My Adventures In The Multiverse

Chapter 22 - 22 Helping The Angels And Getting The Kill Switch

Michael POV

'so he wasn't even serious, HE WASN'T EVEN SERIOUS BUT HE MANAGED TO ALMOST DESTROY HEAVEN... If this is him unserious I don't want to see him when his serious, But he wants to check on the system...Why'

Then Raphael buŧŧed in

Raphael: ''You want to check on our system, impossible I won't al..''

I managed to cover his mouth before he dooms us all, is he dumb he has the power to take it forcefully but instead his asking, Even if the system is sacred we can't do anything against him.

Michael:''It will be my honor to show you the system please follow me''

'Sorry Father, Brother but I can't let him destroy heaven'

Shiki POV

Michael: ''it will be my honor to show you the system, Please follow me.''

''Oh what's with the change of heart. Is it because I almost destroyed your beloved Father's Home'"

Michael just looked down after I said those words

"'Well since I am not so bad..and it's my fault, Heaven is like this so let me just make it up to you''

I then use The fifth Magic Blue Magic to rewind the time on the Heavens affected alone, Ultimately fixing Heaven then used Ether to fix any crack in time it might cause. But i decided to do all this Dr Strange style.

When Michael saw a Green Signal appear all over the floor of heavens he was confused, Then he saw that the cracks were slowly rewinding and the Buildings were fixing themselves and from the looks he gave me he was joyful and grateful and so were the Angels and Seraphs beside him.

Gabriel:''You see brother, I told you he has a bright heart''

'Tch Bright My Ass!!, I'm just doing this to get on Gabriel's good side'

Michael: ''*sigh* You were right I should have listened to you'' (He then turns to me ) ''Thank You, You don't know how much this means to me''. (Then he bowed his head.)

''Dont worry about it, I'm here to just check the system''

Michael:' ' Then I shall lead you,'' He then looks at the remaining Angels with him and then casted a circle in front of mouth and from the looks of it, it's supposed to act as a sound booster, Then he spoke into it.

''My brethren there is no cause for alarm, The situation has been resolved, You can all go back to you respective homes and continue your lives''

When he said that, I saw the Angels get confused a little but then they just continued their lives. Michael then looks at me and said 'Follow me'.

Then he casted a signil in front of the gates, We then walked into the circle, The signil served as a teleporter to the 6th Heaven where the Sacred Gear and Heaven system run.

I saw a big gate, Michael then casted another signil then it opened, When we entered, I saw a dime ball of light in the center of the room and multiple pieces of light on the floor.

Michael: ''Please I want to ask a favor, if you can help us with removing God's limiter and lighten the rules, we will greatly be in your debt''

I walked forward ignoring him while thinking.

'Is this the system'

Then I touched the ball of light and I could see Gibberish then I looked down at the specks of light on the floor and I saw they were also Gibberish, Then I realized this is the information.

That's why there is a problem, Michael can't understand it, That's why he can't modify it.

''mmmmh I see''

Uriel: ''What Happened''

''The reason why you couldn't translate this is not because something is wrong with the system, It has always been like this, It's written in a language he created''

Michael: ''so it's hopeless''

''Not really''

Michael and the Seraphs: ''Huh''

''Give me a moment would ya''

'The Language God used in the DXD world to make the Heavens system'

Then a book came to me. I always wondered who wrote this books then I checked the author and I saw Root.

'Wow, well the Akashic is supposed to be connected to root, so in a way I'm connected to root, If some mages from the Fate series know I'm connected, They will freak, That reminds me I still have the Holy Grail...

I should try something with it if my Theory is correct, Then I'm looking at some major power jump'

'System, I once read that True Magic isn't limited to 5 alone and it's possible to create a new one'

[Yes shiki it's possible to create True Magics, it's just that in all of the Parrarell universe of Fate, Nobody has ever thought of creating a new True Magic, They are either saving the world or Destroying it or just Being greedy.]

