My Adventures In The Multiverse

Chapter 14 - 14 Getting Back Memories I Didn't Have

In a house a woman is sitting elegantly like a true Japanese woman sipping on he tea she has the divine vibe around her that seems to make her more beautiful coupled with the Sakura trees falling in the background let's just say this is a picture perfect moment.

This woman then dropped the cup she was drinking tea from.

???: ''Finally he has awoken it's been a long time..Darling''

She then looks to the person at her side

''Inform the Yokai Faction that Amaterasu is coming Next month for a visit''

Maid: ''Yes my lady''

After The Maid Left

Amaterasu: ''We'll finally be Together again Darling.. soon'

She was looking at a ring on her finger

In The Underworld

Ajuka: '' ...So does anyone have any idea on how to prevent our impending doom.'

Falbium: ''Well maybe he will overlook it I mean he's been gone for 200 years maybe his anger has reduced.''

Sirzechs: ''I don't think so. Remember what he said the last time the devil's tried to attack the Nekomatas''

Ajuka: ''That if any devils dare lay a hand on the Nekomatas, He will personally wipe out the faction.''

Serafall: ''But he is our friend maybe he won't be as angry''

Falbium: 'Serafall do you know what you are saying, this time not only was the Nekomatas harmed they were about to be Annihilated if he Didn't step in and even more so we couldn't help him ''

Sirzechs: ''He won't show mercy.''

Ajuka: ''And there is no way we can repel him with force just him alone managed to cause the Old Devil's faction to replace three of their leaders and annihilated over 80% of their forces."

"It's fact that without him we wouldn't have won against the Old Devil's even if we did by a slight chance the aftermath would be too much."

"Tch Those stupid old geezers of the Devil Council, I don't know how they managed to cause the extinction of the Nekomatas without us knowing but now because of them the entire underworld has to suffer for it.'' (Ajuka said seething with anger)

Serafall: '' Is there any way to appease his anger.''

Sirzechs: ''I don't think there is ''

While the Maou's were racking their head on how to survive Back at the Yokai Faction Yasaka was also racking her hand on the problem at hand.

Yasaka POV

The day after shiki's Big Bad Wolf Spree Yasaka was on her throne looking at a letter in hands with displeasure with Maya at her Right side.

''Why did Lady Amaterasu announce her sudden visit for next month is it because of him ?..mmmh what is there relationship for Lady Amaterasu to suddenly want to visit. Whatever there is nothing I can do I can only prepare for her arrival.''


Mata: ''Yes Lady Yasaka.''

''Please tell all the officials that Lady Amaterasu will come next month and they should prepare for her arrival also announce it to the people and don't forget to also tell our Lord.''

Mata: ''Yes Lady"'

Yasaka: "Or no need I'll tell him myself"

Mata: "Yes my Lady"

Matatabi then left

Yasaka: "*sigh* At least we still have a month. *Sigh* just hope there isn't anymore surprises.''

Shiki POV

As the sun rose from the below and reached its peak it decided to share his arrival and joy by showering the earth with it's rays waking up the inhabitants and annoying a certain overpowered god that the sun would want to take his anger.

''Arrrrggg who the fuċk dares wake me up. Oh it's just the sun maybe I should blow it up...mmmmh na too much stress.''

Then I created a bit of darkness from My palm and controlled it to cover The room With a layer to block the sun after that I turned and continued My rest.

As I was already slipping into slumber when I heard a knock from My door.

I decided to stand up with mild annoyance and check who it was.

When i opened the door to find out who knocked I found it to be Yasaka at the door wearing her usual yellow kimono..

Yasaka: ''Good morning my Lord.'' (She greeted me While bowing Slightly,)

''*Sigh* Good morning Yasaka what are you doing here so early''

Yasaka: '' My Lord it's already 8am was I disturbing your sleep''

''No you weren't " (I said but inwardly she did)

'' what can I do for you''

Yasaka: ''I just wanted to tell you to get ready My Lord.''

''For what ?''

Yasaka: ''To have breakfast''

'Mmmmh Breakfast is more important than sleep..Decisions.. Decisions'

''Ok I will be down in a moment''

Yasaka: ''Ok my Lord I will be waiting.'' (She replied seemingly happy)

After a while I brushed and then took a bath

''Ahh it's been a while, I really needed this.''

[But shiki how do you need it you don't even have to bath you can just use magic or equip your clothes it will do the cleanup for you it's a sub function]

''I know system but you don't understand system there is a difference between magic and actually doing it.''

[Mmmmh I still don't understand but ok]


After a while he was finally through with his routine and equipped a new kimono that is yellow with white triangular patterns on it.

(AN: For reference look up Zenitsu Kimono)

I Then left My room and went to Yasaka palace as I entered I was led by a maid to the dining table When I arrived I saw Yasaka with Matatabi beside her on the opposite end of a very long familiar Golden table. I then took a sit

Mata:''Good morning my Lord.'' (She said while Bowing)

''Good morning Mata I see you are in good health'"

Mata: '' Yes my Lord thank you for concern''

Then some maids enter the room and served us then after a while the table was filled with delicacies. Then I took a bite

''Mmmmh the food is as good as ever.

