is the man. You control him. I want to get his wife in front of him. That girl will be rewarded to my brothers!"

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