'What surely you can't tell me that in all the Parrarells nobody managed to create a new one'

[Yes, the ones with those dreams are mainly Canon fodder with Inflated Egos, Or they just weak as fuċk according to Human Terms, Also Shirou is a Factor with his Hero complex, even though in most of the Parrarells everyone dies]

''HEY, Shirou is one of my best characters in the Fate Series, It's just his fuċkɨnġ hero complex and his Overpowered and Overlooked Plot Armour. '

like WHO DOES THAT, and the fact that he's dream is nigh-impossible, let me refrace that it's impossible like instead of him to just wish himself a True Magic and save what you can save but nooooo.

He goes to fight beings like Gilgamesh just to end up Destroying the Grail and somehow he wins, like a weak human beats a demi-god who has been through so many wars and has a world ending weapon even with Gaia's influence but nooooo,

He still ends up winning, all the heroes Shirou has faced should just fuċkɨnġ go and suck a dɨċk because they are a disgrace.'

Elsewhere in throne of Heroes

Gilgamesh: ''Acheew, I wonder whether someone is thinking about this Great King'.'

Archer: ''Acheee, huh am I catching a wonder where Rin is"

Then suddenly I felt calm, Gamers mind taking effect.

'I almost lost my cool, it's just this FUCKING..'

Gamers mind started its effects again

'huff...huff now that I think about it I still like Shirou, you got to admit even if the guy has an unachievable dream and he keeps on shouting saber, also he says the most obvious things like people die if they are duh what do you think happens when people are killed.'

'He still gave us goosebumps all over and I respect him from that, without him Fate ain't Fate, We have that Homonculus but we all know the guy was just confused about life'

'I should just read the book and forget about it' (I then looked at the book.)

'Huh, the book doesn't even have a name, probably because it's just a language the dumb guy wooped up one day and thought it was a great idea,,let me just get it over with.'

I then ȧssimilated the book and left my mindscape.

'Ok I have it' I then touched the orb again and saw that it contained information on all the people on the world and oooh guess what, He had kill switches for everything created.

'Then how can he die he could have just kill switched all devils, Maybe he was just arrogant and thought he could do it with his power alone, or maybe he still loved Satan. Well that ain't my piece'

It also contained incomplete information, That's where this specks of light come in. I then used Ether to carry the specks of light on the floor and reapply it in the way it should be, I then reviewed the information again, and hoooo was it juicy.

'Oh what's this it turns out, The Tree in the Garden Of Even wasn't there in the first place, He put that tree in the Garden of Eden because he was bored and wanted to kick Adam and Eve out... Quite sly if I must say.'

As I read on I just kept getting shocked

'It also turns out that he actually had a plan when he fought Satan he thought he'll be reborn and use the Killswitch but he wasn't, The universe denied him rebirth because he got sent across Trihexas path and they fought leading him to seal her but she still erased him, huh turns out this system can record what has happened in the omniverse'

I also got info on how heaven works

'It also turns out that it contains info on how Heaven works.'

First Heaven: For people who have sinned but repented last minute or people with bad karma but repented.

Second Heaven: For people who have sinned but has repented at least thrice.

Third Heaven: For people who have sinned but repented a few times and have also done a few good deeds.

Fourth Heaven: For peopled who sinned but repent some times and have done good deeds.

Fifth Heaven: For people who repents alll the times goes to church, does good deeds and oh unborn children or premature deaths.

Sixth Heaven: System and ... ARMORY I have to check that out.

Seventh Heaven: God and Seraphs Homes.

The main difference between the heavens cause they all look alike is that you are allowed

7 Days in Your Wildest Dreams: First Heaven

7 Weeks In Your Wildest Dreams:Second Heaven

7 Months in Your Wildest Dreams: Third Heaven

7 Years in Your Wildest Dreams: Fourth Heaven

All The Time You Want In Your Wildest Dreams: Fifth Heaven.

