My Adventures In The Multiverse

Chapter 25 - 25 To Break The Laws Is To Be OP Like Every Other MC

God: ''We Both Know Nothing Good happens when you are interested in something, Ain't that right...Nothingness''

Nothingness: ''Of Course My Lord''

God: ''So now you have taken that Boy into your Domain, What are you going to do to him ?''

Nothingness: ''We both know you already know the Answer My Lord, You are omniscient and the likes''

God: ''True, But i can't see what's in your domain.''

Nothingness: ''...''

God: ''....''

Nothingess: ''Pfft, hahahaha''

God: ''Pfft, What''

Nothingess: ''We both know that's a lie to give the Minor one's a false sense of security.''

God: ''True, The Minor ones and there Ego, without me doing that. They won't make silly mistakes, and i won't be able to reprimand them.''

Nothingness: ''But if they know, They won't even make the mistakes in the first place''

God: ''True but if they don't make mistakes, They won't Grow or adapt''

Nothingness: ''In a Nutshell, You don't want stupid People working for you''

God: ''Exactly, That is the reason why i reprimand them and also because it's fun''

Nothingness: ''I think i should Question your Fetishes''

God: ''(Cough) Anyways, How are you going to Test him''

Nothingness: ''We both know I just want to see, How Limitless He truly is, And how far He'll go.''

God: ''Hmm, Okay i'll entertain this, I also want to see how far He'll go''

Nothing: ''Even though You already Know''

God: ''Even though...It fascinates me each time''

With Shiki

3rd Person POV

After regaining conciousness, Shiki found himself in a Dark Place Void of objects And nȧkėd as he was born. He strangely feels at peace instead of Distress.

Shiki POV

'Where am i, What is this place....System'



'Where is a System when you need one'

???: ''YOUR SYSTEM ISN'T HERE, MORTAL'' (Came a booming Voice)

''Huh, Who are you, and why are you Testing me''


''Ive been Here for a while and I thought, Why would A Weapon who has a connection to Something Omnipotent, Swallow it's creator just to teleport the said Creator somewhere else like a Cliche Anime Event. And since you havent killed me Yet, I'm Speculating that I'm not here for Death.''


''Of course i do, Almighty Nothingness''

Nothingness: ''The Creator was right, You are Truly frightening''

''Compared to you, My Lord i'm only Mediocore, But My Lord i ask again why do you test me''

Nothingness: ''To see How Limitless you truly are''

''And how am i to do that?'' (Shiki Said Confused)

Nothingness: 'Break The Law'

''HUH'' (Shiki Blurted Very Confused)

Nothingness: ''Break The Binds, You see the last time someone broke the Law was when i was created, There was No law at the time, But if we apply the laws of today to that time, Then a lot of Fucking Laws were Broken'' (It Said Adding to Shiki Confusion)

Nothingness: ''So your Test, Break The Law, You can use the System if you so like''

Nothingness: ''And be quick about it, If not you wont be able to Use my Domain or My Sword and if you Impress me then I'll bless one of your skills''

''What do mean By Bless My Skill''

'And You called it your sword but it was me who created it, isnt that just stealing'

Nothingness: ''True but when you are Omnipotent like me, Then you can do anything, This is a free place so go wild''

''Wait, what do you mean blessing one of my skills''



"Seriously, You kidnap someone and just leave him in Darkness'' (Shiki said Annoyed)

"sigh, Anyways break the law, There are so many ways to break the law each harder than the last, I can break my Limits like Humans but i dont have limits in the first place, So I'll go with the Next Best thing.''(Shiki Resigning To His Fate)

'A wise man once said (Author-san is the Wise Man) If you want to break the Laws, Create an OP skill to do it for You, and according to how to make an OP skill 101 in the Libary, The best way to Make an OP skill is through Training'




''.....pfft hahaha, That was funny, The only way to do this is through Skill FUSION''

'Its know all OP skills become OP'er through Skill Fusion'

'System Buy me a Pack for Skill Creation'

[Finding Pack


Buying Pack 'Who Says I Cant Create Skills' (Made by yours truly Author-san)


Implemeting Contents

Implemented ]

'Show me the Contents Of The Pack'

[Displaying contents

*Skill Creation

*Skill Deconstruction

*Skill Assimilation

*Skill Fusion

*Skill Absorption

Displayed ]

'Good, Now show me My skills'

(AN: Word Spam Ahead,You have been Warned)

[ Skills

Gamers Mind

Gamers Body




Godly Potential

Adaptable Body

All Elements affinity

Infinite Ether Force

Perfect Ether Control

??? (Denial Of Nothingness)


Heaven's Feel, Cup Of Heaven

Laplace's Demon

Magic Blue

Knight Of Owner (EX)

Mystic Eyes Of Death Perception

Omni Dragon Slayer Magic

Vector Manipulation

Total Full Counter

Emperian Eye

Swordmanship (99.9%)

Hand to Hand Combat

All Jutsu

Behold The Denial (AN: Changed the Name)

Akashic Library Of Omniverse Paths



Clairvoyance EX

Ether Skill Set (AN: Changed from Jihan Mana Skill set since it no longer runs on Mana)

Protagonist Bullshit

Skill Creation

Skill Deconstruction

Skill Assimilation

Skill Fusion

Skill Absorption ]

'Good to fully bring out the Potential of Skill Fusion, I need the Right Skills for my Cause.'