So Yasaka what's with the atmosphere it's a little tense.''

Yasaka: ''Nothing my Lord it's just that a Shinto goddess named Lady Amaterasu has decided to visit next month.''

''Mmmmh so what's the problem.''

Yasaka's: ''it's nothing my Lord it's just that she was meant to visit after 2 years like normal but now she is coming next week.''

''Mmmmh Ok.''

[Shiki there is a problem]

'What is it system'

[Well when the Lord decided to go against your second wish of sending you 5 years before Canon and create a bio for you in this world he decided to go all the way and create what he called 'Texture' to your story]

'Why do I feel like he did something bad'

[Well he may or may not have made you engaged to the Shinto goddess Amaterasu]

'.. WHAT WHY won't it go against Canon in anyway'

[ No he made it so that the reason for the Shinto Faction alliance with the Yokai Faction is because of your engagement to Her]

'..But still just because I wanted Yasaka that didn't mean he had to go rewrite everything'


Yasaka: ''Is anything wrong my Lord.''

''Ummm no nothing is wrong''

Yasaka: ''mmmmh Ok.'' (She said before coninuing eating her food

'System what am I going to do I don't even remember her all I have been doing is bullshiting'

[And your bullshiting has never been more closer to the truth. ]

[Well God decided to help and saved memories of your story be warned even if the memories are created it still happened and is real because since he wanted an ideal story he sent a perfect avatar of you to the past and had him live your life so whatever he had done is exactly what you would have done.

With this when you gain the memories it will be like.]

''i did it personally.''

Yasaka: ''Did you say anything my Lord''

''Umm no just thinking about how full I am.I will retire to my room now'"

Yasaka: ''Ok my Lord the maid will lead you back'"


Shiki then walks away from the shining dining room to his room as he was led by a maid.

As he enters he continues his conversation with the system.

'So system how am I going to go about this'

[Well you just need to lay down as I will impart your memories it will be like you are living your life]

'Ok system then what are you waiting for start the process'

[Ok but warning you may black out]


Then shiki blacks out after a while he wakes and the first thing he says is

''I am going to kill someone.''

Turns out that after the Yokai prayed to him and he took form he led the Yokai through battles against the devil's and after 80 years, 50 for battle and 30 for Negotiating they had finally won, after that he cleared the center land of Kyoto i.e Gion and created an habitat as it was sitting on the leylines.

But then after a while the devil's wanted a way to cement peace and it was decided that a clan of the Yokai should stay in the underworld as a signal of peace so he agreed but put out conditions.

No one should harm the clan that will live there.

Food and essentials for survival should be sent to the Clan living in the underworld.

The devil's agreed and after that within the new formed Yokai clan .

The clans were arguing on who should stay in the underworld but then the Nekomata clan volunteered as they were the 3 strongest clan in the Yokai Faction.

The reason for the Nekomata volunteering is that they couldn't send a weak clan so as to not risk the devil's going behind there back and couldn't send the strongest faction so as not to lose Power in the Yokai Faction after that the Nekomata family moved to the underworld.

After that he decided to rest for 40 years constantly checking on the Nekomata and traveling the world.

One Night on his travel he saw a woman injured by a fernir judging from the amount of divinity in it, it had probably evolved.

Fernir was about the attack the woman but then he arrived in a flash and said.

''Earth style: Diamond spikes no jutsu.''

Such a simple jutsu pumped with tons of Chakra that he has infinite of, Sharpened and propelled diamonds from the Earth this led to a fernir ridiculed with spikes everywhere.

He then turned to the woman and saw the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.

She had long Black hair that shimmered,

Her Purple eyes with gold outline looked at him with fear,

She was donning a white Kimono that showed a little skin.

He had never seen such a being in his life but then he sensed something, a large amount of divinity and what seemed to be a connection with the sun as shown by her core and then he knew that this was the rumored Shinto Goddess Of The Sun Amaterasu The Leader Of The Shinto Faction.

(AN: For reference )

Shiki POV

Amaterasu: ''Who are you''

''I am just a wandering God''

Amaterasu: ''what are you doing here.''

''Didn't you hear me say I am a wandering God''

Amaterasu: ''well forgive me it is fault for not caring because I have a hole in my stomach."

'Oh right she does how did I not notice that'

I decided to help her so I took her to a house I created using wood style took care of her but when I was about to send her off after a day she said

Amaterasu: ''I'm afraid I can't leave.''

''Huh why''

Amaterasu: ''After being attacked by Fernir my divinity is all messed up now and I can't even use my powers''

''So how is that my problem''

Amaterasu: ''um well I was hoping you would allow me to stay for some days''

''Ok then it's better I leave.You would have the house to yourself.''