Huh,so everyone gets a piece of Heaven, I should note this idea it might come in Handy"

After that I Fixed the system and removed God's limitations on them, Allowed them to Procreate if they love each other, and they will still fall if it's ŀust and they are not married yet.Then I implemented it

'aannd it's done'

When I implemented the Angels glowed, Then they knew that something has been done, The Seraphs looked at me in shock as I did what they couldn't do for about 50 decades I did it in 50 minutes, What I was implementing a little change and copying info on how he does miracles.

Then I looked at Michael

''With this your potential wont be limited as I've connected you directly to the System and removed the limiter, You'll also be able to Procreate only if they love each other and they get married in Heaven and their offspring will be pure Angels only''

Michael looked shocked with tears in his eyes then he hugged me 'Thank you, you don't know how much this means to the Angels race as a whole, now we won't face extinction, What can I do to repay you'

''Dont worry about it big man, I'm just glad I'm able to help''. 'And get into your sister pants'

He then Unhugged me

''No there must be a way I can repay you''

''Dont worry but if you insist, Chuck it up as a favor''

Michael: ''Ok if that's what you wish i am in your debt''

''Ok then if that's all I'll be going now'' I started walking away'

Gabriel: ''WAIT''


Gabriel then turned to her brothers beat red ''can you give us some privacy''

Then nodded and left sending me grateful looks, Gabriel then walked up to me and I soaked in her figure, They way she walked subconsciously it made her Luscious Figure and perfect lips show.

And her long hair it was blonde and seemed to be blessed by purity and light it just added to her beauty, and those eyes, those shimmering bright green eyes just drew me in the longer I looked.

She finally reached me and stood infront of me at 5 feet 11 (5'11) and hugged me.

Gabriel: ''Thank you so much, I have seen my brother trying to not cry and bottle up his feelings anytime he looks at the system and knows he can't do anything about it, so thank you''. (She said while crying.)

So to comfort her and to score points I unsealed my natural aura and coated both of us into and it seemed to calm her down.

Gabriel: ''Thank you''

She then rose on her toes and pecked me.

Gabriel:''Think of it as a th..ank y..ou''

I just smile at her Shyness and Embarrassment and Hug Her.

Gabriel: ''umm..ano I whe sho..ld''

I then let her go and felt empty a bit '"Oh sorry'"

Gabriel: 'no...don't be sorry...I liked it.. we shouldn't keep the others waiting'

She then left with steam out of heads you might be wondering why the system didn't affect her and no she is not in love with me she just met me, I might or might not have changed to system to not allow Gabriel to fallvunless I wish for her too. Quite Devious if I must say. Then I left the room and saw the Seraphs at the gate

'' I'll be going back to Kyoto now'"

Uriel: ''Cant you wait a bit we'll like to show gratitude''

Raphael: ''Yeah''

''Dont worry about it you being here is enough''

Michael: ''Are you sure we can't repay you back for what you have done'"

''I said you should forget it, You have helped me enough''

Then I created a circle and teleported myself out of there. After I was gone.

Michael: ''He's such a good man''

Gabriel: ''His heart is one of the purest I've seen''

Uriel: ''I wonder what would have happened if he didn't stop his attack that time''

Raphael: ''Total Extinction''

Michael: ''We can just count it as miracle, Let's go and announce to our brethren'"

Shiki teleported himself back to his room and just laid on his bed.

'*Sigh* system is it done'

[Yes shiki, Now you hold the Kill Switch to all life in the DXD universe and info on how to create miracles]

'Good, Now what about the Thing'

[When you were hugging Gabriel I imprinted a piece of Your Soul and Aura to latch onto her, She'll start thinking about you more and more as the days pass]

'Good" *Yaaawwn* "I should go to sleep Goodnight system*'

[GoodNight Shiki]


Author Here

Yo Readers I've thought about something I made shiki too goody goody so I decided to change that, He won't be bad but he'll use means to get to his Goals.

Also my updates may become slow a little, The state is getting back to normal and the Big G up there has decided somethings but I'll drop chapters now and then maybe 2 a week. Anyways that's all.

So that's a wraaaaaaapp ????


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