So Angelica did not disturb her daughter, quietly downstairs to her husband to make a wink, face the same smile.

Time is not long, Qiao Shishi wearing a dress, face with a shy blush, curling Tingting down from the upstairs, that shy Tingting look called on the beautiful, shining.

Wait for her to turn over stairs, Chen south also saw her, immediately also some Leng, the heart says this is not Qiao Shi? It turns out that she is the daughter of Joshua. It's a coincidence. See Chen Nan looking at oneself to be in a daze, Qiao Shishi's face is more blush red, also bashful answer, tenderly looking at him.

Qiao Shida and his wife saw that they were obviously satisfied with each other and fell in love at first sight. Angelica orchid heart said daughter, how? Mom introduced you to the right person, right? She didn't see her just now, but now she's looking straight. She's so shy that she doesn't even care about your parents. So she pulls her husband. Qiao Shida immediately understands. They hide in the bedroom and give up the outside space to them.

"Uncle, you How did you come to my house? " Qiao Shishi comes to chennan and wants to talk. In the room, when Qiao Shida hears that her daughter calls chennan uncle, she immediately pats her head and says, "I'm dizzy. I say girl, I've lost generations!"

Angelica orchid blame her husband one eye, motioned him not to move, she still had to listen.

"Your father asked me to come. I didn't expect this to be your home!" Chen Nan said and drank tea.

"Yes, what a coincidence!" Qiao Shishi sat down opposite chennan, rubbed her skirt and said shyly. In her opinion, since chennan came to her home to meet her parents, it must be that her parents have told him about their situation and regarded him as her boyfriend in their heart.

Angelica a listen to, dare to love daughter and Chen South know, that is better, convenient later contact.

Two people sit by the tea table tasting tea to talk, because it is in their own home, Qiao Shishi some cannot wipe away, just constantly add tea to chennan, for a long time some cold, chennan look around, can't find Qiao Shida want to leave.

Angelica dahurica a look bad, busy to her husband make a wink, Qiao Shida busy came to the living room, stay chennan for lunch, let the maid prepare food.

Seeing that her mother always looks at herself and chennan with strange eyes, Qiao Shishi is even more shy. If chennan is herself, she can let go, but she can't wipe it off in front of her parents. She runs back to her boudoir and doesn't come out until lunch.

When the meal comes up, Qiao Shida drinks with chennan. Without waiting for Angelica dahurica to let chennan, Qiao Shishi keeps putting what he thinks is delicious into chennan's bowl, one by one, for fear that he won't be able to eat.

In this regard, Qiao Shida only has a wry smile. Her daughter has a crush on Chen Nan. She even ignores her parents. When she is so old, she doesn't bring her own food. Ah, her daughter is outgoing. Qiao Shida and his wife can only sigh from their heart.

After lunch and tea, Qiao Shida said, "brother chennan Er, Xiaochen, let's go. I'll take you to a place. Let's have fun! "

Knowing that her daughter has a crush on Chen Nan, it's not appropriate to call her brother again. Qiao Shida calls her Xiao Chen instead.

The South Chen asks a way of address: "don't care where?"

"I don't know if you like playing with stones. Let's go to the southern suburbs!" Said Joshua.

"It's OK to play with stones. Let's go and have a look!" Anyway, the afternoon is OK, chennan agreed to come down, Qiao Shida said play stone, is gambling stone, chennan naturally know.

"Dad, I'll go too!" Qiao Shishi came over on his own initiative.

"It's the weekend anyway. Since Shi Shi is willing to go, take her with her." Angelica dahurica echoed. Qiao Shida said that going out to play is to create opportunities for two people to be together, so as not to be cold. Now Qiao Shishi takes the initiative to follow, so as not to ask them again, and agrees immediately.

Came to the yard, Qiao Shida said: "Xiaochen, that what, you do poetry car!"

"Uncle, come and make my car!" Qiao Shishi laughs and pulls chennan to her car. Her car is actually a dark red Aston Martin sedan. The beauty of Xiangche and her long hair are floating. What's more, Qiao Shishi, the school flower, is pure and noble. Her demeanor is so beautiful that chennan is a little stunned. "Wipe, you can see from her temperament that Qiao Shishi's family should not be too bad, but I didn't expect to drive an Aston horse It's rich to run in dingjiao. "

Qiao Shida drove ahead to lead the way. Two cars came to the front of a single door compound in the southern suburb. There were two security guards on duty in front of the compound with barbed wire on the fence.

Seeing the arrival of the two luxury cars, the security guard immediately saluted the two cars, put them in, and personally guided the VIP customers to park.

Those who can play are rich or expensive. There are many luxury cars on the lawn, many stones in the yard, and many guests around pointing at the stones.

After getting out of the car, the three people walk toward the direction of the original stone. Qiao Shishi thinks about it, takes two steps, and embraces chennan's arm with a red face.

"Er..." The girl's fragrance curls into her nose. The soft touch on her arm makes chennan throb. She can't help looking at Qiao Shishi.

Qiao Shishi shyly smile, pink cheek more red, but will his arm more tightly, this wonderful feeling, chennan nature won't push other people girl away.See the daughter hugged Chen Nan arm, Qiao Shida all when didn't see, but in the heart, with a favorite boyfriend, even has always been proud of the daughter also become not reserved, ah, female big don't stay.

Qiao Shida thinks that chennan doesn't know about gambling stones. He introduces gambling stones to him as he walks. Gambling stones refer to Jadeites that are wrapped in a layer of weathered skin when they are mined out. It's impossible to know whether they are good or bad. Only after they are cut can they know the quality of Jadeites. The so-called "one knife is poor, one knife is rich" refers to gambling stones.

Before cutting, the outer skin of gambling stones is wrapped with thin or thick original stone skin. Different gambling stones have different colors, including red, yellow, white, black and mixed colors. In jade trading, the most profitable and tempting, but also the most risky non gambling stone. There is a saying in the jewelry industry: gambling on stones is like gambling on life. If you win the bet, you will earn ten times and one hundred times, and you will become rich overnight. If you lose the bet, you will lose everything. Compared with gambling stone trading, risky trading such as stocks and real estate are also dwarfed.

Generally, only from the appearance, we can not see the true face of Lushan at a glance. Even today, with the development of science, there is no instrument that can quickly judge whether it is "Baoyu" or "putrefaction" through this shell. As a result, the risk of buying and selling raw stones is great, which is more exciting.

For Qiao Shida, he has no other hobby. He likes to gamble on stones. He even makes a special trip to Myanmar or Tengchong twice a year. In places close to the origin of raw stones, he has a much greater chance of producing top Jadeites.

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