"But last time you wore a police dress, it's not the same with these two concepts!" Chen South eyes aim at policewoman chest way.

"What's the difference? Aren't they all skirts?" Seeing such a high rate of looking back, Yang Li was still very proud. She raised her delicate chin: "you've made me wait so long. I'll have to punish you later. Let's go in!"

Two people came to the small private room Yang Li set, Yang Li said: "chennan, in the bank, you helped me, I should treat you to a meal, you see what to eat, just order!"

"Whatever you like, beauty officer. I'll take whatever you like!" Chen Nan looks at Yang Li's pretty face, eyes straight light, and then look at the chest, if you can touch it, you always feel it.

"Waiter, serve!" With a wave of her hand, Yang Li gave a loud and graceful finger to the waiter.

Until seeing this action, chennan believed that the beautiful police officer who dared to fight with him on the ground was in front of him, not that he was too handsome and attracted some international superstar.

Just now, Yang Li had already ordered the dishes, but the time was short.

"What shall we drink?" Yang Li said, a pair of curved Phoenix eyebrows up, provocative means self-evident, heart said that the girl can't beat you, today must drink you.

"Er..." Chen Nan patted his forehead. "I said, officer, I have low immunity to beauty. I'm afraid I can't resist the temptation of beauty if I drink too much. I'll have a drink!"

"Well, it's my treat today. You have to listen to me. What's more, you've kept my girl waiting for a long time. You have to be punished for drinking white wine!"

Finish saying don't wait for Chen Nan reaction, Yang Li directly take up two bottles of 56 degree Erguotou from under the table, let the waiter open.

"This girl is really fierce. She drinks high Erguotou!"

See Chen Nan scared appearance, Yang Li more proud, more confident, she seems to have seen Chen Nan was himself poured down to drill under the table, smile at him, said: "Chen Nan, in view of you help me, I will not punish you, so, we drink together, I drink how much you drink, do not cheat on it!"

"I said officer, you are not afraid that I drink too much to insult you?" Chen Nan looked up and down at Yang Li and said.

After being repeatedly looked at by this man, although Yang Li was a little shy, she was still more happy. It seemed that her dress today still shocked him and said, "I'm afraid you won't have that ability at that time. Come on, drink. If you have that ability after drinking, it's up to you!"

"Ha ha!" "Hey, Nan Chen, the policewoman said," this is your big chest Chen Nan rubbed his hands.

"What if I said it? I tell you, if you drink too much, I can't move you. Even if you sleep on the street, I won't care about you. "

Chen Nan touched to touch nose, see this posture this wench obviously ate to settle oneself.

However, no matter what he thought, Yang Li took the cup directly and poured a full cup with a bang. Then he filled himself with wine and said, "here, here's a glass of wine. Thank you for your help. Here's to you!"

Then Yang Li raised her glass.

"Ha ha, this wench, the appearance of the woman, the character of the man, I like it!" Chen Nan aims at the white greasy towering chest under the policewoman's collar and raises the cup to touch her.

"I'm proofing!"

Yang Li said, lift up the white neck will drink a glass of wine, and then natural and unrestrained bright bright cup bottom looking at chennan, that means I drink up, it's your turn.

Drink with her, Chen Nan naturally won't play to depend on, a Yang neck also drank a cup of wine into.

"Come on, have a bite of food and drink!" Yang Li also specially gave him a bite to pass. Chen south a mouth directly ate the dish, that circumstance is with natural justice similar.

Yang Li's face turned red. She lowered her head and twisted for a moment. She quickly recovered her indifferent state. She copied up the wine bottle, took chennan's cup and filled it with a bang.

Chen Nan said with a smile: "I said beauty officer, drink slowly, what's the hurry? It's good to talk and chatter after a good night."

"Well, it's no delay to talk and drink at the same time!" Yang Li raised the cup again smartly.

no matter how Chen Nan pushed, Yang Li persuaded him, pouring wine frequently, and not a bottle of Baijiu bottomed out. Two people drank red flushed. Yang Li's delicate pretty face is even more red. She is cute and refreshing, with red lips and nose, breast enhancement and round buttocks. She can't say that she is sexy.

Chen Nan worried that she would drink too much, so he said: "officer, let's have a drink. If we drink more, I will have more. You should drink less. It's not good to drink too much. It's harmful to your health!"

The more Chen Nan refuses, the more Yang Li thinks that he can't drink. She makes up her mind to pour him down. She continues to find various reasons to let him drink. The time is not long, and the second bottle goes in half. Chen Nan doesn't matter. Yang Li is already dizzy and shaking.

Chen Nan knew that Yang Li had drunk too much. In order not to let her continue to drink, Chen Nan pretended to be too strong to drink, and then shook up: "Oh, no, drink too much. I said, officer, let's stop here. If we drink again, I'll go under the table."

Yang Li curled her mouth and said that all she wanted was for you to get under the table and see how embarrassing you were. So she took the bottle and filled it with wine again. "Come on, let's drink!" Then he took another drink.Chen South wry smile, also can follow to drink.

As a result, Chen Nan didn't get down after drinking the wine, but Yang Li got down on the table, holding the cup in her small hand and shouting: "come on, drink Keep drinking. I don't believe I can't pour you down today! "

Chen Nan grabbed the cup from Yang Li's hand and put it on the table. "Officer, I'm under the table. Are you satisfied now? Come on, go home

"Well Full of Satisfied

"Plop!" Yang Li tilted her head and fell asleep on the table.

"I wipe it!" Chen South wry smile, originally is she want to treat, now this wench but drink much, have to oneself check out.

Finished, Chen Nan helped Yang Li out of the restaurant, opened the door and put her on the front seat of Fukang.

Start the car, Chen Nan shook, Yang Li asked: "officer, wake up, where is your home, I take you back!"

"I My family? I don't know! " On the co pilot, Yang Li reluctantly opened her eyes and leaned back to give out even breathing sound. Her nose and wings were moving back and forth. Her face was as red as an apple. She was naughty and cute. Chen Nan's sexy appearance made her mouth dry.

"I said beauty, wake up and tell me your home address before you sleep!"

But after shaking for a long time, Yang Li didn't respond. Her head was on her back, her white face was flushed after drinking, her ruddy lips were rhythmic up and down with her breath, and the huge double peaks were up and down, which attracted her to the extreme.

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