Hearing the cry, people immediately looked at the past, who doesn't know the school flower? As Qiao Shishi walked through the crowd, the crowd automatically gave way to both sides.

Xia Changbin came to Qiao Shishi with his electric guitar in his arms. His lingering song was floating: "hold your hand and follow me. No matter how strong the wind is, you will never lose your way when you have me. I will accompany you to watch the meteor shower fall on the earth and let your tears fall on my shoulder Brilliant words, can only embellish feelings, if I am silent, because I really love you

"Wow Two rolls of banners rolled down from the roof, and the headlights of several luxury cars turned on at the same time, illuminating the big words on the banners. One of them said: loving you for 10000 years is my pursuit, loving you for 1000 years is my desire.

Another is: from the moment I see you, my heart tells me that you are the person I am waiting for in this life.

The melodious and moving melody floats in the square. The 9999 white rose is white and fragrant against the background of candlelight. Xia Changbin takes two steps and kneels down in front of Qiao Shishi on one knee. He holds up the large diamond ring in his hand. "Shishi, I love you. Be my girlfriend!"

Voice Fang Luo, around the girls have been crying, sad voice everywhere, too touching. "Why isn't that girl me?" This is the cry of many girls.

In the dormitory, a quasi school flower beauty "slapped" her cup on the ground, "Qiao Shishi, I'm the school flower. Why do you think I'm the school flower? I'm the only one who deserves it

No matter how indignant she was, there were thunderous applause in the square downstairs. The cry of "promise him, promise him" resounded through the sky, and the scene was extremely warm, mixed with the cry of girls.

"Shishi, I really love you. Give me a chance to love you well!" Xia Changbin once again expressed his deep feelings.

Seeing that Qiao Shishi doesn't speak, Xia changkai thinks that she is moved by herself. The time has come, so he reaches for Qiao Shishi's hand and wants to put the ring on her hand. He thinks that Qiao Shishi has been moved by herself and can't speak.

Qiao Shishi was really shocked by the huge courtship scene. Seeing that he stretched out his hand, he immediately reacted and shook off. Without saying a word, he walked to the dormitory building with cold expression.

Several accomplices of Xia changkai immediately stop Qiao Shishi. No matter how he hides, he won't let her pass. Xia changkai caught up again, "Shishi, please forgive my fault, I really can't do without you, give me another chance!"

"Xia Changbin, I don't like you. Please get out of the way!" Qiao Shishi wants to go, but several people won't let her. She is surrounded in the middle. It's obvious that you can't go if you don't agree. Seeing several tall boys around him, Qiao Shishi was at a loss for a moment.

"Shishi, promise me, give me another chance, I will cherish you and love you with my whole life!" Xia Changbin will force the ring on Qiao Shishi's hand.

"What are you doing? If they don't agree, can you force them to agree? " Chen Nan separated the crowd and stood beside Qiao Shi.

"Uncle!" Qiao Shishi has some grievances and leans on Chen Nan's side.

"You again?" The enemy is very jealous when they meet. If it wasn't for chennan last time, Xia Shao has already won. In order to make full preparations for this courtship, he specially invited his good friend, Li Fan, the first master of the school Taekwondo society. At this time, seeing chennan appear, Xia Changbin subconsciously retreats a few steps and points to chennan, "Li Fan, it's him. Don't worry about it. I'll take it when something happens!"

Several tall and strong students immediately gathered around, and Li Fan in the middle said, "is it none of your business to ask for love? Get out of here now, or don't blame me for being rude. "

"She's my boyfriend!" Qiao Shishi stares at several people and says firmly. The next Nalan Ruofei heard her words and sighed. Her expression was helpless. She stood around her shoulder and didn't come over. She wanted to see how her brother-in-law dealt with it.

"Boyfriends? Hehe, it depends on whether he has the ability? " Li Fan's eyes leered at Chen Nan and said contemptuously: "boy, do you want to be a flower protector? I'll teach you a lesson now. I'll see what qualifications you have to be a schoolgirl's boyfriend. Do you dare to compete with me? "

With these words, Li Fan let the crowd disperse, revealing an open space in the middle.

Chen Nan helplessly shakes his head, just a few students, he didn't want to argue with them, but this guy's tone is too arrogant, also let him come angry, lit a hand to Li Fan, waiting for this guy to attack.

Li fan runs a few steps, his body soars into the air, and kicks Chen Nan's head with a whip leg. His posture is natural and graceful, which attracts students' praise. He is worthy of being the first master of Taekwondo Association. He is really powerful. It seems that this flower protector is going to be unlucky. He has no ability to pretend to be a flower protector. Isn't he looking for a beating?

In the face of this beautiful and fierce attack, chennan leisurely steps forward. Raising his leg is a straight kick. It's a very simple kick, but it's on Li Fan's hip bone. One kick kicks Li Fan two feet away, and he can't get up at once.

A few Taekwondo Association students instinctively want to rush up, Chen Nan cold swept them a look, several life to scare back, no one dare to go forward.

"Embroidered pillows are not good for you!" Chen Nan sneers. Although Li Fan's offensive is fierce, if it's enough to deal with ordinary people, it's too far from Fu chennan. In front of real experts, this kind of beautiful offensive is a show off.Chen South swept an eye summer big little, slowly walked toward him past.

"Don't come here!" "Do you know who my father is? My father is the deputy director of the Bureau of industry and commerce. Do you believe I'll let you in with one call

"Yes? No wonder you dare to intercept girls openly. It turns out that your father is Li Gang! "

"It's not Li Gang. I said, boy, I'm afraid. Those who know the truth should leave quickly. I can let bygones be bygones!" See chennan scruple about his identity, Xia Changbin again came to the bottom, stopped to look around the students, that means my father is the director, who am I afraid of?

"You are not to blame, but I am to blame!" Chen South expression is insipid, looked at an eye a gang of students, "summer little call what name?"

"His name is Xia Changbin!" Some students yelled, thinking that he was afraid of Xia Shao.

"Ha ha!" Chen Nan smiles, takes out the phone, presses a number and dials, "Hello, it's secretary Tang Well, it's me. There is a deputy director of your bureau of industry and Commerce named Xia. His son's name is Xia Changbin. The son of a deputy director runs a horse herder and chases girls to buy 9999 roses. Secretary Tang, do you think there is something wrong with the deputy director Xia? Do you check him Well, well, let's make a thorough investigation. I'll wait for your news! "

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