My Adventures In The Multiverse

Chapter 31 - 31 Snapping Fingers And Alliance Conditions

Dick Up His Ass Devil 5: "You BIIIITTCHH!!"

Some other Dick Up Their Ass Devils also sent Attacks towards Yasaka, Some sending Attacks relating to Thier House Speciality.

The Maous were shocked at the Stupidity of Dick Up His Ass Devil 5 and the Other Dick Up Their Asses Devils.

As the Attacks were About to Hit Yasaka who Remained Apathic to what was Happening the Attacks suddenly Vanished, The Devils were shocked until a scream brought them Out of their Shock. They Looked towards where the Scream came from to See Dick Up His Ass Devil 5 Without his Hands anymore. Then they Heard a Voice.

"To think the Stupidity of Devils have Actually Reached this Level" (Said the Voice)

The Devils looked towards where the Voice came from then They saw A Portal Appear at the Side of Yasaka(AN: Portal looks Like;) Coming out the Portal was Shiki Wearing Only his Robes.

"So tell Me Devils, Why have you Attacked My Belonging" (Said Shiki appearing Before Them)

When They saw the Yokai God Of Chakra they Noticed something He was not Happy.

Then the room was Silent because no one could Answer because of the Pressure Shiki was Currently Releasing.

"I Believe i asked a Question, Devils" (Said Shiki getting Even Angrier)

Ajuka then Stepped Forward: "My Lord, I Am Sorry for the Incovenience, and i Apologize for my Fellow Devil Actions" (Then He Bowed)

"I Didnt ask for an Apology, Ajuka. Your kind has Attacked My Own at this moment. Tell me what stops me from Waging War against the Devils" (Said Shiki while Increasing the Pressure and Killing Intent)

"My Lord, It wont be Beneficial for Both Sides" (Ajuka said hoping to Diffuse the Situation)

"Ajuka, We Both Know i Alone is Enough to Completely Finish what I Started, So again tell me What stops me from Killing all Of You Here and Waging War"

The Devils felt fear, Fear for their Lives. Ajuka tried to Calculate the Probability of them Surviving and it wasn't Looking Good.

Shit, Their is only a 0.00035 Percent chance of us actually Surving, And this includes at least 8 of Us Dieing' (Ajuka Thought Grimly)

But it seemed that The Universe decided to Pity them Today and Spare their Souls, Because Yasaka Reached Shiki and Diffused the Situation.

"My Lord, Ignore them, If we go to War with Them we will also be Going to War with the Fallen Angels as you Know About Azazel and his Peace Complex" (Yasaka said to Calm him down)

"We can take care of both of them, But the Fallen Angels have Done nothing Wrong against us, Also if we eraze the Devils and the Fallens, There wont be Any other Faction who have enough time to Keep the Angel Faction in Check" (Yasaka Continued)

It seemed that The Luck of the Devils finally shined on them as the Pressure and KI on them got Lifted and they were finally able to stand up for their Bowing Positions. Then Shiki said to them.

"It seems that you Are quite Lucky Little Devils, I Am Willing to Overlook This and Pardon you Except Him" (He said Looking at Dick up his ȧss Devil 5)

Sirzechs tried to save Dick Up His Ass Devil 5: "My Lord, Surely you can.."

But he was interrupted by Shiki because, While he was Talking Shiki iSnapped his Fingers

The Devils were confused about Why Shiki just Snapped his Fingers but then they heard a Voice, They Looked to See Dick Up His Ass Devil 5 Turning to Dust.

"Haaaa, MY LORD HELP ME" (Dick Up His Ass Devil 5 said to Sirzechs)

The Devils tried to Help Him, But seeing nothing Working, Serafall then Said to Shiki

"Shiki-tan, Please Spare Him"(Serafall said to Shiki while Sobbing)

Shiki didn't answer Her and just Looked at Up His Ass Devil 5 Disappearing with just one Thought in his Head

'Thanos will Be Proud' (Shiki Thought Proudly not Sparing a Single Thought about the Devils)

"MY LORD, SPARE ME" (Dick Up His Ass Devil 5 said to Shiki)

"MERCY...." (Dick Up His Ass Devil 5 managed to Speak out before Completely turing to Dust)


But then they Got Scared again because the Devils sensed that the Maids were at the level of Super Devils. Its a Miracle that they Haven't Died of Shock Yet from what they have Seen Today. Shiki had one thought concerning them.


Then Shiki decided to Continue the Alliance Talk but Increase their Benefits and Exploit them Since they Decided to Attack His Belonging.

"Your Punishments havent ended yet Devils"

The Devils turned to Him Scared

"Dont Worry, I am Not going to Hurt You" (Shiki said calming them Down but they still kept their Guards Up)

"Since your Kind has Attacked Our Own, I Have decided to Modify the Contents of the Alliance to Better Safe Guard My Citizens and also Receive Compensation, Or do you Not Agree" (He said)

Then Falbium Said after a Moment to think it Over: "Yes we Do, Lord Shiki". But inside he thought 'You aren't Giving us much of a choice.'

"Good, As i have Said Once for this Alliance to Work then I Invoke some Conditions"

1. All Yokais Who have been Forced into Slavery and the Ones Not shall be Brought to the Yokai Faction, So as to remove their Devil Pieces and Restore their Bloodlines.

