Chen South wry smile, looking at the wife that again becomes the pretty face of ice cold, know not to let her eat affirmation no longer, otherwise words affirmation again make how many days of small face for you.

But he couldn't bear to see his wife disappointed. In order to avoid his embarrassment in front of his wife, he said with a dry smile: "wife, you eat slowly, I'll have a drink."

Wine is wine after all, can't quench thirst, full of salt, Chen Nan really can't hold on, rushed to the water dispenser to pour a cup of water to drink, drink a cup is not enough, even drink three cups, just barely alleviate the salty and paste taste.

"Hum!" Nalan Shiyu turned his mouth and said that if he didn't fight for it, he couldn't even eat a piece of chicken. He only cared about himself and didn't know how to think about others. It seems that he was not entrusted with life.

She picked up a piece of chicken discontentedly and put it in her mouth. She chewed it beautifully. She said how delicious the food she cooked was, and she made the man eat it.

As soon as the chicken was put into the small mouth, Nalan Shiyu frowned, as if it was very salty. It seemed that it was still sticky. It was too bad to eat.

After two mouthfuls of chewing, Nalan Shiyu's face is a complex expression of pain, which is too bad to eat. It's not only salty but also pasted. Gina makes the usual dishes. How can she eat this kind of food? I couldn't swallow it any more. I almost vomited it out, frowned and trotted away. I vomited the chicken I chewed two mouthfuls in the paper basket, and then I ran back to pick up the cup on the table and drank it.

It was so salty that Nalan Shiyu forgot the red wine on the table and drank it all at once. He felt dizzy and sat down holding his head.

Soon, Nalan Shiyu thinks that chennan has such a bad taste. No wonder she doesn't let herself eat it. It turns out that it's too bad, but she still blames him. It's so unreasonable.

At this time, the iceberg like woman who closed her inner feelings gradually began to melt. Her heart was warm. It turned out that the man had been thinking about himself. Although a dish was small, it reflected the big world. The subtle care made people more moved. Nalan's moving tears almost didn't fall down, so he took out a paper towel and wiped his eyes.

A girl is naturally sensitive. Sometimes she is not moved by the earth shaking things you have done for her. A small thing can make her happy and unforgettable. She is as good as an iceberg, and the female president is no exception. She is almost captured by a plate of chicken.

See Chen south come back, Na LAN poem language want to say two words of apology, but she always used to be arrogant in front of the man, for a moment and can't put down, knead two and say not to export.

"Yummy, yummy!" Chen Nan is full of praise and extends his chopsticks.

"Don't eat, I know it's bad!"

Nalan poem language stopped chennan, black dish chicken on the table really affect appetite, Nalan poem language will dish chicken out of the room.

"Ha ha!" Chen South wry smile, still didn't hide, this also too blow wife enthusiasm, I'm afraid next time let wife cook hard.

Nalan Shiyu wants to pour out the big plate chicken, but she is not willing to. After all, this is her first time to cook. She looks up the information, asks Gina, and then calls. She finally makes a dish. She really doesn't want to pour out her first work and takes the big plate chicken to the backyard.

There is a little Su Mu dog in the backyard. Seeing Nalan Shi Yu coming, he immediately wags his tail and comes over. Nalan Shi Yu puts the plate on the ground and waves to the dog with a smile and says, "come and eat, little dog. I made it myself!"

The dog came to smell it, and immediately ran away with his tail wagging. After a few steps, he turned back and barked at Nalan Shiyu dog.

“……” Nalan Shiyu suddenly felt like crying. It was a failure. He didn't even eat what he made, but he was eaten by that man. Does he have much to say about his mind?

"Husband!" Nalan's poem said a word silently in his heart.

Although she was in a high mood, she was a proud woman after all. After making such a dish that even the dog didn't want to eat, she really had no face to stay in the living room. She bowed her head, blushed and went back to the boudoir quickly.

"Ah Chen Nan sighs, wife, this is self-esteem hit, pitiful oneself with bed with bath dream bubble soup again.

Chen Nan drinks the wine, sits on the sofa and watches TV. He thinks his wife is willing to cook. This is a good start. She must not lose confidence and must be further adjusted.

Chen Nan gets up and wants to persuade his wife, but sees that Nalan Shiyu walks out of the room and smiles at him. He enters the bathroom, and in a moment there comes a slight sound of water.

"Well What's the situation? "

Chennan can't help but use her brain again. Usually, the more proud a woman is, when she wants to love her man, she will never say what she wants. Instead, she makes all kinds of hints with her facial expressions. That's why she is masculine. A woman seduces her. Looking at her wife's expression just now, it's obvious that she wants it, but she's embarrassed to say it's a hint to herself.

But thinking of his wife's extreme expression in his mother-in-law's family last time, Chen Nan thinks it's better to be careful, so he decides to wait for his wife to take a bath and go to find out if there is any possibility of further development.

when she comes out of the bath, she and her wife are attracted by the hot umbrella, which makes her feel more attracted If you ignore your wife's suggestion, it will undoubtedly cause a huge blow to her self-confidence. It will be difficult to have such an opportunity in the future. Therefore, Chen Nan brewed for a while, took a bath, went back to the room, put on his nightgown, quietly came to the door of Nalan poetry room, and knocked on the door.

"Come in, the door is unlocked!" The sweet voice of Nalan's poetry came out without any anger.

Chen Nan is very happy. His wife knows that she is still so gentle and says that the door is unlocked. What does that mean? The implication is self-evident.

Man, when the hand is to hand, so chennan no longer hesitates, gently push the door, flash into Nalan poetry language boudoir.

Nalan Shiyu was standing in front of the dresser in a daze. Seeing that he didn't turn around when he came in, he said in a quiet voice: "how did you come in? "

Chen Nan said with a smile," wife, I know you are not happy because of cooking. In fact, I really think it's delicious. In my husband's heart, everything my wife does is delicious! "

"Really?" Nalan still did not turn around, but the voice was not so cold, full of warmth, some shy, some pinched.

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