"Ah Hao, we're over the age of fighting and killing. We can't make enough money. Do we have to worry with a chick? If you want me to say, that corrupt official in the mainland, you should not detain him! " The gambler said with a cigar in his hand.

"Big brother..." Ah Hao quickly lit his brother's cigar.

Ji Wentian smoked a cigar and waved his hand, "don't say it. Since you do it, you should do it to the end. This time I'll play with the mainland police to see what means they can find people. Remember, you are my brother. Compromise is not the character of Ji family!"

"OK, big brother, I know how to do it!"

"What about that Qin? Is the hiding place safe? "

"Don't worry, brother. There's no problem with the wind and dancing in the gambling boat."

Silent asked the sky no longer pay attention to him, eyes looking at the front, seems unpredictable.

Although the elder brother didn't let himself touch the mainland policewoman, Howe was used to being arrogant. How could he swallow this tone? He completely ignored the words of the king of gamblers.

After getting out of the car and waiting for the elder brother to leave, ah Hao came to an enigmatic and strong man and said, "big d, this time there's a mainland police officer. I don't have to say about his chest and butt. You go..."

Brother Hao's voice was getting lower and lower, and he finally said, "take our 14K brothers and have a good time. Pay attention to make it clean!"

"Brother Hao, don't you mind if I do things?" Big d's eyes flashed a touch of obscene light, the corners of his mouth stirred up a cruel smile, and he licked his lips indecently. When he thought of the big chest and fat buttocks of the mainland policewomen, he was already impatient.

"With your skill, of course, I can rest assured!" Brother Hao said with a smile, this big d is not an ordinary person, but a yellow warrior. He committed a crime in the mainland and fled to Macao. Ah Hao paid a high price to stay with him.

In modern times, there are some secret ancient martial arts families in China. The cultivation levels can be divided into yellow level, Xuan level, prefecture level, and even heaven level. Each level is divided into three levels: junior middle school and later stage. Big d is an escaped disciple of the ancient martial arts sect. Although it is only the early cultivation of yellow level, it is enough to support a gang in any city, far from ordinary martial arts practice As long as he enters the level, Gu Wu can be regarded as an expert, so although he sees Yang Li's skill, he doesn't pay attention to it at all.

Despite Yang Li's impassioned speech, there was no evidence from the police that Qin Yaochuan had been detained, so the Macao counterparts said they could do nothing about it.

Zhou Qing reported the situation here to the Public Security Bureau of Shanghai and Shanghai. Director Yang personally called his daughter and criticized her. There was no clue to the case, and the two people had no law enforcement power in Macao, so it was meaningless to stay in Macao. In order to avoid any further trouble in Macao, director Yang asked the two people to return to Shanghai and Shanghai as soon as possible.

In the evening, they went shopping near shetouzui to browse the scenery of Macao and buy some gifts for their colleagues.

They walked along the road and talked about the case. If they were in the mainland, they could openly lead people to search casinos. But in Macao, they could only rely on the Macao police. If the Australian police didn't find anyone, they had to give up. After all, they had no evidence to prove that Qin was detained by casinos.

Two people are walking, suddenly in front of a dark alley came the girl's urgent cry, "help, please let me go!" In the girl's rapid shouts, mixed with men's obscene laughter.

Because of the sensitivity of her career, Yang Li rushed to the alley. She was in a foreign country, and the alley was dark. Zhou Qing didn't want to worry about anything, but when she saw that Yang Li had already entered the alley and worried about her accident, Zhou Qing rushed in.

As soon as he rushed into the alley, he was dumbfounded. Yang Li, a good player, had been restrained for a moment. She put two knives around her neck and leaned against the wall with a face full of anger. Beside him stood a young man with a sinister sneer. By feeling, Zhou Qing knew that this man was very dangerous.

A little girl with yellow hair and only 16 or 17 years old came up to the young man and said, "big d, am I performing well?"

Then the little sister squinted at Zhou Qing, took a cigarette in her mouth and began to puff. She looked very coquettish.

Zhou Qing instantly understood that they were ambushed by others. He quickly pulled out his gun, but it was empty. The gun had been pulled out. The bad wind behind his head is not good. Baseball bat and mountain knife greet him.

"Zhou Qing, be careful!" Yang Li wants to rush up to save him, but the two ferocious men in front of her have sharp knives on her neck, and she can't move at all. The light in this lane is dim, which is the point that the other party has already stepped on. No one will come at all, and no one will take care of her when she cries.

In all desperation, Zhou Qing had to raise his arms to cover him. The baseball bat hit him, and he felt numb. The knife cut his arms like a vegetable, bringing blood.

He managed to knock down three or four people. Zhou Qing knew that he had to be chopped to death if he went on fighting again. He got a few knives in front of his body and rushed to Yang Li regardless of everything to save her.

In front of him, big d's figure flashed and blocked in front of him. He kicked Zhou Qing out with one foot. Zhou Qing fell to the ground with his back on his face. His ribs were broken at that time. He nearly fainted without pain. Before he got up, the baseball bat opened the knife and called him down again.Zhou Qing was injured all over, his ribs were broken, and he had no ability to resist. He could only protect his head. "No, asshole, let him go!" Yang Li screamed desperately, but she was held up by two knives and couldn't help at all.

The flesh and blood of Zhou Qing's chopping became indistinct, and he was in a coma. He was hacked by these people, and the sound was endless.

"Stinky 38, aren't you good at it? Now it's your turn Big d comes to Yang Li with a smile and reaches for Yang Li's shirt.

"Don't touch me, or you'll die!" Yang Li yelled.

"Ha ha, I like violent police best. I hope you will be so arrogant later. I really want to know what it's like for elder martial sister mainland to beg for mercy under me." Big d's unbridled laughter, under the umbrella has been propped up.

"Big d, let's play with the mainland elder martial sister later, and have a taste." Two men holding Yang Li said obscenely.

Big d laughs: "I'll give it to you when I'm finished."

"We'll play together later!" The little girl next to him threw off her yellow hair, sprayed smoke and twisted her buttocks wildly.

"Hey, Ya Mei, I'm angry. I'll play with you!" An old fool rushes up and hugs Ya Mei. Two people roll on the ground. Old fool starts to pick up little Tai Mei's pants.

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