Nalan poetry language and Murong Qing'er see the door a bright, will also look over, see is chennan, Murong Qing'er eyes a bright, spirit inspired a lot, immediately a cry: "chennan!"

But Nalan Shiyu's face showed a look of depression. In her opinion, in front of these murderers with weapons, chennan came and was also killed. She even cried out solemnly: "chennan, what are you doing here? Let's go

Seeing his wife's crisis, he was still worried about himself. He said with a smile: "poetry, don't worry. Since you are my wife one day, you will always be my wife. I won't let you suffer any harm!"

Hearing chennan's words, Nalan Shiyu's heart is shocked. A blush rises on Bingyan's face. Although this person is good for nothing, he still thinks about himself at the critical moment. Even if he knows he will die, he will save himself. Unconsciously, Nalan Shiyu's eyes are full of tears.

"Is the president his wife?"

Hear chennan's words, and then think of what Wei Xiangming said before, Murong qinger where don't know his boss is actually the wife of this little pr. I feel sorry for myself. I still want to show my senior management status in front of him. My wife is the president. What can I show? No wonder Nalan Shiyu advises him to stay away from chennan. It turns out that this is his husband, but why does he want to be a little public relations? Although she did not understand, one thing was certain that Nalan was his wife.

Thinking of this, Murong qinger sighed, "I've been waiting for so many years, but this man is still robbed by others, and it's my boss. Why is my destiny so bad? If it's someone else, it's better to be quiet, but this woman is my boss, ah..."

At this moment, she completely forgot the danger around her, and she also believed that since this man came here, he must have a way to solve the problem in front of him. This is a kind of trust from the bone, which has been planted since his girlhood.

"Wei Shao, are we overqualified to send out our Langya mercenary regiment? I can kill him with one finger! " The man named Suri shook his head disdainfully. He didn't even move the large left wheel around his waist. What's more, he spoke Burmese.

"Wolf tooth mercenary, Suri?" Hearing the conversation, chennan can't help laughing,

Wei Xiangming said: "Suri, don't take it lightly, this man is very dangerous!"

"Brush!" Several guns aimed at Chen Nan at the same time, the two women's hearts suddenly contracted.

Chen Nan didn't seem to see it. He casually hooked his fingers to the head mercenary and said in Burmese: "Suri, come with me!"

Finish saying, Chen South self-care walked to the outside, that air isn't afraid of him not to follow at all, more to several black holes of muzzle turn a blind eye.

Hearing chennan calling his name in Burmese, not only Surui, but also several mercenaries were stunned. Seeing chennan's calm posture, Surui subconsciously follows up, but he feels a trace of danger and puts his hand on the Weisen M500 large left wheel at his waist.

"How do you know my name?" Su Rui stood opposite Chen Nan with a much more restrained attitude.

Chen Nanfeng light cloud light way: "your leader is called Dan? He sent you? "

"Who are you?" Listen to Chen south a call out the eldest brother's name, and don't have the slightest respect of meaning, Su Rui tone immediately nervous.

"You don't have to be nervous!" Chen Nan smiles calmly, reaches for his hand and presses it on his waist. Then he raises his hand. A wolf head badge has been absorbed on his palm. Although the wolf head is small, its ferocious momentum is extremely shocking, and there are complex words carved around it

although others can't understand the words above, Su Rui can understand it. Although he hasn't seen the wolf head, the meaning of the words above is not clear It has been deeply rooted in the hearts of every member of the wolf tooth mercenary regiment, just like the minister saw the jade seal. Don't you know what it means? Thinking of Chen Nan's arrogance, Su Rui immediately identified him.

This wolf head represents the supreme king in their heart. Although he is only a legend, it is the belief of every wolf tooth mercenary. It is because of him that the wolf tooth mercenary regiment can stand up and be active in every corner of the world.

"My great wolf king, Su Rui, please forgive me for my rudeness." Su Rui's legs softened, so she knelt down involuntarily, touched the ground with her head and worshiped devoutly.

"Get up, why are you here?" Chen South lightly says.

Su Rui stood up in fear to see the supreme king in his heart. He was so excited that he didn't know what to say. It took him a long time to ease up and respectfully said, "my boss and I Er Dan was originally living along the border between China and Myanmar. Because he was close to China, he had a certain connection with the Wei family in the capital and was often employed by them to do some work. Wei Xiangming arranged the entry this time. "

Chen Nan finally understood why her mercenary branch would kidnap her own woman. She had a cooperative relationship with the Wei family in the capital. She waved her hand and said, "the cooperation with the Wei family will be cancelled in the future, but the people of the Wei family will no longer be employed by them!""Yes, my great king!" Su Rui said respectfully, bowed his head again and said, "supreme wolf king, brothers have always admired you. Now we finally have a chance to let them see you!"

Chen Nan coolly a smile, for the hand of this desire is necessary to meet, micro a nod. Suri immediately called out, "brothers, come out!"

But yelled for a long time did not respond, not from a Leng. Chen Nan handy a finger: "your vigilance still needs to strengthen, you open that storehouse door!"

Su Rui didn't understand. He pulled the door of the warehouse open. He was dumbfounded. He saw that his more than ten brothers had been tied into rice dumplings and thrown in the warehouse. What's more, he didn't hear anything. The cold sweat immediately came down. Soon he realized that it was the king's doing. He was shocked and admired. The king's ability was far away It's not something you can match.

He immediately went in and untied the ropes on the brothers. He told them a few words, and a group of people came out with great reverence to see their king.

After the visit, Su Rui said, "king, what do you think about Wei Xiangming?" Since they no longer intend to cooperate with the Wei family, they no longer need to be afraid of the Wei family's influence.

"Sink, you leave immediately, don't be entangled by the Dragon Emperor's team, lest cause unnecessary trouble!" Chen Nanfeng light cloud light finish saying, step into the warehouse, Wei Xiangming dare to hit his own woman, Chen Nan how can leave disaster?

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