My Adventures In The Multiverse

Chapter 21 - 21 Thoroughly Decking The Angels And Destroying Hopes

''Did you think that can actually injure me, Feathered Weaklings, Ha don't make me laugh''

Michael: ''But ho..w''

Raphael: ''Our combined strength''

Uriel: ''And it didn't even injure him''

Gabriel also in shock but she had a foreboding feeling.

''Since you have all put out your strength, then I guess I should get serious'."

The Seraphs were getting even more scared as the Fire doing feeling kept on increasing, Then they heard me say.


With those words said, Massive Waves of Ether came out of my body continuously,

Then the Ether from shiki started taking the shape of a Armored Humanoid Titan with Shiki seemingly in the stomach,

It was Light Blue in color and was coated form head to the end of it's body with a robe of some sort.

It's face was hidden but the eyes were clearly glowing, It also had 9 Black Beads floating around it giving the warily feeling that it isn't what it seems.

This is the Susano'o of shiki which will later be known to be able to cut through the bodies of Eldritch Horrors like knife through Butter, But that's a story for another time.

(AN: For more details Search for Sasuke's Susano'o but light Blue and has Beads floating around it like the Truth Speaking Balls)

Other Angels had arrived at the scene to see a massive Titan Towering above them, If the Angels weren't scared before, Well right now they have already past that level.

Shiki's POV

After Susano'o was formed I looked at the Seraphs and found them shaking in their boots from the amount of Power I was radiating coupled with the fact of my Huge Susano'o.

I find it quite fun to see them like this, I wonder whether should i play with them a little bit more.

''So...Let's go for round two, Shall We''

I said slowly increasing my power with each word, Letting it sink in and Increase their fear.

They started shaking and sweating even more, I decided to snap them out of this, So I commanded one of the beads to float in front of me.

''Do you know what this is...Why am I even asking of course you can't know what this is. Just think of it as the compressed raw form of Elemental Chakra with Ying and Yang in the mix and you have this Malleable Beads that can be shaped Into anything,''

''I call it the Truth Seeking Balls, But do you know how destructive this bead can be, It's enough to take out at least half of the underworld at quarter its full power.''

From The Looks I was getting from the Angel's, They were scared from the Information I was giving them and some where curious of why I was giving it to them.

''You might be curious of why I'm telling you this, it's because I want to see how you fare at one fifth of it's power, Think of this as a test you block it and you survive, you don't and you Die. So shall we get this underway''

I then reduced the power in the TSB (AN: Deciding to call it that form now on) and sent it towards them at slow speed.

Michael was able to snap out of it and it seemed that he communicated with the rest through some form of Telepathy, Then they casted a magic circle.

Michael's POV

Shiki: "Susano'o"

When he said that word, All of my instincts that have been honed shouted at me to RUN,.

It kept on ringing in my head but at the end of the day I couldn't move a bit because of the waves of power he was releasing.

It kept me rooted in place but that wasn't the end of my suffering, A Blue colored Titan formed slowly around him until it was fully formed and enclosed him within.

I have never felt this much fear in all my years of existence even when My Father was angry at Lucifer I never felt such fear

And those 9 beads that were floating around it had this feeling that I can't just describe, It just made the Titan more domineering.

'So this is how it ends. Father trusted me to take care of them, I'm sorry father I've let you down' I thought

I then looked at my right and left and saw the scared looks of my fellow people.

'No... I can't let them die like this, There's no way in heaven I'm going to let them die like this'

Then a plan came to me then I Telepathedly communicated with my siblings and snapped them out of it, Then I told them of my plan.

Michael: 'I have a plan and it just might work'

Uriel: 'Well do tell'

Michael: 'It's nothing much but it just might work, We'll draw the power from everyone living in heaven and from the system itself'

Raphael: 'And then we'll make a barrier out of it....mmh it should work'

Gabriel: 'Are you sure it'll work'

Michael: 'It's worth a try, Heaven is our responsibility, And if we manage to block it we'll live'

Then I started drawing in power from the Heaven System, While the rest were Telepathedly telling the rest to lend us their Mana.

With enough Mana I managed to create a barrier around the entire heavens before the bead could hit us, I speculated that even if all of the devil's of this time combine their power it wouldn't manage to break it, Then something happened that I will never forget.

He broke it..... with a snap.

Shiki POV

I watched as Michael drew God Level Mana to make a barrier, I was suprised that even with limited potential, He managed to do this it must take a lot of control.

I still wonder why they still can't make their combined light spears be in the shape of something else instead but I just shrugged it, probably anime logic.

He finished with the barrier and my bead was moving towards it, I felt his confidence that the Barrier will be able to block my TSB. So decided to break his hopes....Thanos Style.

Then I summoned high waves of Invisible and Intangible Ether and made it wrap the barrier. Then I snapped my fingers and made my Ether break the barrier, breaking their hopes too.

I could see despair when I broke it.

Michael: ''So this is how it ends''

The Angels were already crying, I really wanted to end them that I forgot why I came here in the first place then the system told me.

[Shiki have you forgotten why you are here]


[You wanted to know how god makes his miracles]

'Oooooohhhh yeahh,I guess I got carried away, I should probably end this now'

Then before the TSB hit them I retracted it back and cancelled my Susano'o.

The Angels looked at me confused with tears in most of their eyes, some had even peed.

''Teehee, I'm sorry I got carried away here, I just wanted to play with you a little'' (I said while scratching my head and smiling with closed eyes, Anime style.)

''I just wanted to check on the Heaven System. Sorry for the trouble, I wasn't even serious i was just bored''

''Sooo, can I check in the system''

Michael POV

'so he wasn't even serious, HE WASN'T EVEN SERIOUS BUT HE MANAGED TO ALMOST DESTROY HEAVEN... If this is him unserious I don't want to see him when his serious, But he wants to check on the system...Why'

Then Raphael buŧŧed in

Raphael: ''You want to check on our system, impossible I won't al..''

I managed to cover his mouth before he dooms us all, is he dumb he has the power to take it forcefully but instead his asking, Even if the system is sacred we can't do anything against him.

Michael:''It will be my honor to show you the system please follow me''

'Sorry Father, Brother but I can't let him destroy heaven'


Author Here

I have nothing to say, Just if there are any holes or any ideas please tell

That's a wraaapp ????????


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