Under the double stimulation of bungee jumping and first kiss, Qiao Shishi feels that every kiss of a man kisses his heart and bone marrow, and his whole body is floating on the clouds, dizzy and soft. A moment later, the pure girl becomes familiar with this rhythm and begins to respond astringently, lingering in the air, exciting and stirring.

Their bodies fell down from the sky like shells and hit the surface of the water. Just as they were about to rush into the water, they felt their bodies stagnated and a huge and soft force quickly pulled them up, offsetting the acceleration caused by the fall. Then the great upward tension threw them into the air, and in the process, they were still kissing. The wonderful soul between tightening and loosening was a wonderful word.

Qiao Shishi feels that he seems to have been integrated with this man, and is being taken by him to fly, floating, lingering and ups and downs. At the moment, there are only two of them left in the world, and everything else is as ethereal as white clouds. It doesn't matter anymore. The important thing is to have him with him. With the kiss, they hug each other, rub each other, and have a wonderful life Fast sense also brings them to the peak of bliss.

Outside the guardrail, Nalan Ruofei was stunned when she looked at the scene. Although she couldn't see clearly from a distance, they hugged so closely, especially when their faces were close together. How could she not realize what had happened?

"You smelly brother-in-law even kissed my student. Just now Ah, I almost didn't make it. Let Qiao Shishi get it first! "

She wanted to fly up and pull them apart, but she couldn't do it. She had nowhere to vent her anger. Nanlan Ruofei picked up a wicker and smoked hard at a stake. "Smelly brother-in-law, I'll let my students kill you, beat you, beat you, beat you bad brother-in-law..."

Finally, when the amplitude is getting smaller and smaller, the two people gradually tend to be stable in the air. After the high tide, Qiao Shishi shivers slightly. At the moment, the school flower is pink and buries her head deeply in the man's arms. With her eyes closed, she feels the aftereffects of strong stimulation, like a spring flowing from the bottom of her heart, sweet and mellow, comfortable to the bone.

A small boat drove to the bottom. When it was quite stable, the staff untied the ropes on them, and everything came back to reality. Qiao Shishi was still lying in chennan's arms. She was so soft that she could hardly stand.

"Poetry, it's over!" Chen Nan patted the girl's little waist, and Qiao Shishi sat down with a red face, drooping pink neck, beautiful hair floating, very shy.

Boat landed, Na LAN if imperial concubine immediately ran to come over, fiercely stare at Chen Nan for a long time, finally in his chest ruthlessly beat a few fists, angry voice way: "really not promising!"

"Ha ha!" Chen Nan bashfully touched his head and was seen by his sister-in-law. What should I do? Ah, anyway, she also kisses and can't take it back. That's it. If she wants to tell her sister, she can't help it.

"Teacher Ruofei, it's late. I'm hungry. Why don't we go back?" Qiao Shishi said to Nalan Ruofei with a red face that she didn't want to play any more. If the teacher asked to play a certain project with uncle, something would happen again, which was not her wish. Qiao Shishi felt that her goal had been achieved and it was time to go.

She thinks like this, Nalan Ruofei doesn't think like this. Although she wants to compete with the school flower, chennan is her brother-in-law in name, and Qiao Shishi is her student. She can't let go.

"Let's go. We can't let him take advantage of us. Let him invite us to dinner!"

As a result, the two women reach an agreement, and chennan is free. She comes to the parking lot and drives xiaofukang to leave the amusement park. She invites them to dinner, and then, at the suggestion of nalanruofei, she sends Qiao Shishi back to school.

When I came to huhai University, it was already dark. At this time, there are many students on the inside and outside of the girls' dormitory. They are preparing to witness an unprecedented campus courtship party.

In the morning, after Xia Changbin failed to sing and courtship, he arranged for people to buy all the white roses near the campus. He had enough 9999 white roses and put a big heart in the square in front of the girl's dormitory. There were many candles in the middle. The candles were shining and the roses were fragrant.

As soon as you look at this situation, students know that someone is going to tell a girl. The square is full of people. Many girls open the window and lie on the windowsill to look down. Their momentum is more and more grand.

Downstairs, Xia Changbin stood in front of the horse herder, changed the ordinary guitar into an electric guitar, connected it to the car battery with wires, and placed a high-power stereo beside it.

In order to achieve the touching effect, Xia Changbin specially arranged for people to make two banners, which were printed with the words of confession, and hung on the roof of the girls' dormitory. Several luxury cars parked side by side on the opposite side. When Qiao Shishi came back, the scroll made of the banners rolled down and the headlights lit up at the same time, achieving the shocking effect.

How romantic and touching it is, how wonderful it would be if the object of courtship were themselves.

In a dormitory, another beautiful girl named liuqiaoyun is called Liuyun by the students. The surname of Liuyun is relatively rare, so almost all the students know her name. Seeing the situation below, Liuyun considers the girls in the next dormitory building. She thinks that she is matchless in beauty and no one can compare with her. Xia Changbin's courtship object must be self-confidence I'm so happy in my heart that I'm waiting for the time to come when Xia Changbin confesses to himself. If he doesn't agree with me at that time, let's see how I feel.Someone asked Xia Changbin why he used white rose instead of red rose. Xia Changbin took the microphone and said, "white rose represents purity. Only white rose can represent the goddess in my heart and the girl I pursue."

His words make many girls and children excited. Some of them are moved to tears on the spot. If the object of Xia Da Shao's confession is himself, he will surely agree that the romantic pursuit of countless women is the beautiful car, the touching scene and the magnificent scene, and no one can refuse it.

"Gentle starry sky, should let you move, I behind you, decorate a sky for you, do not allow you sad, for you to settle the loneliness, the weight of the dream, all to me..."

Xia Changbin holds an electric guitar, and his singing starts to ring. The high-power sound spreads his singing all over the campus. Before the main character arrives, many girls have been moved by his singing and shed tears.

Xiaofukang drove into the campus, because there were too many people, so he had to park his car outside. When he saw so many people surrounded in front of him, several people were very curious.

"Chen Nan, let's go and have a look!" She said.

Several people get out of the car and come to the door of the girls' dormitory.

"Here, here, here comes the school flower!" There was a cry from the lookout.

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