2. Any Form of Experimentation on Yokais shall be Stopped Unless Punishments shall be Dished Out.

3. The Yokais Kuroka and Shirone shall be Returned to the Yokai Faction no Matter What.

4. For Compensation on the Attack made by the devils, The Devils shall Deliver the Blood of the Original Lucifer to The Yokai Faction.

5. For Compensation on the Attack made by the Devils, The Head Of Rizevim shall be Delivered to the Yokai Faction.

6.For Compensation on the Attack made by the devils, The Devils shall Deliver 100,000 Pounds of Demonic Steel, 2 Ancient-Level Swords and 60,000,000,000 Yen to the Yokai Faction.

7. Any Form of Aggresion made by a Devil on the Yokai Faction shall lead to the Erazure of the Devil Entire Lineage.

When the Devils saw this, They were Shocked about the Conditions.

"So are there Any Problems" (Shiki Questioned)

Then Ajuka said "About the First Condition What if the Yokai doesnt want to Come Back"

"Then the Yokai shall be allowed to stay in the Devil Faction, But shall Not be Granted Sanctuary to the Inner Walls of the Yokai Faction."


Meaning the Yokai and his Entire Lineage shall only be Able to Live withing the First Wall, and shall Never be granted any Position of Power whether Meaner or Political in the Yokai Faction"

"But dont worry, Living within the First wall is still way better than Living with Devils" (Shiki Finished)

"Anything Else" (Shiki Questioned Again)

Sirzechs then Said "The Fourth Condition will be Impossible as we dont have the Blood of the..."

"Let me Cut you There Sirzechs" (Shiki Interrupted) "I Know you have Vials and Paints of the Original Lucifer Blood so dont lie to me or they will be Consequences"

"Then About the 6th Condition cant you Lower it a Little" (Sirzechs Asked)

"I think this is a fair Trade, As you get to Keep your Life and Avoid War"

"Tch" (Sirzech Grunted Displeasingly)

Falbium then Came Forward " The 3rd Condition seems a little bit hard as we do not know where Kuroka seems to Be"

"Do i Care" (Shiki Replied) "Does this Resemble the face of a person who cares''

"Kuroka must be Delivered to the Yokai faction Unharmed and So Must Shirone"

"But" (Sirzechs Tried Reason)

"ENOUGH" (Shiki Shouted)

"I Have tolerated you enough, Stick to the Terms and Deliver the Yokais and Kuroka and Shirone to the Yokai Faction By Next Two Weeks and I Want Rizevin Head by The Next Two Months, Be Grateful that i Decided to Spare you Mongrels"


Shiki waved his Hand and Teleported the devils back to their Faction.


"Those Devills are getting stupider by the Dialogue"

"My Lord" (Yasaka said while Masaging his Shoulders)

"Let me help you Loosen Up" (Yasaka Continued)

"Sigh, Yasaka you Always know what to say don't you"

"I Just hope the Devils dont do anything stupid, As it will be a shame to see a Race Die out like This"

Then Matatabi Appeared "My Lord your Bath is Ready"

"Sigh, Bath-Sama you are my only Comfort in this World"

I wonder how Original Me is Holding Up

With Original Shiki in the Void

"Op'ness Op'ness, I'm The MC So It's a Yes" (Sings Original Shiki while Adopting the Spider Theme Song Tone since he is Literally Bored out of His mind)

He could Break out of There since he has the Presence but decided to use this chance to Read a little from the Akashic Records.

With Clone Shiki.

'Well Knowing me, He is Probably Lazing Around'

'I Wonder what i am Going to do Now that Amaterasu is Coming Next Week'

'Well, We'll deal With it as it Comes'

With the Maous

After Shiki Teleported them back to their Faction, They Got Teleported into the Gremory Fields. A Devil by the Name Dallan suddenly came running to Them with Urgent News.

"My Lord's, My Lord's " (The Devil Shouted)

Sirzechs seeing How's stressed the Devil was Asked: "What is Wrong"

"Ha...Ha... My Lord the Entire Milith Family has been wiped out,"

"WHAT" (The Devil's Shouted)

"How did this Happen" (Ajuka asked the Devil).

"We don't know, All we know is that every Royal Devil or Pure Blood Devil in the Milith Family suddenly Turned to Dust, and the Reincarnated Devil's disappeared"

"Did you just say Just" (Falbium asked Worriedly)

"Yes My Lords, Dust"

"Sigh, You may Leave" (Sirzechs Said)

"Yes My Lords" (Then he bowed and Left)

Then Sirzechs looked at the Other Maous: "And You guys too should Leave and Take a rest"

"Hai" (The Maous said and Teleported away)

After they Left Sirzechs Looked to the Red Blood Sky, Tired of Everything that has Happened.

"Sigh, What have we Gotten Ourselves Into"


Author Here

I am Thinking of Reducing Shiki Harem to Only 3 or Even 2 But tell me your Thoughts

Also Shiki Asked for the Demonic steel and all that just To Cause Stress to the Devils and leave a Blow to their Economy, He Doesnt Need It.

Thats a Wraaap



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