"Ha ha, little girl, I can't wait. Come on." Sima Qing didn't control Jinghuan, so he jumped at her directly. They rolled together in the grass. It wasn't long. Sima Qing was lying on the Taoist nun and started to stir up. The Taoist nun cooperated with him and kept shouting.

"Damn it Chen Nan laughs bitterly. She didn't expect to encounter this kind of thing just when she was about to leave the cave. He doesn't like to interfere with the two people. Moreover, he has seen that the Taoist has a back hand. She deliberately pulls her clothes apart. She obviously knows that she can't run away, so she does it on purpose.

Chen Nan is OK. The two girls have never seen this kind of scene. When they see that they are doing that kind of thing on the mountain road, their faces turn red. Even Nalan is no exception. They all turn their faces and lower their heads. They don't know what they are thinking. Their faces burn badly.

Chen Nan doesn't mind, these two people are obviously hidden door people, he wants to see what means they have, more understanding is always right.

Sure enough, two people are doing Hi, the man's action more intense up, it is about to the critical moment. When the Taoist put her arms around the man, she saw that he was in the mood and was exaggerating to cooperate with Sima Qing. However, the two fingers of Zhongshi suddenly drew together like a knife and were about to plunge into Sima Qing's back.

But at this time, the man named Sima Qing suddenly intensified the action again, and a visible energy flow poured into the man's body along the intersection of the two.

Although the Taoist's fingers barely touched Sima Qing's back, they quickly became soft and powerless. They didn't hurt him at all. The whole person was convulsed and fell on the hillside.

"Sima Qing, you You're a mean person. " The Taoist nun is not willing to cry out. After this, she is weak all over, and her cultivation falls to the Yellow level. Her Yuanyin is completely cut down, and her spirit is not shaken. In the past, the internal power of Si Qing was stronger than that of Si Qing.

"Ha ha!" Sima Qing laughed wildly, "static ring, don't think I don't know your means, I don't start with you, waiting for you to kill me?"

With these words, Sima Qing shakes the hand that still holds Jinghuan on his back and slaps it on Jinghuan tianlinggai. Then he gets up like no one else and arranges his robe with satisfaction.

"Ah." Seeing Sima Qing's sudden pain, Qin Wanrou and Nalan Ruofei screamed at the same time. Although they didn't look at it specially, they looked down out of curiosity and saw Sima Qing slapping on the Taoist's tianlinggai and shouting out of a sudden.

"Who dare to peep and get down here?" Sima Qing was shouting at the top.

The two girls blush when they see that they are in trouble. They are embarrassed to look at chennan, especially Qin Wanrou. They are even more worried. The other girl is very good at it and can do evil deeds. Now that they are found by the other girl, they don't know whether they can retreat completely.

Chennan patted two people's shoulders, motioned them to wait here, and jumped to the mountain road.

Because Chen Nan practices the hidden skill, and his breath is not exposed. Sima Qing doesn't see what's amazing about him. He sneers and says, "just called two women. Let them come out."

Chen Nan ignored him and looked at him coldly and said, "what kind of sect are you, and how can you practice this kind of evil Kung Fu that hurts heaven and heaven?"

"Ha ha, is it against Tianhe? What is good for Laozi is good. " Sima Qing sneered scornfully, and then looked at the entrance of the cave. He saw that there were two most beautiful people. His eyes became more hot. He took out a hatchet from his waist and looked at chennan. He said scornfully: "boy, you give me two beauties. Considering that you are going to die, it's OK to sue you. Lao Tzu's sect is called xuanyue temple!"

"Xuanyue temple? Go to hell Voice Fang Luo, Chen Nan strides forward, rolling up a gun curtain to cover Sima Qing.

"Prefecture level master?" See each other's gun potential, know that the bearer is a master, Sima green face color brush changed, dare not have the slightest neglect, with an axe shadow to Chen Nan.

"Boom!" The spear screen and the axe shadow blow together, and the axe shadow disappears quickly. The killing intention of the remnant spear blows on Sima Qing through the axe shadow, which brings some blood. Sima Qing yells and flies out.

This kind of obscene goods Chen Nan naturally won't let him go, don't wait for him to land, follow and arrive, is a gun to blow out again.

"Forgive me, master!" Sima Qing wanted to beg for mercy, but there was no time, so he had to reluctantly wave a hatchet to resist. As a result, the hatchet was blasted off, and the remnant gun was blasted on him without any obstruction. He just blasted Sima Qing to pieces, and his body fell into the cliff.

After several battles, chennan also saw that his current cultivation should be the same as that of the ancient martial arts cultivator at the beginning of the prefecture level, but his true Qi is more powerful. With the killing intention of the remnant gun and rich means of killing, it's no surprise to kill a Sima Qing.

After killing, chennan comes to the top and takes the two girls down. As for the golden monkey, he just jumps down.

Seeing that Chen Nan killed Sima Qing, the two girls are naturally very happy. They are afraid of other people's killing, but they are not afraid of Chen Nan's killing. The most important thing is that they know that Chen Nan won't hurt themselves. What's more, it's obviously not a good thing for them to do that kind of thing just now.Chen Nan puts Sima Qing's hatchet away. In his bag, he also finds a string made of special materials that doesn't slip. Presumably, he is also looking for Su Ying blueberry. Several groups of people come back and forth. It can be seen that the news of blueberry on the cliff has leaked out. Maybe someone will come. It's inconvenient to stay here. Chen Nan immediately takes them away.

With them, you chennan and his party quickly came to the foot of the mountain, and soon came to the canyon where they first met the monkey.

The snub nosed monkey kept gesturing to them. Several people understood that it still had something on the mountain to take out.

Three people immediately follow the monkey into the canyon and let the two girls wait below. Chennan follows the monkey to a secret cave. Looking at the scene in the cave, chennan finally knows what the monkey has brought him. In the deep of the cave, there are twelve jars of monkey wine, all of which are made by monkeys collecting lingcao and lingguo from the mountain.

The monkey has already recognized that Nalan Ruofei is the main one, and chennan is not polite. He takes all the twelve jars of monkey wine into the space, and then takes it to the bottom to continue on the way.

Qin Wanrou went through hardships when she came here, but her speed was very slow. At this time, it was much faster to be taken by chennan. The monkey was walking among the treetops. A swing was a few feet away, and the speed was not very fast. However, chennan was not too fast either. At the request of the two girls, she slowed down her speed. It was rare to take her into the no man's land, and she could enjoy the most primitive scenery of Shennongjia It's the beginning.

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