Chen Nan in the belt space to get the gun although broken, but above the ice cold kill is suitable for this set of gun. The magic cloud 12 legs Chen south already completely grasped, now had the remnant gun to be able to practice the Xuan ice 36 guns.


The next day, chennan comes to the company downstairs at the appointed time. Qiao Shida has been waiting by the side of the road. When he sees him coming, he immediately gets out of the car to say hello, invites him to get on the car, and then takes chennan to his home.

Qiao Shida is the leader of a large group, and his residence is also a luxury villa with a single door and courtyard. As soon as he arrives at the door, a dignified and steady woman greets him. Qiao Shida immediately introduces Chen Nan, his wife Bai Zhilan.

Angelica dahurica orchid polite at the same time, up and down look at chennan, the more I like, chennan medical skill is superb, she already know, and this young man in the face of her husband's huge reward but not moved, let the couple more appreciate him, today let chennan guest sincere friendship is one of them, also has a purpose, they have a daughter who is going to university, this Saturday just go home .

Qiao Shida is very approbation to chennan. She wants chennan to show her to her wife. If she is satisfied, she introduces her daughter to him. If they like each other, she lets her be chennan's girlfriend. To put it bluntly, she sets up her daughter and chennan. Because she doesn't know whether her daughter will agree or not, Qiao Shida doesn't make it clear. Let her know first Let's see.

Qiao Shida's father didn't go home after his illness, because there were some old men in the sanatorium who could often play cards and chess together. Instead, they didn't want to go home to live with their children, so they lived in the sanatorium.

Chen Nan will be let to the living room to sit down, the maid served tea, Qiao Shida excuse will be called to the room asked: "how?"

"Yes, it's OK for people to grow up. Coupled with superb medical skills, it's worthy of our poetry!" The madam repeatedly nods, smile on the face became a flower, see of come out, she is very satisfied to Chen Nan.

"In that case, you will call out your daughter later, and I will accompany the guests."

Qiao Shida came to the living room to continue to accompany chennan with tea and talk about medicine. Because Qiao Shida was born in a medical family, and his leap Group started with medicine, he had some insight into various kinds of medicinal materials, but what he didn't expect was that chennan's opinions on medicinal materials were always better. Chennan is inherited from Hongyu. If his cultivation is enough, he can even refine pills, so he has more insight than ordinary people.

Next to Angelica dahurica, LAN jianchennan not only has a wide range of knowledge, but also has a humorous conversation. Although she is a little public relations, she is not at all constrained in front of her husband, who is the chairman of the board. She is even more happy in her heart. She immediately gets up and walks to her daughter's boudoir.

In the boudoir, Qiao Shishi is sulking. A few days ago, she wanted to meet chennan in the name of returning her clothes, but chennan refused to meet her. Later, she called again, but her mobile phone turned off. Of course, she didn't know that chennan had gone to Macao. She didn't care about chennan. The girl was very reluctant.

As a result, as soon as she came home last night, her father told her not to go out today and said that he would introduce her to a boyfriend and let her have a look.

Now Qiao Shishi's mind is full of Chen Nan's shadow. How can she accommodate others? She wants to find a chance to escape. As a result, she is locked in the room by her father. She wants to let him see the man. If she is not satisfied, she is her daughter after all. If she is not satisfied with Chen Nan, Qiao Shida will not be too reluctant.

Angelica dahurica came to her daughter's room and saw that her daughter was puckering and sulking. She immediately said with a smile, "Shishi, your father introduced you to a boyfriend. This young man's mother has seen him. No matter how old he looks or how talented he is, even though he is older than you, it's nothing for a man. Your father is six or seven years older than me. Go out and have a look. I'm satisfied with him!"

"No!" Qiao Shishi pouted and turned her face.

"Look at you, you child, if you go to have a look, you will not lose a piece of meat!"

Angelica dahurica orchid to persuade, to her meaning, such a good guy is not easy to find, today anyway, also want to promote this marriage, she believes in their own eyes, in the heart has chennan as his son-in-law. But the more anxious she was, the more serious Qiao's rebellious psychology became, and she refused to go out, so the mother and daughter were deadlocked.

Seeing that her daughter hasn't come out for such a long time, Qiao Shida takes an excuse to get up and go upstairs to her daughter's room. She sees that both mother and daughter are blushing. Her wife is reprimanding her daughter. She immediately understands what's going on. Knowing that her daughter is the flower of Shanghai University, she is arrogant and arrogant. Ordinary men despise her at all. She pats her on the shoulder, signals her to settle down, and then turns to her daughter Er said with a smile: "Shishi, your mother and I are very satisfied with this person, but if we are not satisfied, you need to see for yourself. If you don't agree, your mother and I won't force you!"

"That's what you said!" Qiao Shishi knows that it's not a good way to stick to it. Anyway, her father also said that she might as well go out and have a look and find a reason to run that man away.

"Well, we said it!" In order not to leave the guests in the cold, Qiao Shida persuades his wife out of the boudoir and sits next to Chen Nan.

Anyway, he didn't agree. Qiao Shishi didn't dress up, so he went out of the boudoir directly. Just as he got to the stairs, he saw the man sitting beside the coffee table. His expression froze for a moment, and then he was surprised and happy. His heart said, isn't this the dead uncle? Why did he come to my house?Qiao Shishi is smart. Besides, there are only parents and Chen Nan in the living room. They immediately understand what's going on. The boyfriend their parents introduced to them is the dead uncle.

Qiao Shishi repressed the ecstasy in his heart and quickly touched his hair. He was a bit confused and didn't make up. He turned and ran to the boudoir.

Because of the angle, chennan didn't see Qiao Shishi, but her parents did. They were surprised. What's the daughter doing? Why such a happy expression? Didn't she disagree?

See the daughter ran back to the boudoir, Angelica dahurica came upstairs, did not go to the door of the daughter can hear the daughter in the happy humming song: "your heart, I know, you cry, I accompany you, this life, destined to be with you, shout out I love you, always put you in the bottom of my heart..."

Angelica Heart wonder, how the daughter in a twinkling of an eye like a different person, also sing this love song, she can't help but quietly came to her daughter's door, see her daughter is in front of the mirror in the dress, face red, shy with a smile, beautiful as flowers.

Angelica Langton understand, daughter just saw chennan, this is satisfied, so so happy, specially come back to dress up.

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