Old seven's eyes swept over Yang Li's body. Suddenly, his eyes were fixed. He reached for a button like thing on Yang Li's bulletproof vest and pulled it. He was suspicious, but it didn't matter. There was a long and thin wire behind the button.

"Well, you bitch, dare to take pictures of us!" The gun brush in Lao Qi's hand points to Yang Li's forehead.

Yang Li subconsciously wants to take out the gun, but it's not too late. Without blinking an eye, Lao Qi pulls the trigger without hesitation.

Looking at the black barrel of the gun and feeling the killing intention of the muzzle, Yang Li's brain is blank. She knows she's finished. She even sees Lao Qi's finger pull the trigger.

"Bang!" A gun shot across the sky, a crash of glass, Yang Li only saw a red blood in front of her eyes, this red blood became the only one in her eyes, warm blood mixed with yellow and white things collapsed to her face.

Yang Li thought that she was doomed. She even thought that it was her own blood, worthy of being the overlord flower of policewoman. She didn't feel any pain on her body. She responded quickly. At the moment, the experience of Criminal Police played a role. Under the cover of the corpse in front of her, Yang Li rolled over and hid behind the pillar.

At the same time, she heard three more shots. The man with the remote control was shot in the head. From the angle of Yang Li, she happened to see the two bandits standing behind the hostages and taking the hostages as the shield were shot in the head.

In the twinkling of an eye, four people were shot in the head. Not only the bandit was stunned, but also Yang Li was stunned. You know, the man with the remote control was standing at the edge of the window line of sight, so it was hard to be hit, and the other two bandits standing behind the hostages, not to mention, took the hostages as the shield card, only a small part of their head was exposed, there was only one building opposite, and they were in 300 meters Meters away, there is no doubt that the bullet must have come from that building. It shocked everyone that it could hit an almost impossible target with a rifle at such a long distance.

It's worthy of being a mercenary. The leader reacted first, quickly retreating and clinging to the wall. While the remaining bandit with AK47 retreated, a bullet hit the place where Yang Li had just been. If she moved half a minute late, Yang Li would be beaten into a sieve.

Finally, the man with a pistol saw Yang Li hiding behind the pillar and shooting at her, but his body retreated slowly. There was another gunshot on the opposite roof, and the man was also shot in the head, and his body fell on the marble floor.

In the blink of an eye, five people were killed, and the remaining two bandits were scared out of their wits. Seeing that the remote control was less than one meter in front of them, they didn't dare to pick it up. In fact, even if they could, they wouldn't pick it up, because there was no bomb at all. They didn't pay attention to the Shanghai police at all. They just used a broken remote control to bluff the police.

Seeing that the ground was covered with blood and white brains, the hostages were so scared that they called into a group. Yang Li yelled, "get down!" These people are obedient and all lie on the ground.

Yang Li uses the pillar as a cover to shoot at the two gangsters who only win. However, they have AK47 in their hands, and the firepower is strong. Yang Li is completely suppressed, and has no aim at all.

The commandos who were lying in ambush outside the hall heard the gunfire inside and rushed in immediately. Considering that there were bombs in the building, director Yang did not order others to rush in, but watched the change. If they all rushed in, once the robbers pressed the remote control, the whole building would be razed to the ground. That's too much responsibility.


The two bandits looked at each other and said only one word of English, then they fled to the rooftop against the wall. There was a helicopter on the rooftop. The bandits had prepared their retreat for a long time. The Gunners blocked the entrance of the rooftop with fire. The pilot started the helicopter, pulled the control lever, and the helicopter screw quickly turned, slowly lifted off and was about to escape from the rooftop.

"Sirius, you are here, but what can you do here? Lao Tzu left safely. We led you out. The goal has been achieved. You wait for revenge. Ha ha! "

Seeing the plane take off, they are about to escape here. The bandit at the head yells at chennan with a high pitched loudspeaker. His tone is very arrogant. It seems that it is a glorious thing to escape from his hands. He is full of pride in his tone.

Looking at the helicopter gradually rising, the police can only sigh, because even if ordinary rifle bullets hit the helicopter's shell armor, it doesn't work at all.

Looking at the plane that has risen and is about to leave, Chen Nan suddenly sneers and raises his Type 95 assault rifle again.

Seeing this action, people opened their eyes wide. Is it difficult for this man to hit a plane with a rifle? It's too strange. I've heard that Barrett can kill a helicopter, but no one believes that a rifle can also kill a helicopter. It's difficult for ordinary bullets to penetrate the armor of a helicopter. If a helicopter is so good at fighting so many policemen, wouldn't it be long ago? Armed helicopters will no longer be on the battlefield.

Quickly calculate the wind speed and gravity. Chennan aimed at the plane and pulled the trigger again. The bullet flew out and hit the root of the propeller. What the people below saw was that a few seconds after the gunfire, the propeller shook twice and broke off suddenly. The sound of the high pitched horn stopped suddenly. The helicopter, which had lost the power to take off, fell down and crashed into the roof On the fire, the whole plane was quickly engulfed by the fire, and became debris in the raging fire.Yang Li slowly came to the window. The high-altitude wind blew in through the window, blowing the hair of the policewoman's ear and the sea in front of her forehead. With blood on her face, she looked sallow and enchanting. Looking at the sallow man on the opposite roof, a happy smile appeared on her enchanting face.

"He saved me again. He saved everyone with one man's help. This man saved me again!" Yang Li murmured that the whole person was surrounded by a kind of sweet happiness.

"Wow, the rifle hit the plane!" The following audience and police looked at this scene as if they were watching a myth. This was not M82A1, but the most common type 95. It was able to shoot down a helicopter. The helicopter was armored, but it was not made of paper. People were shocked and unbelievable. Then everyone's eyes focused on the man standing on the roof like a javelin.

It's not that the rifle can't kill the helicopter, but it depends on whether your shooting is accurate enough. There is a hurricane in the air, which makes it very difficult for ordinary people to hit. Even if they hit it, they choose to hit the fuel tank. However, it's difficult for ordinary rifle bullets to penetrate the fuel tank. It's even more impossible for them to go a long distance, and the bulletproof glass is even more difficult to hit, so chennan chose to hit the propeller.

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