"I'll give Dr. Shen a hand!" Chen Nan said with a smile.

The Secretary's wife is not what ordinary people can be. There must be a smart woman behind a great man. Shen Qiuhe is just a practical student. At this time, she can't see that chennan is trying to hold Shen Qiuhe in high esteem and secretly pulls down her husband.

Secretary Tang immediately understood and said, "let's invite you now."

Chen Nan waved his hand: "tomorrow, it's too late today. Doctor Shen should have had a rest. Don't disturb her."

"Then my daughter won't be in danger, will she?" Two people are not at ease.

"It's OK. It doesn't matter if you delay one day. Doctor Shen is good at medicine. You can rest assured that the needle can get rid of the disease."

Chennan this words export, shantytown shenqiuhe room, shenqiuhe suddenly even hit two small sneeze, heart said in the middle of the night who have nothing to care about me?

After a few words of conversation, the three agreed to see a doctor tomorrow. After all, there are so many businessmen outside. Secretary Tang and his wife walked out of the room immediately.

In a short time, Secretary Tang announced that the banquet was over. When Nalan Shiyu came out, chennan had been waiting in the car to avoid being embarrassed by Liu Meiyan. After Nalan Shiyu got on the car, chennan immediately drove back to the villa.

Kidnapped, and attend the dinner, Nalan poetry language also tired, rare to chennan said hello, to go back to the room to rest, but listen to chennan: "wife, tomorrow I ask for a leave!"

I thought my wife would cross examine me, but I didn't expect that Nalan Shiyu agreed very happily, "yes, but I'll come back early tomorrow night. Do you hear me? Or I won't forgive you! "

Although her voice is still a little cold, but compared with the past has been very gentle, but not the kind of ordinary women's voice, so it seems a little cold.

Chen Nan looks at his wife's back and thinks a lot of assumptions, but he doesn't understand what his wife is going to do tomorrow night. Moreover, his tone is so serious that he shakes his head to have a rest.


In the morning of the next day, Tang Lianfeng called the president of the municipal hospital on his mobile phone and scolded: "Xu Wenguang, do you want to be the president? If you don't want to do it, get out of the way. If you want to do it, go to the shantytown and get Dr. Shen Qiuhe back to me! "

"Pa!" Secretary Tang hung up.

The gray haired Dean Xu was scolded and confused. He was busy studying all day, and the affairs in the hospital were all in the charge of the vice president. He didn't know that there was Shen Qiuhe.

It's not a small thing for the municipal Party committee to call in person. What does the Secretary of the municipal Party committee do? Director Xu immediately mobilized the whole hospital. After an investigation, he found out that there was a doctor Shen in the Department of Neurology who wanted to be a doctor. But that was before, and now he has been expelled.

Lao Xu was sweating when he first started. If this matter is not handled properly, the Secretary's official hat will be gone. He has worked hard all his life, and his life will be in danger. Therefore, president Xu immediately summoned the high-level leaders, President, vice president, secretary and director of Neurology Department of the hospital to rush to the shantytowns to invite people. Unfortunately, no one knew the way.

The director of the Department of Neurology called all the staff in the Department for a meeting. It was not bad. Finally, someone went to doctor Shen's home. Ouyang Feifei, the deputy head nurse, had a very good relationship with Shen Qiuhe, and had been to the shantytown several times.

A large group of people immediately led by Ouyang Feifei to the shantytowns.

Today, the shantytown is boiling. The front yard of Shen's family is full of people. Almost all the high-rise buildings of the hospital are out. There is a lot of white hair. As we all know, there is a great girl in the Shen family. After she was dismissed, the hospital leaders invited her in person.

In a short time, an Audi A6 with No.1 license plate of the municipal Party committee also drove into the shantytown. Tang Shuji originally wanted to keep a low profile, but only brought his wife, secretary and a bodyguard. However, he didn't expect that the hospital had such a strong lineup, which shocked the whole shantytown. In the end, even the reporters arrived and surrounded the Shen family for three storeys and three extra storeys. He couldn't keep a low profile.

Old Shen and his wife are confused. They are two laid-off workers. When did they see such a strong private visiting lineup? Even Shen Qiuhe was stunned. Originally, Chen Nan thought he was joking, but he didn't expect to come. Really, this lineup is bigger than the limit she could think of. Even the Secretary of the municipal Party committee and his wife came in person. They were moved and at a loss.

The whole family was busy serving tea and pouring water, but the bowls were not enough, so they had to go to the neighbor's house to borrow them. There was no room in the living room, and the yard was full of stools. There were cordial voices of sympathy and apology everywhere, inviting Shen Qiuhe to return.

The municipal Party committee, the book and the record arrived. All the people lined up to welcome, clapping and flashing lights. The reporters faithfully recorded this touching moment with the camera.

Secretary Tang, who is so resourceful, is willing to do justice for a practicing doctor. People's eyes are filled with tears and cry out for master Qingtian. Many people prostrate on the ground and worship him. Bao Qingtian is a good official of the people. He is crying in tears.

Secretary Tang and his wife took the old couple's hands and warmly invited Shen Qiuhe back to work. Leaders of the hospital warmly welcomed young and promising doctors back to work to contribute to the medical cause of our city and contribute to the construction of a new civilized city in Shanghai and Shanghai. The municipal Party committee and government will pay serious attention to this matter.The old couple held the hands of the Secretary and the Secretary's wife. Their hands and feet trembled and their lips trembled. They couldn't say a word. They were speechless and had only two lines of tears.

Secretary Tang also expressed his sympathy to the people in the shantytowns. He warmly shook hands and had a cordial conversation with several elders and aunts. He said that he would pay close attention to the demolition work in the shantytowns and let them live in spacious and bright buildings as soon as possible. The people were filled with tears and crying.

Finally, Shen Qiuhe left the shantytown in the No.1 Car of the municipal Party committee. Behind him are the smiling faces of the villagers, waving and waving. Then they swarmed into the courtyard of the old Shen family, and the relatives who hadn't been around for eight years also came. The Shen family, which was usually a small family, suddenly became lively.

The villagers all sighed: "the Golden Phoenix is flying out of the shantytowns!"

To welcome the motorcade to the municipal hospital, Secretary Tang immediately dismissed the irrelevant personnel and asked Shen Qiuhe to treat his daughter. Chen Nan has been waiting in the hospital as doctor Shen's temporary deputy. President Xu announced on the spot that Shen Qiuhe would be Tang Jin's attending doctor.

Seeing chennan, Shen Qiuhe is excited, but at the same time, he is very nervous. If the disease can't be cured, Shen Qiuhe has no face to go back.

Shen Qiuhe and a few simple conversation, Chen Nan alone Tang Secretary couple into the ward, intensive care ward, small Tang Jin has been unconscious, pretty little face is very pale.

…… (recommend a friend's work "the best security president", which is a good book for those who are short of books!

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