Scorpion looked around, took out glock21 pistol from his waist, shot at the ceiling, and yelled: "get out of here, all of you. You can leave the ship within five minutes!"

In his opinion, the situation is under control. Now the ship is a wolf's industry, so it can't be swept with AK47, so he took out the pistol.

Hearing this, the gamblers seemed to have been granted an amnesty order. They rushed to the door like a tide. They came to the deck and put down their lifeboats to escape. Suddenly, the sea was like dumplings. Fortunately, the lifeboats were enough to avoid freezing to death like the Titanic.

This is Chen Nan's order, not to hurt the innocent gamblers, just rob the cruise, even the debt gamblers in the detention room are also released, otherwise the ship has become a hell of blood,

under the bombardment of armed bandits, the gamblers are extremely fast, several timid gamblers who have no time to get on the lifeboat are directly kicked down, fell into the sea, and then desperate Lifeboats, or people climbing up.

After all the gamblers and staff finished their work, a mercenary called the Macao port authority on a maritime phone and told them that someone had hijacked the ship and came to rescue them. Then the cruise ship whistled three times and drove slowly to the deep sea.

the gambling ship was hijacked on the high seas and was registered in Singapore. Strictly speaking, the hijacking incident was not under the jurisdiction of the Macao port authority, but the gamblers did Many of them are local people from the mainland and Macao. They have the obligation to take charge of the rescue. The rescue ship soon arrived, but at this time, the gambling ship blue diamond princess has disappeared.

"Let's drink to our victory and another great trophy

In the cab, three mercenaries raised their goblets, and their wild laughter resounded across the sea.


Chen Nan and Yang Li are sitting side by side on the row seats in the waiting hall of taizai International Airport. Outside the bright window opposite, the plane goes up and down. Not far away from them sits Qin Yaochuan with a dejected expression. Qin Yaochuan has been tortured in the detention room of the bottom cabin. He has a hard time walking. Even if he wants to run, he can't run away. Yang Li doesn't worry that he will run away, so he doesn't wear handcuffs.

Yang Li took a sip of papaya milk and sighed: "ah, this is the end of her trip to Macao!"

"Do you miss the scenery of Macao, or do you miss the days with me?" Chen Nan takes aim at a pair of huge in front of her chest, ha ha a smile, embrace policewoman into bosom.

"Who misses you?" Yang Li angrily glanced at him and punched him on the shoulder with a pink fist. When she saw him staring at his chest, she blushed, "bad guy, what bad idea are you thinking about?"

Chen Nan glanced at her papaya milk, "I finally understand why you are so big there. It turns out that what you drink makes up for it!"

"Hum, it's too big. How can it drip? Some people don't like to touch as well? " Yang Li said triumphantly and Zizi took two more drinks.

"I feel the water!" Chen Nan tries to feel it.

"How beautiful you are Yang Li slaps his hand off, but her body falls back and leans on Chen Nan's arms, with a blush on her bright face.

"Hey, hey!" Chen South force will she embrace, a big hand is from behind quietly touched policewoman plump buttocks, began to massage.

Yang Li blushed and pretended to know nothing. She leaned against Chen Nan and said, "Chen Nan, let me ask you, how do you know the layout of the gambling boat?"

Chennan looked around and saw that no one was paying attention. Then he lowered his voice and said, "I told you that we are carrying out a top secret mission. The code name of the mission is deep-sea shark hunting. The purpose of this operation is to crack down on overseas gamblers. Although the blue diamond princess is a foreign ship, the decoration layout is carried out in Shanghai port. The navy has this ship Detailed information, you see two people are my colleagues, they brought, I can only say so much, although you are my woman, but it is related to state secrets, related discipline, I still have to abide by it! "

"Villain, who's your woman?" Yang Li pinched the soft meat on his waist, but her head tilted and leaned closer to the man's arms.

Chen Nan was very serious and said, "I tell you, Yang Li, this matter involves state secrets. I can't tell anyone, including your father, director Yang."

"Well, I understand!" Yang Li nodded solemnly with a serious and dignified expression.

"Ha ha!" Chen south in the heart dark joy, "this wench, whole one chest big have no brain, but I like!"

Seeing the two people flirting, Qin Yaochuan could not help thinking of his beautiful and lovely daughter, and his expression was even more lonely.

The sound of boarding came from the radio. Chennan got up and came to Qin Yaochuan. He clapped his hand on his shoulder and said, "you have a good daughter!"

"I am ashamed of my daughter, I have no face to face her!" Qin Yaochuan muttered that he knew that he would face severe punishment from the law when he went back. Facing the iron window career, Qin Wanrou's mother died early, and he was the only father. He was deeply affectionate and felt ashamed to his daughter.

Chen Nan pushed a on him, "don't talk nonsense, early know today why at the beginning, let's go, get on the plane!"Airbus 32S left the runway, rushed into the blue sky, circled slightly over the airport and flew to the mainland. Through the porthole, you can see the blue sky dotted with white clouds and the blue sea.

Chen Nan looks at the Venice gambling city which is getting smaller and smaller out of the side window, with a sneer on his lips, "I'm sorry I didn't see you. I think we'll see you soon!"

Two hours and 20 minutes later, the plane arrived at Shanghai International Airport. Yang Li straightened out her appearance, shook out her handcuffs and put them on Qin Yaochuan's hands. Accompanied by Chen Nan, she got off the plane and pressed him out of the airport passageway.

There were police colleagues waiting outside the airport passageway. They walked quickly to Qin Yaochuan and took over Qin Yaochuan after shaking hands with Yang Li.

"Daddy With a cry, a tall girl with long hair and shawl rushed over and threw herself on Qin Yaochuan.

"Wan Rou, I I'm sorry for you! " Qin Yaochuan choked and burst into tears.

Qin Wanrou looked at her father for a long time, but no matter how many mistakes he made, it was her own father. Looking at her haggard father, what could she say?

"Anchor Qin, please don't get in the way of official business!" Two policemen dissuade Qin Wanrou and press Qin Yaochuan to the police car. Yang Li turns around and smiles at Chen Nan, "let's go together!"

Chen Nan shook his head, "officer, I will not disturb you!" Having said that, Chen Nan goes to the side of the road and takes a taxi back to Donghuan group. While Yang Li got into the police car and returned to the Municipal Bureau with the joy of victory, talking and laughing with her colleagues.

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