"Daughter!" Zhou Peng is also scared pale, still not give up, call Chi wanting want to get some money.

Chen South cold swept him one eye, scared Zhou Peng also dare not speak again. Chi wanting out of the shed, like a maid, obediently waiting outside. At this time, she just thought of chennan let himself be his concubine, suddenly pouting his mouth is a pass scold, scold to scold, after all, chennan face is a few fierce hooligans, still some worry in the heart.

"You've got a finger, too!" Chen South breeze light cloud light finish saying to throw a card to a hooligan.

Sanzi doesn't speak. He looks at some hooligans with a gloomy face. If he loses a few more, he'll be ready to die. He can't wait to be cut off.

A hooligan shivered and began to shuffle. This time chennan took the lead in drawing cards and directly dropped a spade a on the table. Before Sanzi could react, he was pulled by chennan and cut off his fingers.

"Ah With three son's pitiful howl, the other three hooligans also turn against the future, together with the gang son who covers his fingers, pounce on Chen Nan.

"Boom!" Chen South raises a leg is a foot, even the table takes a person to kick to fly out. Then he clapped his hand and walked out of the shed. He cut two fingers. After all, he was just a few hooligans. Just teach them a lesson, and they would not be killed.

"Sanzi, what shall we do? Is it revenge? " Gangzi clung to his fingers.

Sanzi was in a cold sweat. After a long time, he said, "I know brother Jiu of whirlwind casino. Let's see if he can help me!"


Chen Nan walked out of the shed and said with a smile: "maid, let's go!"

"Who is your servant girl?" Chi wanting snorted and got on Ford. She pouted and waited for a moment. Chen Nan came up to start the car.

When the car passed Chengshen Road, chennan said: "minister Chi, stop the car, wait for me for a while, I'll do something!"

At the thought of being called a servant girl by this guy, Chi wanting is not happy, but after all, they save themselves and stop the car with a grunt of discontent.

Chen Nan got off and came to his yard. He hasn't come back for a long time. Today, he just passed by to see the old house. Open the door to come in, Chen Nan not from a Leng, the room clean, spotless, into the bedroom, even his quilt also folded neatly, it seems that also washed.

In the courtyard, a flower garden is simply surrounded by a few bricks. There is a spirit grass, called clover. It takes five years for it to mature. Chennan accidentally found it planted here. This time he came back to see the growth of the grass and take care of it.

But I saw that the garden was clean and the grass was growing vigorously. It was obvious that people often came here to take care of it. Looking at the clover, a figure gradually appeared on it, and Shen Qiuhe's beautiful face.

"That girl!"

Chen South sighed tone, turn round to walk out of the yard to take the door. Back in the car, no longer conditioning beauty minister, by his car back to the company!

"Thank you for helping me. I'll treat you to dinner this evening." Park the car, considering that Chen Nan saved himself, Chi wanting wants to invite him to dinner to express her gratitude.

"I'm sorry, I've got a date with a beautiful woman!" Chen Nan laughs.

Chi wanting is suddenly a little depressed. When she goes there, the policewoman calls to invite him to dinner. She also laughs at Chen Nan's bad luck. Now it's her turn to invite him to dinner. She also needs to queue up.

"Another day, then!" After all, it's a girl. She can't adapt to the bloody scene. Chi wanting takes the lead in going back to the public relations department and needs a rest.

After working in the company for a long time, chennan drives her own pofukang to the restaurant designated by Yang Li. The time they agreed is half past six.

Traffic jams are normal in rush hours, but it's not normal without traffic jams. Chen Nan, Yang Li's designated restaurant, is not familiar with it yet. It's past half past six, but she hasn't found a place yet.

Time is not big, the mobile phone rings, it is Yang Li to call: "Chen Nan, where are you? You won't come. I tell you, I've been waiting for you for a long time. If you don't come, I'll go to your house and catch you. "

"Oh, I said Officer Yang Da, how dare I not come if you treat me, but Cough, I can't find a place

"Wait a minute, I'll meet you outside the door!"

Hang up the phone, Yang Li out of the restaurant to the square.

Finally, the car moved. Chennan finally saw xiaolinyuan restaurant on one side of the road and drove the car to stop.

Considering that Yang Li is meeting her at the door, Chen Nan gets off the car and looks for Yang Li everywhere, but after a long time, she doesn't find the valiant female police officer.

"Is this girl playing with herself? She didn't come out at all and made fun of herself!" With this idea, Chen Nan goes straight to the restaurant. But the phone rang again. It was Yang Li.

"Chennan, why haven't you arrived yet? I've been waiting for you at the door of the restaurant for a long time."

"You wait for me for a long time? I'm at the door of the restaurant. Why didn't I see you? " Chennan can't help but wonder. Looking around, there is still no Yang Li.

"Ah, I see you. Come here quickly!" Yang Li's voice was a little excited on the phone.It sounds like Yang Li's voice is not far from the microphone, but Chen Nan can't find her.

"Ah, where are you? Why can't I see you? Aren't you invisible?" Chen Nan shouts at the microphone.

"Crack!" The other party hung up the phone and a loud drink came from the front: "I'm standing opposite you, and you pretend you can't see me? What a shame Yang Li began to grind her teeth again.

This sound suddenly drinks Chen nan to wake up, immediately looking for a voice to look, the body immediately froze, the eye bead almost didn't fall down, why? He finally saw the valiant Officer Yang Da, but he was surprised because he saw him.

Tonight's Yang Li changed her old uniform, wearing a fiery red dress, black silk stockings, half high heel Khaki boots, and a two finger wide yellow ribbon around her slender waist, which set off the towering twin peaks. She is absolutely at the level of * *. The fiery red color is reflected on her face, and Yang Li's white face is red and charming Flowers, the whole person looks curly, sexy and provocative, attracting many men's eyes straight.

No wonder Chen Nan didn't find her, he only looked for the girl in police uniform, such a charming and sexy girl was ignored by him.

My God, this is the vigorous and resolute Officer Yang da. It's clear which big star is coming.

"I said, officer, why don't you wear police uniform? You are so sexy. No wonder I can't find you!" Chen south a pair of embrace day Qu of appearance, find reason for oneself.

The first time she was so sexy, Yang Li was a little embarrassed and yelled with a red face: "who told you that the police can only wear uniforms, not skirts? Do you forget the dress I wore the last time you caught an egg? "

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