My Adventures In The Multiverse

Chapter 15 - 15 Letting Go Of Feelings I Never Had Bad Dealing With Devils

Author Here,

Before we start I want to clarify somethings, I realized that my dialogues are confusing, I just want to say I ain't perfect and I am trying so I am changing somethings.

''So this is a change'' - Talking

I am talking about - Narrator

'I hope it's sufficient' - Thinking

[If you see any holes please report to Authors Agency Of Holes] - System

(And if it remains anything else please report to Authors Agency Of Problems) - Author Notes

And also now that he got those memories he also got the feelings that go along with it

''So that's why God saved the Nekomata race not because of he wanted to but because he knew that I will go on a rampage if they died out.''

''Those damn devil's they will get what is coming to them.''

''I am sorry woman I couldn't fully protect Matatabi but I promise you she is in good hands.''

After Shiki's trip on memory lane.

He was beyond pissed at the devil's and even more pissed at the 4 Maous he considered as friends but he decided to calm himself down at least the Nekomatas are safe.

But for all those that were rȧpėd and also for Kuroka and Shirone the devil's are going to get a hot serving of punishment in whatever way he saw fit.

''*Sigh* those damn devil's well I can't think about that now, Amaterasu is coming next week *sigh* after all this time we will finally meet again I can't wait to see her.'''

Shiki then checked the inventory and saw the ring he gave Amaterasu, After equipping the ring he stood up and decided to get some fresh air.

He closed the door behind him and then walked down the hall thinking and arranging his memories for the first time since War against the devil's.

''ugh fuċk I shouldn't be this deep in thought while walking''

He got his bearings and looked down to see that he had actually hit was infact Yasaka, He then leaned down to help.

Offering his hand, ''I am so sorry Yasaka I didn't look at where I was going''

Yasaka then replied taking shiki's hand ''Dont worry about it my Lord I also wasn't look at where I was going'.'

Then shiki pulled her up to her feet after that he spent a few while's just looking at her and decided to ask her a question.

Shiki then asked ''Yasaka I want to ask you a question ''

Yasaka then replied '' My Lord you can ask me anything''

"Its nothing much Yasaka it's just that I met Matatabi's mom before''

Yasaka was shocked but shiki continued

''I met her when I decided to perform a surprise visit to the underworld as at that time the Nekomatas moved to the underworld when I got there I was shocked at what I saw most of my people have been rȧpėd even few children weren't spared then Her mom recognized me and came to me she said I should take care of Matatabi and I agreed when I did she was happy and then she lost the fire in her eyes..... ''

"Her mom died in my hands I got so angry I massacred most of the devil's leaving them at of 45% of what they used to be...*sigh*

I promised Her mom that I will take care of Matatabi I broke that promise so I want to ask you did I fail, The Nekomatas and Matatabi's mom died due to my foolishness if only I didn't accept their nonsense peace shit this wouldn't have happened''

Halfway through his speech he started sobbing, it's hard to see your people treated like trash.

(AN: He wouldn't have felt anything before but now he has this memories and emotions now)

It was silent in the room what can be heard are the footsteps of Yasaka heading towards a man whose head is down when she reached him she suddenly hugged him.

'' It wasn't your fault my Lord you tried your best because you wanted peace and didn't like the Yokais to continually be in war with another faction .

"But you didn't fail, if it wasn't for you the Yokais would still be used as slaves to other factions, without you the Nekomatas wouldn't be alive, without you the Shinto Faction wouldn't be in an alliance with us, without you we wouldn't have a place to stay and call a home, without you we wouldn't be in a state of peace for the last 200 years."

"So please my Lord don't belittle yourself you haven't failed anyone and I'm sure Matatabi's mom and all of Yokai are grateful to you for what you have done."

Shiki was shocked and thought about it and he realized that it's true he hasn't failed anyone and with that thought he felt a weight that he didn't know about, off his shoulders and shiki felt more free than ever. He then hugged her back. After a while they finally separated.

''Thank you Yasaka I really needed that.''

Yasaka: ''Dont worry my Lord everyone has their ups and downs.''

''ummm Yasaka''

Yasaka:''Yes my lord''

''umm well I was thinking of exploring Kyoto so do you want to go with me so that I don't get lost''

Yasaka then smiled and tilted her head ''I would love too my lord''

After they left to explore Kyoto they didn't notice the woman with blue fox hears around the corner sobbing and spying on them.

Matatabi: ''My Lord''

Shiki and Yasaka explored Kyoto experiencing all it's wonders from Niko Castle to Kyoto imperial Palace. They teleported all over Kyoto until it was time for slumber they then departed, when shiki reached his room he decided to talk to system about summoning anime characters.

'System when I summon anime characters will they be loyal to me'

'That's good so that means if I summon a person like Medea she won't try to kill me'.

[Yes my Lord she will still think of killing you but she will never go through with it what remains is just for you to erase that thought through your own means].

'mmh that's good system what do you think I should do now I am at the Pinnacle of dxd and I get stronger by just a thought and I don't need battle experience when I got my memories as i also got my battle experience from about 50 years of war.'

[ There's really nothing to suggest you can only keep on training and travelling but maybe you can punish the devil's for what they did to the Nekomatas.]

' you're right I almost forgot about the devil's thank you for reminding me system, tommorow I will deal with them.'

[Ok host]

'Ok system goodnight.'

[Goodnight Shiki]

That night shiki dreamt of a certain faction crying and begging him for mercy but he showed none. The next day shiki woke up and got dressed in his vergils clothing which was also known as his war armor by the factions and strapped his sword by his waist.

''Ah Yasaka good morning how are you doing''

Yasaka then replied ''I am fine my Lord what about you''

''I am quite alright Yasaka''

Yasaka then notice his outfit ''My Lord why are you carrying your sword''

''Its nothing Yasaka I just want run an errand''

Yasaka was confused that what errand does the Yokai God Of Ether want to run.

''Dont worry I will be back in a jiffy''

Yasaka replied ''ok My Lord but can you be back before dinner''

''Ok Yasaka you remind me a loyal housewife.''

Yasaka blushed ''My Lord don't tease me''

''Hahaha ok Yasaka I am going now''

'System teleport me to the underworld'

[Ok shiki]

In a bright flash shiki was then transported to the underworld leaving Yasaka alone to think

Yasaka ''mmmh I wonder what he was talking about''

In the Underworld a bright flash appeared and when it died down shiki appeared and can be seen to be in the middle of nowhere.

'mmh so this is the Underworld you know between seeing the red sky now and seeing it on the show there is quite a difference. Anyways it's time to notify the guests of my arrival'

Shiki then flared his aura as he did so the sky's darkened and the earth started to rumble expressing his dėsɨrė of anger at that moment every single devil felt suppression and they all fell to their knees only kids were spared from this aura.

The aura also carried the intent of death and all those suppressed all saw their deaths if they tried to resist.

The 4 Maous didn't even know what hit them they suddenly found the ground next to their faces. Then they all heard a voice.

''To all the devil's who hear me my name is Momoshiki Ethereal or you may know me as the Yokai God Of Chakra you may be wondering that why are you hearing my voice, well I just woke up from my 200 years slumber to finish what I started''

When all the devil's heard his name they all got scared especially the Devil Council as they are the ones who massacred them and then when he finished his message they got terrified and at that moment they knew they





Yo konichiwa author here

I just want to say I ain't perfect at this as I only started so they maybe some mistakes so please take care of me and bear with it also if you see any holes please tell.

That's a wrapp ????????


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