When the car came to Chengshen Road, Chi wanting immediately stopped the car and said, "you're there. Get off."

Chen Nan touched his forehead, "minister Chi, I'm all right now. How about this? I'll go with you and come back in your car."

"Don't think about it, go back on your own!" Chi wanting said with a overcast face, a look of no discussion.

"All right, I'll get out of the car!"

When Chen Nan gets off, Chi wanting immediately drives away, passes through the shantytown and comes to the edge of the shantytown near the suburbs. There are several unfinished buildings and several abandoned sheds on the construction site.

Chi wanting drove in along the bumpy path, stopped in front of a shed, hesitated and walked to the shed.

Next to a broken table in the shed were five men with cigarettes in their mouths and a middle-aged man of about 50 years old with an obscene expression.

There is a deck of playing cards on the table and a sharp knife in front of the middle-aged man. In addition to the middle-aged people, there is a pile of money in front of everyone. It seems that these people are gambling.

This middle-aged man is Zhou Peng, Chi wanting's former stepfather. Chi wanting's father died early and depended on her mother. In order to lighten the burden and help her daughter go to school, Chi wanting's mother remarried with Zhou Peng.

As a result, after marriage, Chi's mother's burden not only did not lighten, but increased. Zhou Peng did not know how to help. Instead, he sneaked around, especially liked gambling, and lost all the money she had earned. Later, Chi's mother stopped giving him money. This guy committed suicide and hanged himself. He threatened Chi's mother and forced Chi's mother to give him more money Chi wanting is in danger of dropping out of school.

Fortunately, Chi wanting is quite strong. In such a bad environment, she was admitted to a famous university and got a grant from the village, which continued her dream of University. After going to university, Chi wanting worked to earn living expenses while going to school. After graduating from University, she entered Donghuan group, and with her work experience and efforts, she took the position of public relations minister.

After Chi wanting went to university, Chi's mother was ransacked by Zhou Peng. Seeing that there was nothing to ransack, they divorced at Chi's mother's request.

But later, when Zhou Peng heard that Chi wanting was doing well in Shanghai, she came to Shanghai to ask for money in the name of Chi wanting's stepfather.

Chi wanting is so annoyed that she has to give him some money to make a living in a small business. However, this gambler is a bottomless pit. She knows some unruly people in Shanghai and often gathers to gamble together and asks Chi wanting for money every three to five. Chi wanting is really miserable. Although she is a minister, she runs a small Ford One of the reasons.

By chance, several ruffians learned that Zhou Peng had a daughter who was an executive of the company. They immediately began to make up their minds and began to lend him money to gamble. As a result, Zhou Peng owed a lot of foreign debts.

Finally, the local ruffians are ready to take over the net and invite Zhou Peng to gamble here. All these people play with each other. Three people play Zhou Peng alone, but Zhou Peng naturally loses. He owes each other more than 50000 yuan. The local ruffians finally show up and begin to ask for repayment with interest. If Zhou Peng can't get it out, he will break his hands and feet. Zhou Peng can't call Chi wanting again and ask her to send money.

Chi wanting didn't want to come, but Zhou Peng forced her to die, so she couldn't help it. After struggling, Chi wanting was ready to give him money for the last time and ignore him again, so she came to the construction site.

"Lao Zhou, why hasn't your daughter come yet?" A ruffian pulls out the sharp knife in front of Zhou Peng, cuts the table lightly and asks impatiently.

"Sanzi, don't worry. She will come. I'm her father. She won't ignore me." Zhou Peng a face of wretched said.

Sanzi glared at Zhou Peng fiercely and said, "you don't want to cheat us. I'll give you another three minutes. If she doesn't come again, she'll chop your finger."

"Bang!" Sanzi chopped the sharp knife on the table again, and scared Zhou Peng to death. He unconsciously looked to the door and suddenly exclaimed in surprise: "here, here, I said my daughter won't ignore me!"

Chi wanting came in gracefully. She was surprised to see the four or five famous men sitting here. Then she looked at Zhou Peng disgustedly and said, "I'm not your daughter. This is 1000 yuan. Take the road fee and go back to your hometown. This is not the place you should come. I won't care about you in the future."

Zhou Peng took over the money with a bitter face. "Daughter, the money is not enough. It's 60000. Please help your father. This is the last time!"

"I said I would never help you again!"

Chi wanting's face is more and more disgusted. She feels that the situation is not right. She wants to leave here quickly and turns around.

"Beauty, wait!" Two ruffians came forward to stop her, "your father owes us 60000 yuan, you only give 1000, send beggars?"

"I said, he's not my father!" Chi wanting dignified voice way, that cold pretty appearance see of several ruffians straight swallow spit.

Sanzi shook the sharp knife in his hand, "beauty, don't you think so? If he wasn't your father, would you be here? Well, if you give us 60000 yuan, we can do it for you. Otherwise, we will use your body to pay off the debt, and the father and daughter will pay off the debt as a matter of course! "

"Go away, or I'll call the police immediately!" Chi wanting took out the phone and wanted to dial it out. She was robbed by a local ruffian. "This mobile phone is good. It's worth 1000 yuan!"Cell phone robbed, surrounded by a gang of hooligans, Chi wanting more and more aware of the bad, a push away in front of the hooligans, want to leave quickly.

"Beauty, you can't go!" Sanzi suddenly steps forward and puts the sharp knife on Chi wanting's neck. Several hooligans come up to catch Chi wanting, take out the rope that has been prepared, and tie her up to a pillar.

"Beauty, since you don't have money, take your body to pay off the debt. Brothers, in fact, it's us who suffer the loss on shift. Gangzi, get the camera ready. We have to come back with the money. This time, we'll take back some interest!"

"Zhou Peng, you are shameless!" At this time, Chi wanting also understands that Zhou Peng is trying to blackmail himself with the hooligans.

"Daughter, I can't help it. If you don't give me money, they will kill my father if they don't have it!" Zhou Peng lowered his head and said grandly that he had dug Chi wanting for tens of thousands of yuan.

Looking at the smiling gangster and looking at the camera in the gangster's hand, Chi wanting suddenly despaired, but after all, she was the minister, flustered but not confused, and said: "well, you untie me, give me your mobile phone, I'll call my colleagues to borrow some money, and return the money owed by the dead dog, don't you just want money?"

"Give you your cell phone? You think we're stupid? Waiting for you to call the police? We are now on you, take a good picture, how much does it cost? Isn't it safer? I said beauty, you don't use your head, brothers, who will go first? "



Several people want to go first.

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