Chen Nan's massage method is not covered, the acupoints and veins are very accurate. The comfortable feeling makes Nalan Shiyu close his eyes unconsciously. As his body becomes more and more relaxed, he has a feeling of wanting to sleep. He whispers in his heart: "I didn't expect that this guy has this hand. It's really cool!"

Nalan's poem language is comfortable and leisurely as if lying on the cloud by chennan. Unconsciously, she relaxes her vigilance.

Looking at his wife's black hair, white and pink Xiuxiang, the fragrance of orchid wafts into his nose. Chennan, who had already had a close relationship with Nalan Shiyu, can't hold on to himself. A fire rises from his belly. His eyes can't help looking at his wife's towering and chic chest, and he slides down from his shoulder with a hand massage.

Every time he pressed one of his fingers, Nalan Shiyu, who was almost in a sleepy state, would groan. As his hands approached the two delicate towering groups on his chest, Nalan Shiyu's unconscious groan became louder and louder. Chennan could not help but think of the beauty, breath and pain of Nalan Shiyu that night. His big hands could not help pressing the two towering groups in the past .

Nalan poetry language is too sensitive, sensitive parts are touched, suddenly wake up, in chennan's hand to press on the crisp ~ chest, suddenly a Jiao drink: "what are you doing?"

Chen Nan ha ha a smile, "wife, I want to give you massage chest, massage can be more pretty, more shape."

Nalan's face turned red, and he ran away from him in a hurry. He stood up and looked at him with his hands around his shoulders. He said in a cold voice, "nothing to be gallant, no matter it's treachery or theft. Come on, what do you want to do?"

"Wife, you're really eye-catching. I want to take a few days off!"

"For what?" Although the South Chen admits that he doesn't care about the relationship between the outside and the inside.

Chen Nan said: "to Macao, there is something to deal with!"

Nalan looked at him up and down, "what are you doing in Macao as a car washer? Is there any business in Macao? "

"There's something to deal with anyway!"

This si what also don't say, Na LAN poem language is puzzling whether to give him a few days off, Chen Nan's telephone rang.

Chen Nan looked at the number, but it was Qiao Shishi. At the thought of his wife, Chen Nan didn't answer.

Nalan Shiyu looked at his embarrassment coldly, "take it. Why don't you take it when a girl calls? Don't delay business. What if someone goes out with you?"

"Ha ha!" Chen Nan scratched her head, and her wife saw that it was a girl, so she had to connect. Qiao Shishi's sweet voice came, "uncle, do you have time now? I'll give you back the clothes! "

"Er..." Chen South heart says this wench dress is not finished, see wife is staring at oneself, busy way: "I have no time now, another day."

"Not tomorrow, either? It's just a dress. Don't be afraid, uncle. People won't eat you! "

"No time. I'll hang up if I'm ok!" Chennan quickly hang up the phone, if let his wife know that his clothes in other women's hands, this matter with the bed don't want to.

"Well, you bad uncle, you are so busy!" At the other end of the phone, Qiao Shishi kicked the floor hard and fell on the bed, a little angry.

In the president's office, Nalan Shiyu looks at chennan with a sneer, "it's really good. Even a little girl can cheat, and her clothes are left there..." Dares the sentiment Nalan poem language sharp ear to hear.

"Wife, it's a misunderstanding!"

"Misunderstanding?" Nalan poem language suddenly pretty face a cold, "misunderstanding people call you uncle, how no one call me uncle, you really have the ability, can deceive minors."

"Isn't Qiao Shishi an adult?" Chen Nan is not depressed, as if he deceived underage girls like, but this kind of thing can't explain, the more described the more black, hurried way: "wife, you see leave thing..."

"Hurry up, you'd better never come back. It's better to live in Macao. It's none of my business to be with anyone you want to be with." Nalanshiyu is frozen and smashed on the chair. A pair of double peaks fluctuate violently.

Chennan know this matter more aim more black, explain not clear, had to slip out of the office, to the outside a sigh, "not easy with the wife relationship has eased, this next again!"

In the evening, Chen Nan came to the hall to prepare for his trip, and even prepared some hot weapons to put in the space. The next afternoon, he took a 5:00 p.m. plane to Macau at Shanghai International Airport. Two hours and 20 minutes later, the plane landed at Macau International Airport in the dark.


Yesterday, after Yang Li and vice captain Zhou Qing came to Macao, they were received by the inspector named Le Zhengyu, a colleague from Macao, to the police headquarters of Lu'an, which is located in front of the Lotus Bridge port in Lu'an.

In view of the fact that Shanghai Haishi Public Security Bureau has written to Macao police, and the Ministry of public security is also concerned about this matter, which puts great pressure on Macao police, Macao police station still attaches great importance to them, and CCB Chief Superintendent Xu Liang personally received them.

According to the information provided by CCB, Venice gambling city is currently at the helm of jiwentian, who is known as the king of gambling. It not only operates the gambling city, but also has many industries, such as film and television companies, horse gambling, golf courses and so on. He is the behind the scenes controller of the underworld organization 14K. Originally, 14K was established by Hong Kong people in Macao, but later controlled by jiwentian, becoming the largest underworld organization in Macao.Ji Wentian is known as the king of gambling in Macao. He has a great reputation in the world gambling circle. In Macao, both black and white, he is a force he can't afford to provoke. Even the capital of Macao wants to yield three points.

At the request of Yang Li and Zhou Qing, the Macao police summoned the gambling king according to the procedure. The gambling king was very cooperative. Accompanied by several private lawyers and bodyguards, the gambling king went to the serious crime unit for questioning. However, the gambling king shook his head and said he didn't know about it. Later, he asked his assistant to learn that Qin Yaochuan owed gambling capital of 70 million to the gambling city, which was related to Yang Li's knowledge The situation is consistent. It's all misappropriated public funds.

But according to the assistant, Qin Yaochuan has left the gambling city, and they don't know where he went. The rest of the time, even the assistant did not speak, it was the lawyer who was dealing with the police. As a result, the gambler stayed in the police station for less than 10 minutes and came out.

It's no small business for gamblers to travel. Even international stars are not as good. A large number of paparazzi and journalists have gathered at the gate. All kinds of media reporters from Macao have arrived, just like the black boss who escaped legal sanctions in the court in Hong Kong movies. The long guns and short guns have been stretched out and the lights are flashing.

"Mr. Ji, I heard that you are preparing for the Asian gambling king competition. Is that true?"

"It's said that the new famous movie star was ruled by you in 1010. Is that true?"

"Mr. gambler, I heard that you are going to be engaged to the mainland Diving Queen Gao 1010. When?"

The reporters didn't ask any questions about imprisoning gamblers. They were all about the latest gambling news and gossip entertainment news.

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