Chen Nan stretched out her hand and hugged Yang Li in her arms. She said with a smile, "you've been depending on me from the beginning. I didn't expect that you've been depending on me now!"

"You're a villain. Who's on you? You said to be someone else's boyfriend Yang Li's cheeks are scarlet, and a pair of small fists are pounding on his chest. She is so shy and tender.

"Ha ha, I'm joking. Are you serious?" Chen Nan laughs, but the big hand secretly hugs the policewoman. Yang Li's whole body is soft and hot, and she feels good.

"I'll depend on you. How can I drop it?" The policewoman didn't reason with him any more. She buried her head deeply in his arms and put her arms to the man's chest. However, she was soft and powerless. At the moment, the policewoman was deeply in love with him.

Chen Nan beats her chest and reaches for the policewoman's delicate chin. Yang Li's little hand stops immediately and silently watches the overbearing man in front of her eyes. Slowly, her eyes are melting. No longer overbearing, she slowly succumbs to the man's eyes.

Chen South will her chin hold high, suddenly bow head overbearing will policewoman hot Tan mouth in the mouth, hard to kiss up.

"Oh ~" the policewoman murmured feebly, slowly reached out and put her hand around the man's Bee waist, raised her head to respond to the man above. Her body trembled slightly, her delicate body became softer and softer, and she was completely melted, surrounded by unprecedented happiness. The sky was spinning, the earth was spinning, and the whole world was spinning. She felt that her body did not belong to her, but was surrounded by a certain part of the man Sub domineering invasion, occupy, Jiao body like a feather slowly floating, floating on the clouds, wonderful.

"So this is the taste of the first kiss, a little pain, some entanglement, a little unreasonable, but very beautiful!" Yang Li whispered from the bottom of her heart. Last time she was in the hotel, although she had a kiss, she didn't realize it clearly. Now it was her first kiss. In her breath, the fragrant tongue was hooked by the man unconsciously. Familiar Yang Li, on the other hand, tried her best to suck everything from the man and gave out a wild groan and murmur.

The kiss was painful and overbearing, but it was wonderful. At last, Yang Lijiao gasped and leaned powerlessly against the man. She was held by the man and looked toward the river. At this time, she noticed that tonight was so beautiful and life was so wonderful

The next day, two people take care of Zhou Qing in the hospital for a day. Zhou Qing's life is not in danger, but he just needs to rest. Chen Nan proposes to go to Venice gambling city and have a good talk with the king of gambling.

"Yes Yang Li clenched her pink fist. Now she felt fearless and full of strength. At the request of the mainland police, the police headquarters in Lutai had to send the inspector to pick them up and ask Le Zhengyu to accompany them.

Zhou Qing continues to recuperate in the hospital. Under the leadership of Le Zhengyu, several people walk through the luxurious marble square and come to the towering and magnificent city of Venice surrounded by neon lights. Le Zhengyu shows his identification to the security guard.

"Wait a minute!" The security guard immediately contacted the people inside with the walkie talkie, and was allowed to let three people in.

The Gambling Hall is magnificent. All kinds of gambling machines are shining with colorful colors. The Dutch officials in white shirts and bow ties stand in front of the gambling table to serve the guests. The distinguished guests, red men and green women, wearing gold and silver, shuttle between them.

This is an ordinary hall. The guests are of a lower level. In the VIP Hall, there are more distinguished gambler officials from Southeast Asia and the mainland. Several people walk into the gambling city, Chen Nan sweeps one eye, does not hesitate to walk toward the VIP Hall.

"Officer, what are you doing here?" A lawyer who had been to the police station came up again and blocked several people.

Yang Li said harshly: "tell you gambler to come out, I want to talk with him."

"Is the king of gambling the one you want to see? Do you know how precious the gambler's time is? Going to the police station has given you a lot of face. Let me know if you have anything The lawyer wears glasses and looks serious, just like the lawyer defending the black boss in Hong Kong movies.

"How do you talk to a police officer?" Chen Nan raised his hand is a punch, is hit in the lawyer's eyes, glasses crash to break, but even the lawyer in front of a confused, lying on the ground looking for glasses everywhere. Le Zhengyu immediately frowned. He didn't expect that the young man looked at Ruya. He turned out to be a violent man. He said that he would do it. If he made a big noise, it would be hard for him to go back.

A group of old people who are looking at the scene are hugging up. Chen Nan's face doesn't change, and he walks slowly in. His tone is plain: "ask Ji to come out. Other people are not qualified to talk to police officers. Little Macao is only a tiny place. Just like Venice gambling City, do you want to go to heaven?"

The old people wanted to rush up and beat him, but for some reason, this young man with a flat expression made them feel helpless, and no one dared to step forward.

Seeing the conflict, the guests immediately looked over. Seeing the mainland policewomen, several mainland officials immediately withdrew their heads and quietly hid in the VIP room.

"Get out of the way!" With the sound, a dignified middle-aged man came down from the white jade steps on the opposite side. A dozen bodyguards in black rushed down the stairs and stood on both sides of the steps.

This white jade step is the legendary king of gamblers' heaven step, which leads directly to the top of Venice gambling city. Only those who are qualified to fight with the king of gamblers can set foot on this bright heaven step.The middle-aged man, the king of gambling, asked the sky. He waved his hand to the confused young men and the lawyer to step down. Surrounded by the bodyguards, he came to Yang Li and sneered: "since you are here, please come in and have a talk."

"Let's go, let's go!" Yang Li takes the lead and follows the gambler into a VIP Hall.

The king of gamblers didn't even let him have tea. He said directly, "officer, I have been to the police station the day before yesterday, and many things have been explained clearly. Today you are making trouble again. I'm afraid it's too bad."

Yang Li's face was cold. "According to the information we have, Qin Yaochuan is imprisoned in your gambling city. Who am I not looking for

"Ha ha!" Ji asked the sky with a smile, "officer, the police here have searched, and have not found any Qin Yaochuan. Do you want to search again?" With these words, Ji Wentian shakes the gold watch on his hand and shows off a dragon tattoo on his arm, which is full of the style of king of gamblers.

"Hum!" Yang Li sneered, "anyway, people are imprisoned by you. How can I know where you hide them?"

"Ha ha!" I said, "beauty, are you a police officer? Don't you know that you need evidence for everything? Are you a woman, you can play in front of me? If I don't, will you take off your clothes in front of me? "

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