(I'm sorry for the update in the morning. Now I'll send it together in the seventh shift)

Stratagem is seen through, Chi wanting completely despair, at this time in her heart incomparable regret, how did not take chennan? If you take him with you, you will not fall into this situation.

A rogue came up to pull Chi wanting's clothes. He heard a lazy voice at the door and said, "wait a minute!"

As the saying goes, being a thief has a guilty conscience. When they heard that there was someone at the door, they turned to face them in a hurry. When they saw that a young man was walking slowly in, they immediately put down their heart. There was only one person, and they didn't pay attention to him.

"Boy, mind your own business and go at once!" Cried a rascal.

Chen Nan didn't seem to hear that. He came to some hooligans and said, "I said, brother, you're not particular about it. How beautiful this girl is. At first sight, it's high-class goods. You only give an estimate of 60000 yuan, too little, right? I don't think it's worth 100000 yuan! "

"What do you mean?" Sanzi holds a sharp knife in his hand and asks chennan with slanting eyes.

Chen Nan takes out a card and shakes it in front of several hooligans. He says: "I have 200000 yuan in this card. I don't have any hobbies. I just like to gamble. If I gamble, my hands itch. I don't think so. I'll give this girl 100000 yuan. I'll gamble with you. If I win, this girl belongs to me. If I lose..."

Chen Nan once again shook the card in the hand, "the money in this belongs to you!"

"Are you human? If you don't help, you'll fall into the well! "

Originally see Chen Nan come in, see hope of Chi wanting, see he actually take himself to do chips gambling, and is to do chips for hooligans, how can be comfortable in the heart, immediately cried.

Chen South cold voice way: "let her shut up!"

A few hooligans see the card in chennan's hand, and their eyes are red. Immediately a ruffian comes forward and seals Chi wanting's mouth with adhesive tape. Then he comes back to give chennan a cigarette with a smile, and lights it with a lighter in his hands, saying: "brother, you go on."

See Chen south with the hooligan stirred together, Chi wanting gas straight pedal to, in the heart whenever he can think of the curse words to Chen South scolded all over.

Chen Nan took a puff of smoke, gently sprayed the smoke on the hooligan's face, and continued: "there's nothing to say. Each depends on luck."

"Is it stupid?"

The hooligans are very happy that they can use Niu as a bet, and the valuation is 100000, but the other side gives out real money, so they don't do it.

a hooligan says, "how do we know if you have money in your card?" Several hooligans nodded at the same time, this sentence is also what they want to ask.

"Ha ha, it's not easy!" Chen Nan throws the card directly to the rascal who talks, "password six eight, you check yourself!"

See Chen Nan so forthright, a few hooligans in the heart happy bloom, the hooligan immediately took out the phone to connect the bank, a check, there are 200000, now they even know the password, more at ease.

just in case a few has the final say, robbery and gambling are two concepts. In order to prevent any other, several people have dismissed the idea of robbery. The three son said, "a brother is a bright guy at a glance. Since you are bright, we can not encourage, and we will give the girl fifty thousand. How can you bet?"

In their opinion, if one side wins steadily, why not win 200000 yuan by any means?

Chen Nan said with a smile: "I don't like trouble. Let's say one card is bigger than the other. I'll gamble with you five. It's up to you..." Chen Nan looked at the three sons holding a sharp knife, "it's up to you to shuffle the cards!"

Sanzi was very happy. He shuffled the cards by himself. He said that he would lose his underpants this time.

Several people immediately agreed and sat around the table. Chi wanting hummed angrily. She said that this guy was really addicted to gambling, and he even took out 200000 yuan to gamble with others? If your wife knows, she won't scratch you.

The third son said, "brother, do you check the card?"

Chen Nan took over the card and played, "the quality of the poker is good, so use this one!"

Several people at the same time a joy, this deck of cards but they do a mark, do not need three son to redo, so immediately said: "let's start!"

The rascal who took chennan card didn't return the card to chennan at all, so he held it in his hand. Chen Nan didn't think so, and immediately gestured for Sanzi to shuffle.

Sanzi cleanly washed the cards, put them on the table and said brightly, "man, you can smoke first!"

Chen Nan straightforward smile: "guest with the Lord, you come first!"

"All right, I'll be rude!" The gangster who called Gangzi was impatient for a long time. He took the lead in drawing a card, then looked at the card and buckled it on the table, "brother, it's your turn!"

Chen Nan casually took out a card, flicked it, put it on the table, and said in a friendly way: "brother, mine is square piece K, how much is yours?"

"Well I Mine is the spade circle Just son gloomy face, the card surface light out, although his card is not small, but very unfortunately, Chen Nan is just bigger than him."I'm sorry, I won. Let go!" Chennan understatement finish saying, get up and stand up, came to Chi wanting side, untie her rope, smile and say: "I say beautiful girl, you now belong to my uncle, come here, good wait for my uncle, I won money reward you point!"

Chi wanting gas to spit blood, but no matter how to say Chen Nan won, people temporarily saved himself, although a hundred not willing, or with Chen Nan stood behind him.

A gang of hooligans look at each other, this Ya's luck is too bad, just draw a is old K, the main just won.

Although not happy, but after all did not lose money, just put Chi wanting lost in, see this meaning, this ya really addicted to gambling as life, did not go the slightest meaning, as long as you continue to bet also worry about not winning money, not winning girl? So a few people looked at each other, and Sanzi said, "good luck, man. Let's go on."

"Go on!" Chen Nan understated waved, and then swept the eye, pool wanting showed a trace of impatience, "you this girl have eye strength?"? You are my wife now. I'm gambling now. Don't you know how to beat my back? If you lose, you are the first one to lose. You can't find your grave when you cry. "

Chiwanting's heart is as bad as eating a fly, but chennan has a point. If he loses, he must input himself first. Therefore, although a hundred people are unwilling, chiwanting still reaches out her little hand and beats chennan's back. In her heart, she scolds him a hundred times, because she is angry The strength on the hand is naturally a little stronger.

"You want to beat me to death? Will you wait on men, or will I output you immediately! "

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