"Wait a moment, come with the mainland elder martial sister!" The little girl is pushing the old fool on it.

"Hiss!" Big d stretched out his hand and pulled Yang Li's collar open, revealing the white lace bra inside. The plump, towering, snow-white edge was hard to cover, which made big d swallow and spit.

Yang Li, who had never shed tears, saw that she was unable to break free and shed tears of humiliation.

Big d said: "you two hold her down, I'll do it from the back!"

The two men put a knife in their waist, grabbed Yang Li's arm, pressed her against the wall, and went to pick up her pants.

Two plump snow Qiu dew out, big d can't wait to take off his pants, a figure at the entrance of the alley flashed in and said harshly: "let her go!"

"14K, get out of here!" A group of old people didn't take the newcomer seriously at all. They thought that the other party was just a little punk who happened to pass by. As long as they reported the name of the gang, they were scared away.

"Is 14K awesome?"

With a sneer, the young man stretched his hand back, and a folding AK47 appeared in his hand. He pulled it with one hand, and with a crash, the muzzle of the gun was aimed at the crowd.

Big d sweeps the AK47 on the young man's hand from the corner of his eye. He knows that this is not an ordinary little scoundrel at all. If he can take the AK47 out casually, he must be a bandit of the level of bandit. He blocks Yang Li in front of him and reaches for Yang Li's neck.

"Man, you don't want a share, do you?" Big d pushes Yang Li close to the young man, and the murderous opportunity flashes in her eyes.

Just now, Yang Li was facing the wall, but the young man didn't see clearly. At this time, she saw that it was Yang Li, a policewoman. Suddenly, her eyes flashed a touch of scarlet, and she stared coldly at Da D, who came by. He already saw that she was a Huang Jiwu.

Chen Nan is the young man. He gets off the plane and wants to go to the casino to ask Qin Yaochuan about his whereabouts. When he passes by this lane, he hears the movement inside and comes in. When he sees a group of old people who want to rape girls, he stops them and tries to scare them away with a gun. But he doesn't expect to meet Yang Li in Macao and immediately kills them.

Yang Li sees Chen Nan's humiliating tears flow down. She really doesn't want to face him in this way.

"Man, since you like this girl, I'll play for you first!" Big d suddenly pushes Yang Li to chennan's arms, blocking his muzzle. At the same time, big d jumps up, kicks on the wall, takes the advantage of sliding over a distance of ten feet, kicks chennan's head with one foot, in an attempt to kill him.

Cha Chen slams his fists into D's arms with a big bang.

Yang Li, who has already put on her trousers, suddenly breaks free from Chen Nan's arms and snatches the AK47 in his hand. The muzzle of the black hole is aimed at a group of ancient confused kids, which is extremely murderous. When the violent policewoman has suffered such grievances, she will be shamed.

"Elder sister, I didn't mean to. Brother Hao bewitched me!" Big d's foot was interrupted, and it was impossible to avoid AK47. The awe inspiring murderous spirit of the policewoman made him realize that he might be finished, and immediately asked for mercy.

"Die for me!" Yang Li gritted her teeth and did not hesitate to move the AK47.

"Dada dada!" The bullet spewed out a dazzling tongue of fire, and a group of ancient puzzlers were beaten, bumped up and screamed to death.

Big d is worthy of being a warrior. With one hand on the ground, he sprang up, one foot on the wall and limped away. But no matter how fast he passed the bullet, how fast? Caught by the bullet, it flew to the wall and turned into a sieve.

After killing these people, Yang Li's anger finally eased and rushed to Zhou Qing, "Captain Zhou, how are you?"

Zhou Qing was cut all over blood, unconscious, no matter how Yang Li called, there was no movement.

"Zhou Qing!" Yang Li cried and immediately called for an ambulance. This was her best partner and closest comrade in arms for many years. If he had an accident, Yang Li really couldn't accept it.

Chen Nan quickly gathers the corpses together and makes a fireball to burn to ashes. She comes to Yang Li's head and motions her to get out of the way.

Chennan several times in the critical moment to save himself, although Yang Li temper, but at the moment he obeyed from the heart, flustered and ownerless, is become the policewoman's only rely on, immediately deftly back to one side.

For Zhou Qing, Chen Nan is no stranger. They have fought side by side in the bank. Although they chatted for a short time, they were very angry with this iron man.

Chen Nan bent down to explore Zhou Qing's breath, but he still had a weak breath. He immediately took out a wooden needle and inserted it into his head, back and chest to stimulate Qi and inject vitality into Zhou Qing's body.

Zhou Qing was just seriously injured and shocked, but he didn't die. If he really died, even chennan's Jiuyang wooden needle couldn't save him. Now it's very easy to wake him up.

Inject vitality, Zhou Qing's face has blood color, Chen Nan will wood needle out, degree of true Qi, give him repair damaged meridians. Time is not big, Zhou Qing spit out a congestion, slowly wake up.

"Zhou Qing!" Yang Li wept with joy and rushed over immediately."I I'm not dead yet Zhou Qing gives Yang Li a hard smile. Although the smile is ugly, Yang Li knows that her comrades in arms are still alive. She has a sweet smile on her face. With her messy hair, she is very sad and beautiful.

Time is not long. The police and the ambulance are here. There are gunshots here. It's impossible not to disturb the police. According to Chen Nan, Yang Li tells the police that she and Zhou Qing were ambushed by 14K people and nearly died. Chen Nan appeared to save her, but the old people ran away.

Seeing the blood on the ground and Zhou Qing, who was still seriously injured, the police believed it. It's no small matter that the mainland police were attacked by gangs in Macao. The Macao police responded immediately. They swept several 17k venues overnight and arrested a lot of people, but none of them knew what was going on, because ah Hao arranged it secretly. Other people didn't know what was going on. Except ah Hao, all of them were dead.

Although Zhou Qing had no worries about his life, he suffered many fractures and needed to recuperate. The nurses carried him to an ambulance. The ambulance pulled the police siren to leave, and the police retreated.

Knowing that Zhou Qing was ok, Yang Li was relieved to see that Chen Nan didn't leave. She followed him to the Hengqin bridge silently. The lights were flickering in the distance, and the stars were shining on her head. The lights set off the river with gorgeous colors. There was silence around, and only a few crickets played a soft melody.

"Chen Nan, thank you!" Yang chennan slowly buries her head in front of him. At the moment, Yang Li is still the violent policewoman. The young lady of the police officer is as clever as a docile lamb. Her delicate body gradually softens and nestles up to the man.

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