'I should Get All Details Right, I need a skill with the Power to Break Laws so i need to have the Right Skills for it, But first, To chip off the Defences'

'Akashic Records show me all Knowledge relating to Concept And Law Manipulation.'

In Libary in Shiki Mind, Books relating to Concept And Law Manipulation counting up 600 and Above.

'Whoa, That's a Lot, I'll need Backup' Thought Shiki Worriedly 'Well, I know the Best Skill for This'

"Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu'' Said Shiki after bringing up one hand to form a Half Ram sign.


A Lot Of Shadow Clones Popped up after the Jutsu was cast.

"Okay, You know what to do''

"HAI'' Said All 800 Of Shiki Shadow Clones. Then They all went to Read the Books.

"Phew, That Took A Lot out of Me''

[No It Didn't]

'Oh, Shush you.'

'Now what to do.'

[I Suggest you Strengthen Yourself to deal with the Backlash of Breaking A Law]

'That is true, I should expect Backlash from Breaking A Law, But to strengthen My Body that will be a hassle, My Body is At the Peak Just below the DBZ level, I can continue to Train but it will take a long time before my body is ready and i dont have that much of patience.'

[I Suggest you dabble into Enchantment and Refining]

'Hmm, Enchantment is one of the most Overpowered Magic in the verses, I should get that from the System, Don't want to stress with More Reading, Might as well add a few to the Mix'

'Ok, System Buy a pack that contains all the Knowledge about Runes and Enchanting.'

[ Finding


Buying pack 'I Shall Enchant All' (Still made by Author San)


Implementing Contents

Implemented ]

"A Lot of Knowledge appeared in Shiki Head

Whoa, That is a lot. Now What remains is to Assimilate all this Knowledge''

'Sigh, I Need a TimeSkip' (Shiki said Exasperatedly)

(AN: And a TimeSkip You shall Get)

10 Minutes Later Or So (AN: Dont know whether Time runs in There, I think i should make Time Run)

"Phew, Done''

'Now What To Do'

'Well Since i;m in this place, I should check on the World.'

"....Lord Nothingness'' (said Shiki Waringly)

"Yes Little One'' (Replied Nothingess)

'First Mortal, Now Little One, guess i'm going up the scales'

"Can I send a Clone to the Dxd World''

"mmmh, You Plan to Know what happens in the World...Ok You May'' (Said Nothingness amused)

"Thank You My Lord''

'Since A clone is Leaving, I should make it a Blood Clone with 75% of my power, but won't that be too much.....Na'

He then proceeds to bite into his finger and stop His Regeneration by infusing Ether into The Bite, Blood flowed out of the Wound, Then He Weaved A few Handseals with One Hand.

"Blood Clone Jutsu'' Then His Blood Flowed Out to Form A Clone.

"It's Done My Lord''.

"Then I shall teleport him, are there any commands for your clone'' Asked Nothingness

"Mmmh, Then since i was sent there to interact, Then Interact for me, Don't tell anyone you are a clone except Yasaka, Don't tell Amaterasu when she comes and Get Yourself invited to Rias Gremory's Wedding''

The Clone Nodded in Understanding

"And Oh Relay Everything to Me''

"Ok, Sheez i Know, i'm literally you'' Said the Blood Clone

"You May Proceed My Lord'' (Shiki said to the Void)

After that was Said The Clone Disappeared To The DXD World.

"Thank You My Lord'' Said Shiki but No one Replied

"Now then back to Breaking Laws''

'To Break The Laws, I not only need a strong enough skill, I need a strong enough attack, When The Skill Is Made the laws are sure to Attack, I need a Very strong Attack to fend that enough.'

'So in a Nutshell i need a Universe Ending Weapon and since i dont Have That Sword, I have to start from Scratch.'

"Sigh, This world isnt balanced'' (Shiki Said Tiredly.)

'Okay with Blacksmithing and Alchemy, I'm Surely able to Make Anything, But with My Clones learning concepts Manipulation I should wait for that before that.'

'Mmm,I can't create a sword now since I'm awaiting for My Clones Finish'

'System what do you Suggest I Do'

[You Should research on more Ways to Prevent your Death]

'True, I should check on that Clothing that Denies the Concept of Death, Find More of its type and see how it works'

'I should also Research on Skills that are Suitable For My Cause'

"Sigh, This is Stressful, I wish i can Time Skip again''(Shiki said Tiredly Again)

(AN: Hehehehe and a Time Skip you shall have)


Author Here

Used so much Time to research the Right Skills for Shiki

To all those wondering Multiverse Travel will be so much later in the Future

Oh and Also Bulk Rewrite, Not really Rewrite just me editing the Bugs

And I'm Keeping the Name Of The OC

I'm Also Thinking of writing a new Novel as this one was just for experience.

But Don't worry, I'm not thinking of Dropping it soon. I think.

Also if there are more Holes, Then please Report To Authors Agency Of Holes

And also Shiki body is below DBZ own. Even if he doesn't have limiters. The Z Fighters (Mainly Saiyan's) have the power to transform with their S-cells or so but Shiki doesn't have that so he has to train harder than them to reach their level


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