Director Xu's wife works in the finance department. He is a typical hen pecked man. He wants to develop his junior but is afraid of his wife, so he is extremely cautious.

Just then, Wang Zhaodi, a little girl at the front desk, came in and went straight to chennan, saying, "chennan, someone is looking for you!"

"Someone's looking for me?" Chen Nan got up and went outside. She saw a graceful woman in a beige suit standing outside the front desk.

"It's anchor Qin. What can I do for you?" Chen Nan doesn't understand. As a famous person in the city, how can Qin Da run to the public relations department to find himself regardless of his reputation?

"Well Chennan, can you speak with me? I'll treat you to coffee! " Qin Wanrou had a faint blush on her face. Her eyebrows were clear, and her soft and charming manner was very moving.

Chen Nan saw that Qin Wanrou had something to do, and immediately nodded: "let's go!"

Two people came to the bottom and took Qin Wanrou's Mini trot to a coffee shop.

"What would you like to drink?" Qin Wanrou lowered her head and didn't dare to look at chennan. Because of the Tiantai incident, she was always in awe of chennan, which can also be said to be mustard.

Chen Nan a smile: "at will, beauty, you don't need to be nervous, I won't eat you again, say, what can I do for you?"

"Two blue mountains with sugar!" Qin Wanrou said to the waiter, turned to chennan and said, "I want to ask you a favor!"

"Oh? Tell me about it? " Chen Nan Huan looks at Qin Wanrou on his shoulder. He really can't think of it. As the number one star of the TV station, the host of Qin DA has a lot of connections. What else can I do for him?

"Well..." Qin Wanrou was a little embarrassed. She seemed to have something hard to say. She took the coffee from the waiter and gave chennan a cup. She also took a drink. After brewing for a while, she plucked up her courage and said, "my father is the general manager of the construction group. He went to Macau some time ago, but he didn't control it. He took part in gambling in Venice, owed a huge amount of gambling money and was detained there 。”

"No control?" Chen Nan doesn't believe it. When a corrupt official in China goes to Macao for the first time, he usually puts some water into the casinos and long-term fish. Besides, how much money can he bring when he travels? It's a recidivist to be able to owe a huge amount of gambling money, but Qin Wanrou, as her daughter, can be forgiven for saying so. She took a sip of coffee and waited for her to go on.

Qin Wanrou pursed her lips, her eyes gradually firmed up, looking at Chen Nan and said: "the gambling city said that if you don't make up the debt within a week, you will kill my father. I know you are definitely not an ordinary person, so I want you to find a way to save my father."

Chen Nan leaned back and laughed, "your father is the general manager of the construction group, and you are the famous host of the city TV station. You can make up for the debt!"

Venice casino is the largest casino in Macao. It's impossible to say that there is no background of gangsters. It's not a small matter to go to their site to save people. Even chennan should consider it carefully.

Qin Wanrou blushed, "if my father had money, he would have made up for the debt. The company has found out that he embezzled public funds, and he can't move the money. But my little money is just a drop in the bucket, so I ask you for help."

Chen Nan took a sip of coffee and said, "why should I help you?"

Qin Wanrou's eyes were red. "I know my father did wrong and was stabbed in the spine, but he is my father no matter how wrong he is. I can't see him killed. Although I know he will be in prison when he comes back, I will save him. If you can help me save him, I will I'm willing to... "

Qin Wanrou's face turned more red. She lowered her head and twisted for a moment. Then she suddenly raised her head and said, "I'd like to do anything for you, including Including My body

With that, Qin Wanrou's pink cheeks were flushed, but she stubbornly gathered her hair in front of her forehead and tried to make a charming gesture to make herself look more beautiful and attractive.

Chen Nan stares at Qin Wanrou. She looks at her unnaturally. She purses her sexy lips tightly. Her shy face is more red. She doesn't dare to look at him with her head down. It's the gentleness of her head down. At this time, Qin Wanrou is really graceful and charming. Any man will be shocked when he sees her.

Chen Nan stares at her for a full minute, then suddenly opens her hand and says with a smile: "such a charming beauty, it must be great to enjoy. How can I refuse? It's a deal

Finish saying, Chen south gets up, the head also doesn't return to walk toward the door.

Looking at his back, Qin Wanrou took a long breath and lowered her head slowly. Her beautiful eyes were gradually filled with tears. She sobbed softly: "father, all I can do for you is this..."

To go to Macao to save people, chennan's first task is to ask his wife for leave and return to the company. Chennan comes directly to the president's office, but is stopped by the Secretary at the door: "chennan, what are you doing?"

Lin Cuiping, the little secretary at the door, stares at him. She doesn't look at him well. Last time she was grabbed by this guy's neck, she almost didn't faint. It's strange that she can change his face.

"Looking for me Well, I have something to do with the president, Cui Ping. I'm sorry about that day. I really have something urgent! " Chen Nan smiles to stare at small secretary chest to say.

The little secretary was staring at his face red, hurriedly bowed his head, "you wait!"Lin Cuiping picked up the phone, pressed a number to connect the president office, "president, chennan wants to see you!"

"Let him in!"

Lin Cuiping put down the phone and glared at Chen Nan, "the President let you in!"

"Hey, hey, thank you!"

And his wife's relationship has just eased, a thought of yesterday night did not return, chennan some guilty, secretly push the door into the president's office.

Nalan Shiyu is looking at the copy, and knows that he doesn't lift his head when he comes in. His already pretty face is even colder. Chennan can even feel that the cold is radiating from his wife.

"Bad, my wife must be angry because she didn't come back all night!"

Chen Nan turns around to his wife with courage and lightly beats the fragrant shoulder of Nalan poetry, "wife, tired, I'll beat your back!"

"Get out of the way, you don't have to beat me!" Nalan Shiyu threw him away.

"Wife, look at you, you're almost out of the bag under your eyes. It's designated that you didn't have a good rest last night. I'll massage your husband. Come on, I'll give you a massage to relax, otherwise it won't be beautiful!"

Nalan said to him, "do you know I didn't have a good rest?"

"Hehe, I know you are busy with your work. No matter how busy you are, you should pay attention to your health!" Say words, Chen south big hand pressed on Na LAN poem language shoulder acupuncture point lightly a pinch. A crisp feeling from the acupoints throughout the body, Nalan poetry language comfortable almost did not groan out.

Donghuan group is in trouble. In order to highlight the siege, Nalan Shiyu has been busy talking about cooperation with Feiyue group. She has to work late all day and is really tired. At this time, chennan pinches her and feels relieved. She can't help leaning back on the boss's chair and letting chennan push her.

…… (the first watch will be delivered at noon, and the fourth one will be delivered in the evening)

the first watch will be delivered at noon

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