"Bodyguard?" With a strange expression on her face, Liu Meiyan looked at chennan and Nalan Shiyu, but did not respond. She and Nalan Shiyu walked into the banquet hall side by side.

Chennan speechless at the same time, but also understand that his wife has not yet fully accepted himself, so it is completely understandable, had to also follow into the hall.

"Mei Yan!" A middle-aged man in a suit and shoes, with elegant face and gold glasses, greets Liu Meiyan and extends his hand to her.

Liu Meiyan frowned slightly, but she didn't shake hands with him. Instead, she said with a professional smile: "it's secretary Huang. You manage everything every day. How dare you take it out in person?"

Secretary Huang chuckled, "as a member of the municipal government, it's also right to welcome and express sympathy to the enterprise managers."

It seems that in order to cover up the embarrassment, Secretary Huang reaches out his hand to Nalan poetry. This is the mayor's big secretary. One person only goes down, ten thousand people are above, and the mayor's Junior is a senior. Although many documents are written in the name of the mayor, they are actually written by the big secretary. It's self-evident that his status is lofty. Nalan poetry must be given face. He gives a slight nod to Nalan poetry and shows his white face The white scallion finger shook with him and quickly retracted.

Behind Chen Nan a burst of disdain, so many entrepreneurs come in, also did not see him and who shake hands, are superior posture, please Liu Meiyan posture is self-evident, but he said so high sounding, worthy of the official ah, under the nose two mouth, how to say.

As a valet, chennan naturally has no chance to get close to the mayor, the municipal Party committee, the book, but it is not as if there is no food to eat, and is arranged in the corner. The city attached great importance to this banquet. The mayor and the secretary took their wives to attend the banquet. They had a cordial conversation with entrepreneurs and toasted each other. They were very angry and harmonious.

Because of the Secretary and the mayor, although the banquet was very rich, everyone was very formal, and no one touched a table of dishes. So were the secretaries and their attendants. They were very elegant.

Chen Nan doesn't care about it. She throws off her cheeks and eats. Compared with other quiet secretaries, Chen Nan is definitely a different kind of person, which makes other secretaries and assistants of the boss despise him secretly. She says that this starving ghost is really humiliating to your boss. It's like he hasn't had a meal in his eight life.

At the banquet, all the CEOs of the enterprises toasted and talked with each other. The officials exchanged cordially with the CEOs. Chennan noticed that the City Secretary repeatedly wanted to have a conversation with Liu Meiyan alone. Liu Meiyan had a formulaic conversation with him, and didn't give him a chance to have a conversation alone.

"It seems that there's a long way to go for the mayor's secretary to pursue the chairman of Meifu." Chen Nan poured a glass of Baijiu into it, and felt a little uncomfortable, so that the assistant secretaries were displeased. The couple had not eaten the food and had not drunk the wine. But the wine of this wine was really good.

Not only them, but also He Jing, Liu Meiyan's secretary, was not pleased with him. He said that Nalan poetry always had a good face. How could he find such a person to be a bodyguard? And he also has a lover. It's really lucky that this kind of person can have such a noble and beautiful lover. It's really blind.

Several people are disdaining, but see Tang secretary and his wife came over, the Secretary's wife eyes can not suppress the ecstasy, a few steps to chennan, "Mr. Chen, how can you be here?"

Chen Nan lazily raised his head, "I'm the president's attendant, this lady, what can I do for you?"

I'm just staring at the secretary. I can't help but talk to him.

Can let them surprised still behind, Tang Secretary actually personally stretched out a hand to Chen Nan: "little brother, I am Tang Lianfeng, can you take a step to talk?"

"Well Who is Tang Lianfeng? " Chen Nan looks puzzled.

As soon as they covered their faces, they said that this man was too good. They didn't know Secretary Tang when they came to the banquet. But the Secretary and his wife were so respectful to him. It's really evil.

"Ha ha!" Tang Lianfeng laughed and was embarrassed, but after all, he was the head of the municipal Party committee and the municipal government, who was in charge of the official's hat. He quickly adjusted his mood and said with a calm smile, "I'm the municipal Party committee, the book and the record of the city. Can you speak with me, little brother?"

"Oh, it's secretary Tang. Nice to meet you Chen Nan stretched out his hand and shook the Secretary, said: "in this case, I will give you face, then let's take a step to talk!"

The secretaries and assistants are completely speechless. In my heart, they are either secretaries or assistants. It's amazing that this guy is so arrogant when he knows it's secretary Tang.

They think so, but Secretary Tang doesn't think so. He thinks that all talented people are eccentric, just like Pang Tong of the Three Kingdoms, and Zhuge Liang is just like that. Liu Bei wants to invite them three times. Chen Nan Yue is like this, which shows that he is sure to cure his daughter's disease. The official has already had a pair of eyes. How can he not see that Chen Nan is pretending? He knew that he was dissatisfied with himself and deliberately made this appearance.

The madam just discovered Chen south of time already told him, this is to rescue Tang Jin benefactor. Tang Jin is his only daughter. No matter how big the official is, he is also a father in front of his family, so he can never be impatient or angry with chennan.Accompanied by the Secretary and his wife, chennan slowly walks to a room. The assistant secretaries' eyes are no longer disdainful, but worship and respect. The arrogant figure is getting bigger and bigger in their eyes. They can see that this seemingly lazy man is not ordinary people at all. Otherwise, can they make the Secretary and his wife so respectful?

Entering the room, Mrs. Tang said eagerly: "brother Chen, my daughter is unconscious after being treated by doctor he. Please help her!"

Chen Nan said, "didn't I tell you that this disease can only be treated by doctor Shen Qiuhe? How did you change to a doctor? At his level, it's strange that your daughter is not in a coma! "

Mrs. Tang blushed and said in embarrassment, "brother Chen, it's my fault. Please help my daughter."

"Cough!" Tang Lianfeng coughed softly, "little brother, you must save my daughter. If you have any requirements, please mention them. I will try my best to do it!"

"Try your best?" Chen South shows the color of impatience, shake hands to want to leave.

Secretary Tang said that it was really hard for him to wait on him. He quickly grabbed chennan and said, "I'm not trying my best, I'll do it!"

"Ha ha!" Chen Nan suddenly laughed, "in that case, Secretary Tang, madam, we Ming people don't talk in secret. Only doctor Shen can cure this disease. Go and invite her."

"Won't you go?" Tang Madame explores to ask a way, after all is Chen nan to save to wake up own daughter, he don't go, she in the heart have no bottom.

…… (two shifts in a row, thanks to all the friends who have been praising and voting for the beauty chairman. Today, there are four shifts, and there are two shifts at noon and evening)

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