As I was about to leave Amaterasu held him

Amaterasu: ''please don't go ummm I want you to stay.''

''Why'' (I said Confused)

Amaterasu: ''so that you can protect me I can pay you when it's done''

''Mmmmh you will pay me.''

Amaterasu: ''Yes I would''

What Amaterasu forgot is that if I can summon diamond spikes don't you think I can find a way to sell it to gain money

And well I had enough money but just wanted to stay with her, so in the end it was just two people who wanted to stay together.

And so they did I stayed with her for 5 years already forgetting that her divinity should have recovered until one day some God's in the Shinto faction and Some from Hindu since they were in Alliance had come sensing Amaterasu Divinity.

When I checked what was happening I saw gods trying to attack and I did the one thing I could do... I countered.

After 15 minutes gods were on their kneels with their weapons elsewhere.

Amaterasu then came out wondering what the commotion was about about

Amaterasu: ''What is going on here?'' (She said still Confused about Why the Gods were kissing the Floor''

Indra: ''Lady Amaterasu we have come to bring you back''

Shiva: ''We heard of your disappearance And came to look for you we didn't expect you to be held hostage.''

Amaterasu was beyond pissed

Amaterasu: ''I am not kidnapped I am here on my own accord''

Indra: ''huh''

Shiva: ''huh''

God's Kissing the Floor ''huh''

I wonder how they All said that at the same time must be a common anime Thing.

Amaterasu: ''*sigh*''

After explaining the gods apologized to I and I Forgave them and became friends since Amaterasu gave me those Puppy Eyes.

They even stayed for a week, everything was ending well until he heard that Amaterasu had to go backIe was broken because I wanted to confess to her.

On the day she had to go I saw her wearing her Kimono again.

The I Remembered all the good time like when I cooked Pizza and she loved it, Our trip to buy new clothes and We ended up buying the Entire store she was basically a wonderful housewife when she was Here but now she is leaving and I didn't know what to feel.

Amaterasu: ''umm so this is it '' (she Walked towards me)

''Yeah this is it''

Amaterasu: ''after I leave where would you go.''

''Well I'll wander around the world see where the world takes me''

Amaterasu: ''ok then I want to thank you as this maybe the last time we may ever meet.''

''Don't wory I was just helping':

I was trying My best not to cry and for not her to notice

Amaterasu: ''But still thank you''

''Amaterasu let's go'' (Indra Shouted)

Amaterasu: ''it seems that's my cue''

''Oh ok''

Amaterasu: ''ok, Umm bye''

Then she left as she walked pass me, I suddenly felt cold like as if the sun left Me I was about to walk away until I felt a warm hand clench My hands and pull Me


As I turned I felt something soft on My lips,

I looked down to see Amaterasu kissing Me. I felt the warmth that to kiss carried all her to me and I received them all and reciprocated.

We kissed for a few minutes

Amaterasu: ''I love you''

'' you too''

Amaterasu: ''Consider this your payment''

She was about to leave again but then I held her and gave Her a ring..

''I don't know when we may meet again but I want us to be engaged so that when we meet we'll get married so Amaterasu would you be my wife.''

Amaterasu cried and accepted after a while of hugging she left and the other gods said their goodbyes

I stored the house in his inventory as a keepsake and continued to wander.

In My wandering I met Serafall, Ajuka, Falbium,Sirzechs before they even started the whole civil war thing.

20 years later I decided to do a surprise visit to the Nekomata family and when I did what I saw broke My heart there were blood on the streets.

Children were on the streets hungry, The Graveyards seemed to be flooded when I landed the people recognized Me and immediately ran to Me they cried for My help and then a woman came and knelt down.

Woman: ''Please my Lord take care of my child.''

The I knelt down and said : ''Give me your child and tell me her name.''

Woman: ''My Lord she is a girl and her name is Matatabi please take care of her.''

''I will woman .''

Then the woman smiled and lost the light in her eyes, I rushed to check on her but she was dead I checked Her body and saw that she was subjected to **** and had cuts on her body, I checked all of them and found out 76% had been rȧpėd and then I snapped when I heared the Old Satans coming with an army to capture the Nekomatas.

I teleported back to the Yokai faction and gave Matatabi to the Fox Clan who was just 5 years old, I then checked Matatabi and found out that his a rare cross of a Fox and a Nekomata maybe an innate trait in her mother but he had no time to think of that.

I did what was noted in history as a suicide mission with no chance of survival.

I single handedly wiped out about 80% of the Old Devil's Faction and 55% of the Devil's population in total cutting down the already close to extinction race, But I was then injured by Rizevim by a cheap shot and entered coma

''So that's why God save the Nekomata race not because of he wanted to but because he knew that I will go on a rampage if they died out.

''Those damn devil's they will get what is coming to them.''

''I am sorry woman I couldn't fully take care Matatabi but I promise you she is now in good hands''


Author Here

I noticed some holes so decided to fix it

It's a wrapp



No Emojis but maybe a little????


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