Yang Li smiles shyly. She turns around and waits for him to get dressed.

Dressed, chennan said, "come on, officer, I'll take you back!"

Without saying a word, Yang Li followed him to check out. When she saw the meaningful eyes of the front desk ladies, Yang Li's face turned red again. It must have been seen that she had opened a room with this man and had a night's sleep.

Although the word "open room" is very popular, Yang Li never thought that she would open a room with a man one day, so she is still very shy. Her heart is pounding and her eyes are peering around for fear of being seen.

When she gets on xiaofukang, she starts the car. Chennan drives her car and takes her back to the city Bureau. Yang Li is violent again, but she is a girl after all. She opens a room with a man, shy and tight. She grabs her skirt and lowers her head all the way. She doesn't say a word.

At the Municipal Bureau, Yang Li got out of the car. Colleagues see that she is wearing a red dress, sexy and provocative. Her eyebrows are full of spring. Her eyes are almost falling down. No man has ever sent this hot female police officer to work. Is this girl in love? Otherwise, how can she have such a shy expression? Needless to say, this person should be her boyfriend, and isn't he the man who shot the plane with a rifle? It's really a good match.

A little flustered, Yang Li calm down, very generous and Chen Nan wave: "goodbye!" Then he turned and walked inside the gate.

On the top floor, Yang Li didn't come back all night. Her father, director Yang Hongxuan, was very worried. He always stood at the window and looked at the direction of the gate to see if his daughter would come to work. At this time, when he saw her coming down from chennan's car and dressed so brightly, he immediately realized what had happened. They must have lived together, so to speak? When was my daughter so shy?

Yang Ju appreciates chennan, a young man. Only such a person can give up his daughter and raise her son for more than 20 years. After all, her daughter is going to get married. Although she is bitter in her heart, she is also happy. Her daughter finally falls in love and has her own happiness.

Yang Li went upstairs. As soon as she entered the office, a policewoman came in and said, "Captain Yang, the director asked you to go there!"

Yang Li didn't understand what her father told her to do. She thought it was because she didn't come back all night. In fact, it's nothing to be a criminal policeman who didn't come back all night. But after all, she didn't have a room with a man. Yang Li felt guilty and came to her father's office with a worried mood.

Knock on the door, stand in front of my father's desk, try to pretend that nothing happened and say: "Dad, what can I do for you?"

After all, there was no one else in the office, and director Yang didn't have to put on the airs of the director. He got up and patted his daughter on the shoulder. "Lily, now you have a task to perform!"

"Oh?" Heard that there is a task, Yang Li quickly recovered from last night's embarrassing incident, the body pulled straight, waiting for her father to say.

Director Yang then said: "Qin Yaochuan, general manager of construction group, is suspected of gambling when he travels to Macao. He is detained by Venice gambling city of Macao because he owes a huge amount of gambling money. You and vice captain Zhou Qing go to Macao to negotiate with Macao police and try to bring Qin Yaochuan back. Can you do that?"

"Guarantee to finish the task!" Yang Li salutes her father cleanly.

Yang Ju liked his daughter's strength, but he still said with a deep heart: "Venice gambling city is very powerful in Macao. Qin Yaochuan owes a huge amount of gambling money. I'm afraid it's not so easy to bring him back. You must pay attention to your hot temper and try your best to do everything. You don't have to force him. Ah, it's very difficult to go there. My father is a little worried. If that is Chen I have nothing to worry about if you're with me, Dad. "

"Daddy Yang Li blushed and said shyly, "why do you mention him?"

"Ha ha!" Seeing his daughter's shyness, what can director Yang not see as a past person? My daughter is in love. I'm sorry. Immediately patted his daughter's shoulder, said with a smile: "you go to find Zhou Qing, ready to go."

"Yes Yang Li turned to go out, but her father stopped her and said with a smile: "lily, come back from Macao and take chennan home. I think this young man is good. Let your mother see him, too!"

"Daddy Yang Li's pretty face turned red. She took a look at her father and ran out of the office like a gust of wind. She touched her face. It was so hot that she could spread eggs.

"Ha ha..." Yang Hongxuan laughs heartily, but stops abruptly. He walks slowly to the window and looks at the long white clouds in the sky. There is a touch of worry in his eyes.


"Chennan brothers, the company is going to Cangtai to participate in the bidding. At present, the whole company is preparing this matter. Our public relations department, as the backbone of public relations, will also send people there at that time!"

Chen Nan came to the public relations department because he didn't go to work yesterday. As soon as he sat down, Li Lingyu, a young woman, came to talk to him about the company's news and all kinds of gossip.

Today, the young woman is wearing a knee length ol skirt, low opening V-neck and black silk socks. She is a mature woman with full charm and charming charm as always.

With that, Li Lingyu came to the water dispenser with a cup to pick up the water and prepare to make tea. Chennan is very close to the water dispenser. Li Lingyu is about to bow her head when she receives the water. With this bow, half of the plump snow peaks in front of her chest are exposed, and chennan is looking at them.Chen Nan immediately swallowed the mouth to spit out foam, the young woman is really not a young girl can compare, full and plump, such as snow white greasy delicate peaks and hills temptation incomparable, let Chen Nan see some stunned.

At this time, the office director Xu Kai came in. Tang Lili was busy with her marriage recently and didn't come to work. Moreover, last time he lost face, Xu Kai put his idea on Li Lingyu, a young woman. If she had nothing to do, she came to the public relations department to have a look at the beautiful young woman.

As soon as he came in, he saw Chen Nan staring at the young woman's chest. Xu Kai was about to shout out immediately.

Chen Nan has already found him, of course, this kind of thing can't let him shout out, preemptive said: "director Xu, your shoes are really bright today."

Chen Nan's cry attracted all the ol's attention to Xu Kai. Li Lingyu picked up the water, straightened up and looked at Xu Kai. It can be said that they were very close to each other.

Xu Kai is a Leng immediately, "Chen Nan, what do you mean?"

"Ha ha!" Chen Nan smiles: "director Xu, your shoes are so bright that they can be used as mirrors."

Li Lingyu immediately reacts and looks down. Xu Kai's shoes are under his skirt. His embarrassed face turns red immediately. He stares at director Xu and runs back to his seat with a red face.

Director Xu, who was depressed and wanted to expose chennan, was put aside by him. Seeing the disgusting eyes of the beauties, he couldn't expose chennan any more. Embarrassed, he quickly turned around and walked out of the public relations department.

"Old luster, be careful to be caught by your wife one day."

"Let your wife castrate you!"

All the ol's yelling.

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