Speaking here, a middle-aged man with a smiling face came up and said, "welcome boss Qiao. It's better to be here earlier than later. I just got a new batch of stones from Laokeng of pagang, and I'll show them to you."

Qiao Shida burst out laughing, "I said, today there are so many people. It turns out that they have just entered the authentic stone. It's a coincidence that they came earlier than before. Boss Hu's business is getting bigger and bigger."

"Where, where, want Joe boss to support a lot!"

"I'll take my daughter around. Boss Hu, you'll be busy first!"

"Is this your daughter?" Boss Hu looked at Qiao Shishi's eyes, and suddenly laughed, "make love is so beautiful, so charming, so gorgeous!"

"Ha ha!" Qiao Shida also laughs. His daughter is the pride in his heart. Boss Hu naturally makes him happy.

Boss Hu looked at Chen Nan, who was held by Qiao Shishi, and said with a smile: "if you can get such appreciation from lingai, I think this little brother must be an unusual person. He must be your son-in-law."

"Teng!" Qiao Shishi's bright face is full of rosy clouds, but she looks at chennan secretly, and is held by Qiao Shishi. Chennan doesn't want to say anything else. She smiles and doesn't respond.

"Ha ha!" Qiao Shida also smiles. After all, the two people's affairs haven't been settled completely. He also laughs and doesn't answer directly. He turns his head and looks at chennan: "Xiaochen, you can choose the stones you like later. I'll give you the money. You'll win and you'll lose."

Chen Nan didn't know about gambling stones. In his seven-year career as a mercenary, he didn't have a chance to study gambling stones except for training to fight and perform tasks. He had to answer vaguely, but he wanted to know more about gambling stones. For a mercenary, it's always good to know more.

Boss Hu Zhiqu leaves. Chennan listens to Qiao Shida's introduction. The stones here are tens of thousands at least, and the varieties can reach tens of millions. Chennan's interest is also strong.

The courtyard is very open. When you walk to the crowd gathering place, you can see that there are many areas separated by guardrails on both sides of the corridor, which are filled with large and small stones, small bowls, even fist sized ones. The big ones can be one or two meters high, and the biggest ones can weigh several tons.

In each area, according to the size, quality and appearance of the stones, different stones are stacked separately. Beside the stones, there is a sign indicating the price.

As soon as he entered the stone area, Qiao Shida's eyes became active immediately. The staff nearby handed him a strong light flashlight. Qiao Shida kept shining the stone with the flashlight. Later, he just jumped into the guardrail and picked up the stone to watch repeatedly. From his posture, he seemed to be an expert in this field.

"This stone has such a good character. I didn't expect it to be a red painted toilet. It's a pity. This time, Lao Jia lost a lot."

Not far from the cutting area came the noise, Qiao Shida jumped out of the guardrail, Chong Chen Nan waved, "go Xiaochen, let's go and have a look."

Qiao Shishi holds chennan's arm, but she also comes to the cutting machine with curling Tingting. As soon as she appears, the whole cutting area seems to become bright and radiant, which makes the scene quiet. Even the cutting master can't help but stop and look at it. There will be women here, but such a top pure beauty is rare, attracting people's attention.

When I saw the man on the girl's arm, I knew that the famous flower had its owner, and people were disappointed and envied. After a glimpse, they all concentrated on the stone again.

"Dad, what is a red toilet?" Qiao Shishi asked suddenly.

Qiao Shida said with a smile: "the red lacquer toilet has a bright appearance. It's golden and jade outside, but it's dirty."

"Isn't he losing money?" Qiao Shishi was pure in nature and said what he thought directly. It seemed that he heard the beautiful woman's words. A gambler said with pride: "I said Lao Jia, I said I want this stone. You have to rob it. How about now? What's wrong? "

Being teased, Lao Jia's face turned purple. He pointed to the stone and said, "cut it directly from the middle. I don't believe it."

When they heard Lao Jia's words, they all sighed. They usually cut stones from the edge to the inside. This kind of cutting method is easy to be broken even if there is jadeite. Lao Jia obviously broke the jar and completely lost faith in the stone.

The cutter was about to start cutting, but someone said, "slow down, Lao Jia, can you sell me this stone?"

Lao Jia looked up and saw that he was a middle-aged man with good looks. His face showed a trace of joy. "I spent 1.5 million on this stone. How much do you plan to pay?"

"How about a million? If you can, cash it immediately. " Said Joshua.

"Good, deal!" Originally, there was no hope for the stone, but someone wanted to buy it. Although the loss was 500000, it was better than the total loss. Lao Jia agreed immediately.

Around a sigh, all think Qiao Shida don't understand stone, this is clearly put when injustice big head. Chen Nan did not expect that Qiao Shida seemed elegant, but gambling was so strong.

Qiao Shida immediately wrote a million cash check and handed it to the other party. Then he turned to the stone cutter and said, "normal cutting, don't worry."

Master should be a, and began to orderly cut up the stone, stone flying, a piece of stone fell to the ground, the middle of the only basketball size of a stone."A million dozen of them are gone. As the saying goes, it's hard for an immortal to break an inch of jade. When they're all cut to this extent, there are still people to buy them. It's really..."

"Ah, this man looks smart. He turns out to be a fool with a lot of money."

"Lao Jia, you are lucky that someone has taken part of it for you!"

Seeing the stone getting smaller and smaller, but not a bit green, people began to talk again. Qiao Shida frowned and said, "master, cut it directly from the middle."

More than one meter high stone cut off so much has not green, obviously Qiao Shida also disappointed. Qiao Shishi, who had high expectations for her father, also showed disappointment. Chennan also see, although Qiao Shida see a little door, but still bet the composition of the majority, now to green also don't hold any hope.

The owner of the Stone said so, and the stone cutter was no longer polite. In the noise, there was only a click, and the stone was cut from the middle, and the cry of surprise also sounded, "up, up, up, look at the situation, the color is good, the water is sufficient, and the worst is glass. If it's full of green, hehe, it will make a lot of money."

Gambling stone is like this. Seeing a good water head, not only the gamblers are excited, but even the spectators are excited. The scene is filled with exclamation.

"What more green? At the present size, you can make at least four pendants, two pairs of bracelets, and a lot of ring faces. The water head is so big that you can make a lot of money as long as it's sunny and green. People only spend a million dollars. " Some people are evaluating the jade in front of them.

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