The helicopter is also a high-precision equipment. Since it is a high-precision equipment, it is relatively fragile and has shortcomings. The propeller shaft, which is almost invisible to the naked eye, is its shortcoming. It is much more fragile than the heavy armor outside the helicopter. As a result, it was hit by chennan's one shot, lost its balance under its own strength and broke itself.

Shoot down the helicopter, let chennan have a long lost feeling to the battlefield, looking at the helicopter, chennan mouth raised a sneer, one hand will lift the gun, look proud to blow the muzzle of the smoke, stretch out a cigarette, shake hands on the point, very cow to gently blow out a puff of smoke into the sky.

The wind blows, the clothes are hunting, the setting sun covers his body, inlays a layer of Phnom Penh around him, and the sun drags his figure on the ground. This is not a particularly tall figure. In people's eyes, it is more and more magnificent, tall and majestic.

"God of war I don't know who muttered a word, the butterfly effect immediately worked, "God of war, God of war!" People shout in unison, and their voices become louder and louder.

"God of war, God of war!" A few little nurses looked at the man on the roof with adoration and blurred eyes. Ouyang Feifei looked at the man with a beautiful smile and stagnant eyes. There was a strange light in his eyes. A strange feeling that he had never had for a long time rose from the bottom of his heart and filled his whole body.

"I want to be his woman, no one can stop me!" At this moment, the cold and gorgeous female nurse's spring heart was rippling and her eyes were blurred. She slowly raised her arms and gazed at the man on the roof. She followed the people and cried out: "God of war, God of war..." The voice grew louder and louder.

In front of heroes, what is the reserve of beauty? The loudest voice and the hottest eyes in the crowd are usually the most arrogant beauties. Since ancient times, only beauties can match heroes.

Loading force loading enough, Chen Nan just turned to come down, a few policemen came over, eyes reverently looking at the God in their heart, and then slowly raised his arm, to the God in the heart, the only salute in the heart.

"Brush!" As if they had a soul in their heart, all the police upstairs and downstairs raised their arms to salute the roof at the same time. The women's cry gradually disappeared, and the figure of the cold, proud and lonely Yi became the only one in their eyes.

"It's very special. It's a little big!" Chen Nan also didn't expect that he was hot blooded for a while, unexpectedly made such a big move, also pretended to do a kind of return to several police.

"Let's meet a friend. I'm Zhou Qing, deputy leader of the municipal criminal police team." Several policemen come up one after another to shake hands with chennan and get to know some iron men, which is also a pleasant thing. Chennan and several policemen go downstairs from the fire ladder to the bank door.

The bomb disposal team and the fire brigade had already rushed in. The firefighters put out the fire. After scanning by the bomb disposal team, it was found that there was no bomb installed in the building, and the remote control dropped by the bandits was also fake.

When the leaders learned that there was no bomb, they all breathed a sigh. The hostages were escorted out of the building by the police, and the little nurses rushed up to see who needed help. When the security circle was withdrawn, the families of the hostages hugged and wept with joy, while Yang Li and her colleagues investigated the burned helicopter on the top of the building.

While people were celebrating the victory, suddenly a children's car rushed down the steps of the bank. In the car sat a three or four-year-old, blond, pink, doll like foreign child, crying and rushing down with the children's car.

The car rushed down the steps and ran straight into the crowd under the inertia. The child was jolted and frightened, crying louder, and seemed to be asking for help. Seeing such a lovely child to suffer, many people feel pity.

Ouyang Feifei stood at the bank door and asked if there were any wounded people. Seeing a lovely child rolling down the steps, Ouyang Feifei's heart overflowed with love. He said who was the child's parents. He couldn't even take good care of the child and let the car out of control.

Suddenly, Ouyang will jump out of the car and jump into the children's car Yang Feifei is under the pressure.

At this time, people saw that the doll was tied to the car and rushed into the water with the car. Seeing that it was the young man who had just knocked down the helicopter with a rifle that kicked the doll, people immediately became angry and kicked the child with flying feet. Even if you were a hero, you couldn't do it. They wanted to question him one after another.

Ouyang Feifei turns his head and finds that Chen Nan is the one who is holding him down. Although he is fond of him, seeing him kick the child into the water and hold him down in front of so many people, Ouyang Feifei becomes angry. As soon as he is about to question him, he hears a roar from the pool. The child explodes, and the waves rise up. It's like a heavy rain on the bank, A lot of people are affected and drowned. Ouyang Feifei is closest to the pond. If she is not pressed down by chennan, she will be injured.

But no one cares. At this time, they realize that the lovely doll is a bomb. The doll is a fake. The car is remotely controlled. If chennan doesn't kick the car into the water, once the doll rushes into the crowd, they don't know how many people will be blown to pieces.At the same time, people are grateful to Chen Nantou. Ouyang Feifei saw the explosion of the child, and immediately realized that he was wrong. If it wasn't for him, he was broken to pieces now. He felt a warm current in his heart. Being pressed down by a man, he didn't feel annoyed. Instead, he felt extremely happy. This man didn't care about his life to save himself, which shows that he cared about himself.

Ouyang Feifei face flying red, in the eyes of the people, not only did not break free, but stretched out a pair of snow-white catkin around chennan's neck, with a shy smile, head buried in his arms, soft, very happy.

See danger in the past, chennan want to get up to help Ouyang Feifei up, see her ring his neck don't let go, had to hold her together.

People applauded the hero who saved people one after another. They were not angry with him for holding a beautiful nurse in his arms. On the contrary, they praised him one after another. It's a good story that the hero saved America.

Seeing people looking at him, Ouyang Feifei's face became more red. She nestled her head tightly in the man's arms. She was ashamed, as if she were lying on the cloud. She was so lost and intoxicated.

Yang Li comes out of the bank and is seeing the scene of the bomb explosion. Chen Nan holds the little nurse in her arms, and the little nurse is still in the color of intimacy and intoxication. Her body suddenly froze.

"Shameless, shameless!" Yang Li grinds her little white teeth, stomps her feet and snorts twice.

…… (this book will be put on the shelves tomorrow, and there will be a speech on the shelves in the evening. Thank you for your company all the time. Without your company and support, this book can't go to today. Old four bows to thank you. I hope that all brothers and sisters can support the beauty chairman as always after it goes on the shelves!)

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