The middle-aged man was scared to the ground, and the scorpion dagger was about to solve him.

"Wait!" Chen Nan stopped the scorpion, reached for a picture, looked at the middle-aged man and said, "are you Qin Yaochuan?"

"I I'm Qin Yaochuan! "

"Who is your daughter?"

Qin Yaochuan thought that several people were thinking about their daughter. He lowered his head and didn't want to say anything. The scorpion's hand touched the dagger and lowered it down his throat. "I won't kill you!"

"My name is Qin Qin Wanrou, gentlemen, please let my daughter go! "

"Wait a minute!" Chen Nan waved his hand, grabbed Qin Yaochuan's collar, dragged him to the edge of the deck, and yelled at Yang Li: "Da meiniu, your chance to make contributions has come. This is Qin Yaochuan!"

"Ah Let him down Yang Li looks happy. It's her task to bring back Qin Yaochuan. Of course, she is very happy.

Unfortunately, Qin Yaochuan's hands and feet are trembling, and his whole body is weak. He can't get down at all. He can't help it. Chennan has to tie the rope to him and follow him down. After all this, chennan comes to the cabin door again. With a wave of his hand, four people's figures are hidden in the cabin door.

In the cockpit, several Croatian officers sat in high chairs chatting and farting, occasionally looking at the radar screen in front of them. The first mate yawned and pulled the crew beside him, "go out and have a cigarette!"

As soon as the two men came to the door, they were met by a dense gunshot. AK47 bullets left a row of dense bullet holes on them. All the people in the cabin looked to the door and saw that two mercenaries in camouflage suits and AK47 had broken in.

The first mate subconsciously pours on the maritime phone. Before he catches the phone, AK47 spits out a crazy tongue again, beating the crew into a sieve, leaving only the dead captain.

A mercenary glanced at the high frequency radio, siren, light control and other instruments and said with a smile, "this will be another great booty for us!"

Another mercenary poked the captain in the head with a gun barrel and said, "inform the security department that someone has intruded into the cockpit and needs support!"

The captain hesitated and looked up. Two loud mouths met him, which made the captain dizzy. He had no choice but to shake his hand, pick up the microphone, and said with a tremor: "security room, security room, someone intrudes into the cockpit, please send someone to support immediately!"

"Well done, you can hang out with us in the future!" The two mercenaries looked at each other with a smile on their faces.

The captain nodded numbly, his body trembled, and the shadow of fear in his eyes could not be removed.

"Dong Dong Dong!" With the sound of stepping on the floor, more than 20 security personnel in navy blue security clothes, berets and woollen coats came running from the stern with guns. But when they got to the corridor near the bridge, the scorpion flashed out from behind and shot them in the back.

As soon as more than 20 security guards were about to turn around, another person flashed out in the direction of the cockpit. They were attacked back and forth, and they were completely sent to the road of no return.

"Dada, dada, dada!"

AK47 spewed out the tongue of death. In the frenzied laughter of the mercenaries, more than 20 security guards were beaten and bumped, their bodies trembled and fell down. The bodies were covered with a layer of blood, and the bulkheads and floors were covered with blood. They quickly gathered into a stream, and the smell of blood filled the cabin.


With a wave of the scorpion's hand, he immediately took the mercenary to the stern of the ship and turned over the bulkhead. The two men immediately began to act separately.

When the gunfire didn't ring, chennan had already controlled the monitoring room, and then came to the security room to solve the two left behind dispatchers.

At the door of the Gambling Hall, two security guards were smoking at the door. The scorpion swaggered past with AK47 in his hand. The situation seemed to be wandering. The two security guards were stunned and didn't respond for a moment. But just a moment later, the two men understood and quickly raised their guns to shoot at the scorpion. But before their guns were raised, their heads were riddled with dense bullets.

The scorpion spat hard on the floor, "Damn, it's not fun. I'm dead without fighting!"

The two security guards didn't hear it. If they heard it, they had to scold him for eight generations. It's not fun to be a sieve.

In the Gambling Hall, fengwuyang hears the gunshot, and immediately rushes out with several people. Another round of shooting is to meet him. Several security personnel turn into dead bodies in a flash, but fengwuyang disappears.

The scorpion reacted quickly and immediately leaned back to the cabin door. However, he was still slow. The wind suddenly rushed down from above the bulkhead. A deadly scissors kick the scorpion to the ground and let go of the AK47.

Wind dance Yang is about to come forward, the result of scorpion, a young man came in from the cabin door, shouting: "you are wind dance Yang?"

Wind dance Yang from youth body feel awe inspiring murderous, realize this is a master, don't answer, body momentum suddenly soared, suddenly accelerated to chennan.

"Bang bang!"

Two people at the same time to each other running, momentum, and then jump up at the same time, foot with the momentum of thunder kick to each other."Boom!" When the two touched each other in the air, the wind danced, howled and flew back. Without waiting for him to land, the scorpion, who had mastered AK47 again, fell on the ground and pulled the trigger on him. Wind dance Yang in the air by AK47 bullets into a sieve, the body was directly into the already chaotic hall.

"Damn it, it's a good thing!" Scorpion stood up, vomited a mouthful of blood, worthy of being a killer. At the critical moment, scorpion still evaded important parts, otherwise it had to be kicked to death by the other side.

Chen Nan came over and patted him on the shoulder, "are you ok?"

"Nothing!" Scorpion toward Chen South micro a nod, once again rushed into the magnificent, neon flashing, noisy Gambling Hall.

As soon as he rushes in, scorpion grins grimly and shoots AK47 at the gambling table with one hand. The gamblers scream and run around. Some clever gamblers immediately run to another exit, and they come back with a face like ashes after a few steps, because there is a bandit holding AK47 and wearing a headband at the other exit. It is just now that they and scorpion are acting separately The mercenary in the army. This man shot at the gamblers again,

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Scorpion picked up the body of wind dancing Yang and threw it directly to the baccarat blocking stage. Suddenly, the playing cards and chips were smashed everywhere. The blood suddenly merged into a stream, which scared the gamblers into another scream. Facing the two ferocious bandits, they were all honest.

This is the high seas. There's no signal on the cell phone. High frequency radio, light signal has been controlled, the ship was hijacked, Macao police did not know.

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