"Of course, if you want to make another plate of chicken, we'll have Xinjiang, and I'll eat it!" Chen south to wife side gather together gather together, lick a face to say.

"Puchi!" The poem language of Na LAN can't help laughing at last. The Chen Nan's heart is in full bloom and the secret way has a door. Happy, Chen Nan can't help but take a step forward, and gently encircle the soft waist of Nalan poetry behind.

Nalan poetry language delicate body a shake, instinctively want to escape, but chennan hoop don't let go, Nalan poetry language can't escape, shame face has been red to the root of the ear, even the neck are red, heart like deer bump, intense.

Feeling the soft, hot and shivering beauty in her arms, chennan felt a warm current in her heart. She had a feeling of falling leaves and returning to her roots. She had never been full before. Ha ha, this is her wife and this is home.

"Wife!" Chen Nan bent his head and bit the earlobe of Nalan's poetry.

"Oh..." The poem language of Na LAN involuntarily sends out a comfortable groan, that wonderful crisp hemp feeling lets her a burst of idea disorderly love, Jiao body also can't hold any longer, the body a soft lean back on Chen Nan body.

Chennan goes all the way down her snow-white neck, feeling that the beauty has no conflict, and she is even more excited. When she sees Nalan's poem, she is panting, charming, and like a cherry, she can't help but bow her head and kiss her.

"Ah Nalan Shiyu, who was confused by his kiss, suddenly woke up and put out his little hand to block his mouth.

Although there was a bar incident last time, it was after all in a state of mental confusion and uncontrollability. The sober iceberg beauty still could not accept the fact that she was kissed by a man.

See Chen south also want to kiss oneself, Na LAN poem language flustered way: "I'm sorry, I'm not ready yet!" Nalan's poetry is drooping with powder neck, and the lingering charm of alcohol makes her pink and beautiful. Jiao Didi, shyness is extremely provocative.

Chen Nan thought she was too anxious. She hugged her and kissed her ears and neck again, but she was pushed away by Nalan's poem: "I I'm really not ready. How about a few days? "

"Er..." Chennan has no way. After all, Nalan's attitude towards himself has always been cold before. This is a great progress. Iceberg is iceberg after all. It needs to be adjusted slowly, and you can't eat hot tofu in a hurry.

Although no longer have further plans, but rarely close to his wife once, Chen Nan still hold her hand, gently with her lips to lift up Nalan poetry ear hair, silently feel his wife's wonderful soft body.

Just now, Nalan Shiyu was unprepared. He suddenly kisses her. She is a little flustered. When she wakes up, she immediately feels the fiery conflict on her hips. Her face turns red. She gently pushes chennan away. Her red lips tremble and says: "God It's getting late. I have to go to work tomorrow. Let's have a rest early! "

"Wife, I'll tell you a story, will you listen?" Chen Nan ha ha laughs, suddenly gather together in Na LAN poem language ear side, "wife, your younger brother work clothes fell."

"You're bad, you're bad!" Nalan poetry language raises powder fist to Chen Nan chest is a fierce challenge.

Looking at his wife's coy and infinite appearance, Chen Nan laughs and turns to walk out of the room. After that, Nalan Shiyu can't help touching his face. It's so hot.


The next day, entering the company, Chen Nan is graffiti on his seat, but he feels a look at himself. Looking up, it turns out that Chi wanting has walked out of the office. This girl is used to it. As long as she leaves the office, she must first look at what Chen Nan is doing, and always be on guard against him making trouble for the public relations department.

Chi wanting pacing in place, a pair of willow eyebrows together, Chen Nan never saw Chi minister so tangled. After a few steps forward, Chi wanting comes back. Finally, she seems determined to turn around and walk to the gate again. By intuition, Chen Nan thinks that Chi wanting must have met something.

Chi wanting took the elevator to the garage, driving the car just went to the door of the company, but found chennan block in front.

"What are you doing?" Eat wanting down the window, not a good look at chennan.

Chen Nan said: "minister Chi, where are you going in a hurry?"

"When I go to shantytowns, what are you stopping me for?"

Chen Nan eyebrows a Yang, "sorry pool minister, I also go to shantytowns, take a free ride Bai."

"Where are you going in shantytowns?"

"The way to success!"

Chi wanting frowned. Considering that this guy has brought achievements to the public relations department, she didn't mean to refuse him and said, "take a ride. Don't talk nonsense!"

At the thought of sitting on this guy's lap last time, Minister Chi feels weak all over, for fear that his words will affect his driving. If something like that happened last time, she really has no face to see people.

"Don't worry, I won't talk. We are honest people!" Chen Nan opened the door with a smile.

Chi wanting curled her sexy lips. I believe you.

But to her surprise, Chen Nan didn't say a word all the way, which made minister Chi quite uncomfortable.

In the middle of the car, chennan suddenly receives a phone call and takes out her mobile phone. It turns out that it's policewoman Yang Li. This girl never calls herself. She doesn't want to catch herself again. When the phone is connected, Yang Li's voice is a bit awkward: "Chen Chen Nan"Officer, what can I do for you?"

"Thank you for helping me yesterday. If you have time in the evening, I'll treat you to dinner." At the other end of the phone, Yang Li blushed and said that she had never made a formal appointment with a man. Yang Li was embarrassed.

"I don't have time at night!" The wife just relaxes with oneself, Chen Nan still wants to behave well, as soon as possible with the wife with the bed, really don't want to eat.

Next to Chi wanting driving, she has heard a woman's voice to invite him to dinner, and the policewoman invited him to dinner, but he actually refused. Chi wanting was so angry that she said that you are nothing, and she even refused the invitation of the policewoman. It's really shameless. Why are you?

"You don't have time?" For the first time in her life, she solemnly invited a man, but she was refused. Yang Li was angry. "You said you were my boyfriend. I tell you, if you don't come, I will go to your company as a girlfriend now. I see how you can explain to your wife, and I don't believe it!"

"Er..." Chen south a burst of speechless, this one move the bottom of the scheme is too ruthless, all helpless only way: "well, say the time and place, see you after work!"

"That's about it!" Yang Li's face showed a touch of pride, and she made an appointment to hang up the phone.

"How can you be so charming that the female police officer has to treat her? It's really, ah... " Chi wanting sighed, but as soon as she thought of her troubles, her two eyebrows came together again.

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