My Adventures In The Multiverse

Chapter 24 - I'm Back With 24: Fuck I Think I Made This Sword Too OP

Authors POV


A bright light came from the virus and i could have sworn it gave me the "I Dont Feel So Well Look" then another explosion came.


After that the light settled, A sword can be seen floating in the air brimming with power. It was a single handed 'Jian' Sword with two Null signs connected to each other like an infinity sign engraved on the pummel of the sword.

It had a Black Hilt laced with a Gold Hilt Ring connected to a straight crossguard.

On the blade, Runes were engraved each radiating a powerful word and all together a powerful message and enchantment.

There were also streaks of White lacing the dark blue colored blade that was a shade darker making it seem completely Black coming from the sign engraved on the pummel to the end of the blade.

This Sword then spread out its Aura seemingly looking for something until it locked onto Shiki and Finding what it wanted it moved towards it.

Shiki's POV

When the light died down i saw the sword, and truthfully i was shocked.

This sword right now has the Power to Defy the Truth and has more Potential than the Fool, It also looks like it has a connection to nothingness.

{AN: Since its the mix of all the Weapons in the multiverse together with some having its own concepts achieved, You'll simply be going back to the Beginning of all swords and since Nothingess was the Beginning of all things.Its only right to say that this Sword is the First Weapon made by Nothingess and all other Weapons were made from it.}

"But still i didn't expect this much to happen, It can not only Defy concepts it can also make its own Ether, But how, i remember my Tribulations when i tried to make Ether but its making its own Effortlessly, System Explain."

[That's because when you were creating Ether, You were not only Going Against Heaven, You were also creating A new element with No experience Whatsoever. Because of that there were many flaws Present Until i ironed them out Later.

Thats why it was so Hard for You.]£

"But you still haven't explained why the sword did it in one Epic Explosion"

Using that Data i Supplemented it to it, That's why it is easy for it.] (AN: Wow so many It's where the Language cops at)

"But still" sigh "This life isnt balanced"

As Shiki was Sulking in his mind, He was interrupted by the Sword letting out its Aura.

'Huh, Whats happening...Why is the sword searching for something...Wait Why is it Looking at me.'

"Should i be scared I mean a Root Ending Apocalypse of a Sword is coming Towards Me"

Then the Sword flew into Shiki's Hand Seemingly Happy to be in the Hands of Its Creator.

'Huh' Inspecting the Sword 'One thing is sure This sword looks Damn Cool'

'Lets see what this Runes Read' Then Shiki started reading the Runes.

'He Who Walks Upon The Path Of Nothingness Shall Be Bestowed With The Power To Deny All Of Its Truth'

Then Shiki promptly Lost Conciousness after.


???: 'This Boyys potential Is Truly Limitless, He will be a great match for my Daughters, Won't he'

A voice Responds

???: 'True My Lord or should I say God, He'll be a true powerhouse in the future, I'm Sure of that'

God: 'So am i, I didn't expect you to take notice of him'

???: 'What do you mean, My Lord of course i'll know what happens in My Domain'

God: 'True, But now to Matters at Hand, What Are You Doing To My Blessed.'

???: 'Nothing of that sort My Lord if thats what you are thinking of, I'm Just interested in him'

God: 'We both know Nothing Good happens when you are interested in something, Ain't that Right....Nothingess'

Nothingness: 'True My Lord'


Author Here Hope you haven't forgotten about me.

I'm Finally Back And Free to write so expect more from me now.

I'm thinking of changing my Update Schedule to make it more convenient for me.

I've changed the Use of Dialogues Again and i'm going to do that for The former Chapters Too.

So thats a Wrap.



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