Chennan see this man tall, dignified face standing in front of the command car, and then look at the police rank, don't ask to know that this is the man who just answered the phone, Yang Li's father, immediately ran to him and asked: "how long has Yang Li been in?"

"About five minutes!" Director Yang answered immediately.

"Damn it Chen Nan scolds. It's too late for him to go upstairs again in five minutes. He looks at the distance and sees several assault policemen lying on the roof of the opposite building. Several gun barrels protrude from the wall and rush to the opposite building immediately.

Several police officers saw him coming straight, but also want to stop, Yang immediately cheered: "let him pass!" But his words were still late. These people flew out again and fell black and blue. Seeing this, director Yang looked forward to the young man more and more. Everyone's eyes were fixed on the young man who ran to the opposite building.

Ouyang Feifei immediately finds chennan. Seeing him fall off the police, he is running towards the opposite building. Ouyang Feifei is shocked and looks straight at the back of Gu Yi.

Under everyone's gaze, chennan comes to the building opposite the bank. Director Yang has already seen that he wants to go up the roof and thinks he will definitely climb up the stairs, but chennan doesn't even turn a corner. He goes straight to the building downstairs, and his feet keep flying up. With one foot on the marble column, he goes up to the balcony on the second floor. He jumps up directly on the balcony on the second floor and catches his hands The third floor balcony turned over, and then directly bounced up to the fourth floor balcony, like walking on the ground, without any pause, continuous jumping pedal, more than ten seconds to the top of the building.

Now, both the police and the audience are silly. Is this a movie stunt? Movie Stunts aren't that fast, are they? From a distance, it was flying up the wall.

Everyone's mouth is wide open. What's this man doing up there? The top floor is not a sniper, but a few police with assault rifles, these people are the best shooting in the Bureau, so far away, they can only shoot from the window. Is it difficult for this man to snipe the robber with a rifle? No cops. Can he? But seeing his vigorous and quick skill, the people below looked at the roof, and their eyes were full of expectation.

On the top floor, there were five policemen with the best shooting skills in the Bureau. They were all armed with Type 95 assault rifles with sight glasses. Each of them kept rubbing the trigger with his fingers, and their palms were full of sweat. Although they aimed at the robbers in the window for countless times, none of them dared to shoot, for fear that they would not offend the robbers.

A few people see Chen south from below fly up, all shocked, this is who? Spider man? How can such a high building climb up? I don't like grass. It's too strong.

In the eyes of several people's consternation, chennan comes directly to a policeman and pulls the gun over directly. The policeman doesn't dare to move. After all, he has been aiming for a long time and doesn't dare to shoot. They are just a decoration here. Now chennan comes, but he is full of expectations and takes the initiative to let the position out.

Chennan held the gun in his hand and swept his eyes to the top window of the bank. When he saw the scene inside, he was in a tight mood. He directly stood on the roof, leveled the gun, and quickly calculated the wind speed, wind direction and gravity influence. Then he pulled the trigger without hesitation.

"Boom!" A clear shot pierced the sky, and also raised everyone's heart to his throat. Success or failure depends on his shots. "Ba Ba Ba!" The first shot, chennan is even fired three shots, every shot, people's hearts are shaking.

One minute later, in the bank building, Yang Li comes to the top floor. There are many policemen hiding at the corner of the stairs. They are waiting for the orders from above. No one dares to break in without authorization. The chief police officer has already been instructed by the director. Knowing that Captain Yang is coming in, she nods to her with solemn eyes.

Yang Li nodded to the policeman and walked to the hall. The door of the top floor hall is a kind of revolving glass door. Yang Li came to the door with her hands raised and motioned to the bandits inside that she didn't have a gun. With the consent of the bandits, she walked slowly into the hall.

Entering the hall, Yang Li saw clearly that there were seven bandits, each with a gun in his hand. Two of them were heavy guys like AK47. There were more than a dozen hostages, male and female. Two of them were bank leaders, and several of them were successful businessmen. These people stood in a row in front of them, and behind them stood two bandits and five others Standing on one side, he smokes arrogantly. In the middle is a man with triangle eyes, a golden knife, sitting on a chair playing with a pistol. On the left is a relatively quiet bandit with a remote control. On the right is a bandit with an AK47. Next to him are two bandits with pistols.

Looking only at the equipment and manner, Yang Li knows that these people are far from the bandits she usually meets. With a big guy like AK47, she robs shopping malls and banks, and sets up bombs in banks in case the police don't know. This is beyond the scope of ordinary bandits. It's more appropriate to be called a terrorist.

Faced with this kind of bandit armed to the teeth, if she is not nervous, it is false. Yang Li takes a deep breath, calms down her nervous mood, and tries to relax herself. She points the mini camera on her chest at the bandit at the head, and moves to the window to attract the bandit to be exposed to the gun of her colleagues.The situation photographed here was immediately sent back to the command car. When they saw the bandits with remote control and AK47, the leaders took a cold breath at the same time. Director Yang's face turned pale. This kind of bandits must be familiar with concealed weapons, micro cameras and other equipment. They are very likely to find Yang Li's gun and shooting and tracking equipment. Yang Hongxuan immediately realized that her daughter was in danger, and immediately ordered the shock troops to prepare, wait for the order, and be ready to break into the bank at any time.

See Yang Li come in, a few fierce bandits face show victory smile, looking at the valiant policewoman straight swallow spit, without any nervous meaning.

"I'm Yang Li, the daughter of Yang Hongxuan. I'll replace the hostages. Can we let them leave now?" Yang Liyi said frankly.

"Ha ha, beauty officer, please wait a moment!" The head of the bandit waved, "old seven, go to check this girl!"

The bandit with a pistol in his hand came over immediately. He raised his hand and pointed the muzzle of the gun at Yang Li: "stop, don't move, turn your body over!"

In order to show her sincerity, Yang Li raised her hands to show that she had no weapons, and then slowly turned around. She didn't think the bandits could find the micro camera and gun on her body.

But she obviously underestimated the ability of the bandits. How did she know that they were not ordinary bandits, but professional mercenaries? How could ordinary bandits be equipped with helicopters?

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