Qiao Shishi turned his head and put his gentle little mouth close to Chen Nan's ear. He panted: "uncle, don't fool Lun's family, OK? Can't you control your own things? Hum, I think you did it on purpose

"Why don't you go down, we won't jump!" Chen south is forced to have no move, big Chen South control small Chen south, the man in the world has not seen who can control.

"No!" Qiao Shishi said with a small mouth, not only didn't agree to go down, but put his body forward and hugged him more tightly.

This kind of ambiguous action is like a couple embracing in public. In addition, Qiao Shishi's appearance is so beautiful and eye-catching that the onlookers can't help but feel jealous and regret that the man beside the beauty is not themselves.

Qiao Shishi, who is almost lost, suddenly remembers something. He raises his red face and looks at Nalan Ruofei with a provocative smile, with a little cunning and satisfaction.

It's a wonderful thing to bloom in water. Water is bone and jade is muscle.

The young girl's beautiful and delicate manner is very touching. She is more beautiful than peach blossom. Not only men, but also women will be moved when they look at her.

Seeing the students' proud eyes, Nalan Ruofei puffed her lips and yelled at the staff: "master, it's too long. Why hasn't it started yet?"

In fact, it's not a long time. It's just that Nalan Ruofei feels that it's a long time. It's like losing something she loves when they are bored.

The emperor was not in a hurry, and the eunuch was in a hurry. The staff looked at the beautiful woman outside and understood that the two women seemed to be fighting. They immediately called out, "ready!" With this cry, two people in the wonderful vortex were awakened.

The staff immediately began to talk to the two people about the precautions: "when you jump, you must hold each other tightly and never let go, otherwise it's easy to hit each other and get hurt. I'll count to one, two, three, you start to jump and fall to the side at the same time. Do you understand?"

"Well!" Chen Nan nodded. Qiao Shishi wakes up and knows that it's going to start soon. Her body suddenly becomes stiff and bungee jumping. Few people are not afraid. Playing with this is challenging the limit. She lies in chennan's ear and says in a shy low voice: "uncle, don't you hear people talking? Hold tight What do you mean if you don't cuddle tightly for a while? Can your rough and fleshy family still hit you?

"Ha ha!" Chen Nan coolly smile, force a hoop, two people immediately close together, the girl's chest that has begun to take shape of the twin peaks tightly pressed on his chest, soft and elastic, trembling long, wonderful.

"One!" At the beginning of the wonderful feeling, we heard the shouts of the staff.

"Uncle, you are not allowed to bully me down here later!" Qiao Shishi's warm and wet lips have been pasted on Chen Nan's ears. That kind of soft and comfortable, fresh and fragrant, instantly the flame that extinguishes between Chen Nan's belly is rekindled again.


Chen Nan wry smile: "poetry, can you not remind me?"

"Who reminded you, bad uncle!"


On the count of three, almost subconsciously, chennan hugged Qiao Shishi tightly and fell to the side of the platform. The hurricane roared. At that moment, their brains were blank.

"Ah Nalan Ruofei sighed and patted her chest. She said that the two goods had finally gone down. After a while, her heart could not stand it. After playing this game, she said that she could not play any more. It was not that her cunning was not as good as Qiao Shishi, but because she was her brother-in-law and her student.

"Ah Girl high decibel scream from below, a to below, Qiao Shishi as if holding a straw like, will Chen Nan embrace tightly, which also can take care of the girl's reserve.

It's no wonder that even people who often play this extreme sport will be nervous. What's more, she only played it once, but she still played it hard with others. This time, in order to make chennan embarrassed and attack Nalan Ruofei, she had no choice but to take part in it again, but the extreme tension is still unavoidable.

In order to be safe, there is a lake below the diving platform, which is not dangerous. For Chen Nan, who has challenged the limit for countless times, this height and diving strength is just a little bit, and he doesn't even touch the edge of the tension and stimulation.

But for ordinary people, this is the limit of the challenge, but many people do not dare to even on the stage, watching others play are dizzy, let alone their own. Qiao Shishi was lying on his shoulder, and his little mouth was beside his ear, screaming over and over again. Bungee jumping is OK, but the girl's unique harsh high decibel almost pierces his eardrum, which makes him almost unbearable.

Chen Nan wants to reach out and cover her little mouth, but if he lets go, there will be a collision, which will inevitably hurt Qiao Shishi. But he can't stand the noise, and suddenly puts the cherry of the school flower in his mouth.

"Sobbing ~"

Qiao Shishi sobbed and looked at the man in front of her. She never thought that her maiden's most innocent first kiss was lost in this situation. To be exact, she was robbed.

Under Chen Nan's kiss, Qiao Shishi is in a state of confusion, surrounded by an abnormal feeling. As a school flower, Qiao Shishi has always been very noble, and naturally has higher requirements for his first kiss. He has fantasized about all kinds of exciting scenes, but what can be more challenging and exciting than losing his first kiss in bungee jumping.The first kiss is perfect. Qiao Shishi is quickly lost in the man's rough kiss. Chennan's steady embrace gives her enough sense of security. Qiao Shishi can't help but start to respond. After all, a girl is a girl. What she can do is kiss a man's lips with her lips, but she can't.

Chen Nan has challenged the limit of death countless times, and is numb to parachute training. She can easily control the situation in the air, control the girl, and give her enough sense of security. Just now, I was tortured by two people, and I was already lustful. At this time, I saw that Qiao's poems didn't conflict with me. Just now, I was released from my depression, and I began to kiss her tenderly.

Qiao Shishi is still a rookie in this aspect, and all her actions are just learned in the movies. In addition, the girl's natural shyness is that she just sucks his lips with her lips. All of a sudden, when her little mouth opens, the man's tongue comes in domineering. Instinctively, Qiao Shishi begins to suck that domineering and warm, and the girl is the first on the way to the growth of a woman The second tune starts.

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