"Ha ha!" The four bodyguards and their lawyers all laughed and looked at the policewoman with a look of ridicule.

"You scolded the next door!" Chen Nan suddenly takes up the ashtray on the table and claps it on the gambling king's head. He is dizzy and turns his eyes.

"Bold!" A bodyguard stretched out his hand to take out a gun and aimed at chennan. Suddenly, his hand was loose, and the gun had reached chennan's hand, "bang bang!" Chennan fired four shots, three bullets hit the other three bodyguards' pistols, the pistol off, the fourth bullet directly wiped the lawyer's scalp hit on the wall, with a slip of blood, if lower half an inch, the barrister is the end of the blow, the barrister was scared to slide to the ground, leaving a blood mark on the wall, water stains trickling down the trouser legs I'm scared to pee.

In the twinkling of an eye, the four bodyguards were restrained, and all the people in the room were stupid, with big eyes and small eyes. No one dared to move. The king of gamblers was shaking, and his eyes were full of panic.

"Who shot?" Yang an Li turned around and ran in with a policeman.

"Silence asks Hao!" Le Zhengyu raises his gun and aims at brother Hao. Brother Hao has to stop and raise his hand. A group of bodyguards behind him also aims at Le Zhengyu, but brother Hao is blocked at the door and they dare not shoot at all.

Chen South vision you however a cold, squint eyes to look at bald head, "you are Hao elder brother?" Big d mentioned brother Hao before he died. How could chennan forget that this man almost let Yang Li lose her body, and how could he let her go?

"So what?" Silence asked Hao Leng hum, full of disdain.

"Sir, let him go!" Chen Nan presses the pistol of Le Zhengyu. Brother Hao sneers and goes outside. A gang of gunners aim at three people.

"Let's go!" Chennan to the muzzle of the gun outside as if not seen, put away the gun, slowly out of the VIP room. Yang Li and Le Zhengyu immediately followed.

Chen Nan doesn't seem to see a group of bodyguards. He goes straight ahead with a flat expression and a random pace. But this kind of random makes the bodyguards more and more dare not act rashly. As he moves forward, the bodyguards automatically give way to both sides, and the three of them will walk out of the Gambling Hall.

When someone retreats from his own territory, a group of bodyguards feel pale. Qi Shushu looks at the king of gamblers. The king of gamblers is bleeding and his eyes are flickering. Finally, he doesn't dare to give the order to shoot. He walks out of the Gambling Hall with three people.

"How close it is

Outside, even if Le Zhengyu is a local police officer, he still has a lingering fear. If he is killed in a random gun, he will find someone to answer the crime. The gambling king is fine.

"Man, you are this!" The music inspector picked to pick the big finger to Chen Nan, he had never seen the action so fast, the gun skill so accurate person, coupled with that calm momentum, let him admire from the heart, even the mind of blame can't rise.

Chen Nan calmly a smile: "fluke only!"

Macao police arranged a hotel for Yang Li. When she got back to her residence, Le Zhengyu went back to report her work. Yang Li hugged Chen Nan and sighed: "I didn't expect that you really dare to shoot. I thought we couldn't get out. I think I'm fierce enough. Now it seems that you are really fierce!"

Chennan without saying a word, suddenly picked up the policewoman and pressed her on the bed, while kissing, doing chest and hip massage.

"It's swollen!" Yang Li mumbles, trying to push him away, but she is powerless. She can't resist this man's hegemony. Just when she wants to give up her resistance completely, the man on her body suddenly pulls her up, reaches out and scrapes her nose, "do you think that gambler is real?"

"Ah..." Yang Li opened her eyes wide. "How can it not be true? He's been to the police station. I've seen him

Chen Nan coolly smile, negative hand looking out of the window, "if he is really gambling king, today will definitely shoot!"

Yang Li hugs Chen Nan from behind, and a pair of plump and bulging breasts rub Chen Nan's back, coquettishly saying: "how do you know he is not the king of gambling? Please, tell them quickly? "

Listen to the voice of the violence policewoman, chennan incredibly back, Yang Li face Teng red, even she did not expect that he would suddenly make such a voice, this voice is too cheap, right?

Yang Li red face stares Chen Nan one eye, "see what to see, have not seen policewoman coquetry?"

"Ha ha!" Chen Nan laughs, policewoman coquetry really does not have a charm, fondly stroked her hair and said: "have you noticed? That gambler always likes to show off his gold watch and tattoo on his arm. "

"What's the problem? I think that tattoo is very powerful, and it matches his identity as the king of gamblers Yang Li did not understand.

Chen Nan Wei ran a smile: "do you think with the identity of a gambling king, he will care about his tattoo? Will you show your tattoo? Only those who have no confidence will do this. Only local ruffians like to show that they are gangsters. Ji Wentian can't cover his name as the boss of the gang, and he won't show his identity as the boss of the gang. "

"Really, I understand what you said!" Yang Li blinked her eyes and suddenly realized."Ha ha!" Chen Nan touched her hair and said with a smile, "let's go and catch brother Hao!"

"How do you know where he is?"

"Of course I know. Just follow me!"

It's not convenient to operate in the casino. Chennan has placed a divine mark on HAOGE. Although his divine mark is only ten meters away, people who have been marked can feel it within ten miles. Macao itself is not big. Chennan clearly feels HAOGE's general position. After all, the time is not ripe. I haven't disclosed to Yang Li that I have ruby.

Chen Nan said that she knew that Yang Li believed it. After all, she had seen Chen Nan's skills, such as shooting a plane with a rifle and walking horizontally in the casino. Everything shocked her.

When they leave the hotel, chennan follows the sign of divine sense and comes to a bar, which is luxurious and large-scale. It can pick up girls and hang Kaizi. Once it is successful, it can directly open a room in the bar.

For people of HAOGE's level, playing with women is as common as eating, so HAOGE is tired of it. He likes to hunt for beauty by himself, so he often goes to all kinds of bars to pick up girls. Once he gets it, he can also feel more successful.

Two people into the bar, the hall put Jinba music, a pair of men and women crazy dancing, yellow light is a pair of men and women cuddling together.

Chen Nan takes Yang Li straight to a private room, kicks open the door and flashes in.

In the private room, a woman with heavy make-up and short skirt is sitting on brother Hao's waist. She is writhing wildly. Her white buttocks are shining brightly on the dance floor at the door.

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