The two girls sat up one after another. To chennan's surprise, in just over a day, Nalan Ruofei had a sense of Qi. However, it took her several months to have a sense of Qi. This girl is just a genius of cultivation.

Qin Wanrou doesn't have a sense of Qi, but she feels good. I'm afraid it won't be long before she has a sense of Qi. It can be seen that her cultivation qualification is also good.

This trip to Shennongjia yielded a lot. Chennan lifted the ban and walked out of the cave. Just as he was about to leave, he saw a little golden monkey lying on the edge of the cliff and peeping around.

In fact, Chen Nan has already seen him, this Ya's fight with the big snake from the very beginning, it went up the cliff to watch the excitement, but it is very hidden, two girls can't find it.

"Monkey!" If the monkey saw the princess, she waved her hand to her.

"What a beautiful little monkey." Girls all like pets. There is no woman who doesn't like such a beautiful and flexible golden monkey. Qin Wanrou's eyes are straight when she looks at the golden monkey.

To everyone's surprise, this time, the little monkey didn't have the slightest taboo to them. He jumped directly onto the cliff, jumped forward and nestled up to Nalan Ruofei, looking obedient and obedient.

Nalan Ruofei happily stroked the golden hair of the monkey with her little hand. She was overjoyed. Seeing that the golden monkey is not in danger, Qin Wanrou also comes up to touch it. The two women take the golden monkey as a pet.

Chen Nan turned his eyes and looked at the golden monkey, "I said monkey, what do you mean?"

The little monkey is squeaking.

"Little monkey, are you going to follow us?" she asked

The little monkey actually nodded, rubbed on Qin Wanrou's hand, and then rubbed on Nalan Ruofei's arm a few times, with a lovely and docile appearance.

"You know how to please me." Chen Nan despises little monkey in his heart, but if little monkey is willing to follow him, he is certainly happy. Little monkey can fight with big snake, and it can follow its own woman and protect them, so he nods to little monkey and says, "look who you are willing to follow, and choose one to be the master. I tell you, they are all big girls. You have eyes, and none of them is good I will treat you badly. There are many delicious things. "

"Monkey, follow me." Nalan Ruofei has long been fond of snub nosed monkeys. Seeing that snub nosed monkeys are willing to follow, she has already stretched out her little hand.

Qin Wanrou, of course, refused to show her weakness and extended her hand. "Monkey, you follow me. I tell you that I have a lot of snacks, and I have the chance to take you on TV and become a famous monkey. How about that? Follow me. I'll never treat you badly

Two girls, you say a word, I say a word, all try their best to win over the monkey, so beautiful and capable golden monkey no girl does not like.

Chennan saw it and knew that the little monkey didn't want to follow him because although he saved him, he didn't see his ability. Now he saw that he had killed the snake, and he knew that the monkey, especially the golden monkey, was an elegant and proud animal. He could not recognize the master easily. Once he recognized the master, he would be loyal to the master all his life. Even if the master died, he would not eat Don't drink, until death, it is willing, pour lest oneself give it under the ban, also just because of this, Chen South will never force it, let it choose the master.

The golden monkey looks at Nalan Ruofei and looks at Qin Wanrou. After all, she is familiar with Nalan Ruofei. Moreover, Nalan Ruofei and chennan saved it together. So the little golden monkey rubs against Nalan Ruofei's hand and finally nestles up to her. That's very obvious. Later, she is in trouble with Nalan.

Qin Wanrou is not disappointed to see little monkey following Nalan Ruofei. "Husband!" Qin Wanrou came to chennan with some grievances.

"Ha ha!" Chen Nan hugged her in her arms and comforted her. "Little monkey and Ruofei are more familiar than you. It's normal to be with her. Don't be sad. I'll catch one for you when I have a chance."

"Well!" With a man's promise, Qin Wanrou nodded her head hard. She didn't have much time and was happy again.

"Come on, let's go up." Chennan Road, because the following is bare cliff, it is difficult to go down, they have to climb up the cliff top.

Hearing that he was going to leave, little monkey bumped onto chennan's shoulder and made faces at the two girls with a shed in his hand. The funny look was just a copy of the monkey king. The two girls giggled and were very happy.

As a result, Nalan Ruofei lies on her brother-in-law's back again. Qin Wanrou is still held by chennan and starts to climb the cliff again. The little monkey took the lead in climbing up the cliff, holding the vine and making a way in front of him.

Climbing up not far, the little monkey pointed to the position above the syncline, where there was a hole, the monkey means that there can also go out.

Chen Nan estimates that the little monkey is from there in and out, no longer hesitated, directly climbed up the hole.

This hole can barely allow people to walk upright, but it is rugged, so chennan put down the two women and took their hands to walk straight along the cave. The golden monkey ran around and hopped, followed several people and kept making faces. It was not lonely on the road.

After an hour, I finally came to the exit. This exit is also located in the middle of the mountain, because the front is blocked by vegetation, ordinary people can't find it at all.A few people just walked to the exit, but they heard someone talking below. A man's voice said, "Jinghuan, you can't run. You killed Leng Fu, Tong he and others, right?"

The woman said coldly, "I said I didn't kill you. Believe it or not."

Chen Nan opens the grass and looks down. He sees that the following is his way up the mountain. A man in ancient costume stops a Taoist with a long sword on his back.

Although the woman is a Taoist, but the corner of her eyes and eyebrows with a provocative charm, while speaking, she accidentally pulled the collar, revealing a white under her neck.

The opposite man's eyes are obscene, staring at her chest, hoping to see the clothes inside. But this woman is only the later cultivation of mystery, and that man seems to be the same as Leng Fu, which is also the early stage of prefecture level.

Chen Nan sneers. A Xuanji kills two prefecture level and three Xuanji in the later period. It's a joke. The man stops her and is clearly looking for fault. It can be seen that the Taoist is deliberately seducing him.

Sure enough, the man staring at the static ring chest, a pair of towering said: "if you want me to let you go, you can accompany me once, when I don't see anything, this matter will never talk to others, otherwise you know the consequences, even if I don't kill you, you can't escape."

"I..." After that, Ma said, "it seems that I'm embarrassed to be able to live with you

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