My Adventures In The Multiverse

Chapter 32 - 32 Existing Beyond The laws of The Omniverse

"Sigh, Bath-Sama you are my only Comfort in this World"

I wonder how Original Me is Holding Up'

With Original Shiki in the Void

"Op'ness Op'ness, I'm The MC So It's a Yes" (Sings Original Shiki while Adopting the Spider Theme Song Tone)

With Clone Shiki

'Well Knowing me, He is Probably Lazing Around'

'I Wonder what i am Going to do Now that Amaterasu is Coming Next Week'

'Well, We'll deal With it as it Comes'

A Week The Devils Alliance

A Week has Passed since The Yokai Faction Have talked about the Alliance with The Devils. The Yokais have decided not to Sign The Alliance until The Devils have Successfully Stopped all Forms of Experiment and Kidnapping on Yokais.

So During this Week, The Devils have Spent Extra Time Dealing with All Forms Of Experiment On Yokais. So During This Week, About 7 Clans Have Suffered The Wrath Of The Maous. Since The Maous Know that What Happened That Day was the Fault of This Clans So The Maous Converted their Shame into Anger and Transferred Their Anger Onto This Clans.

If Any Devil Go to the Experiment House of those Clans, They will Just see a Land Covered with Ice and Very Deep Craters at Different Points on the Land.

Also During This Week, Original Shiki Had Finally Found A Way To Break The Concepts and Laws


With Original Shiki In The Void

"In this Omniverse Created By God, There a Lot of Laws, Divided into the Minor Laws, Middle Laws and Major Laws that He Had Set. Each having a different Difficulty from the Last, With the Minor Laws Being the Easiest tp Break"

"I Can Easily Break This Laws, But i See this Test as an Opportunity to Exist Beyond the Laws."

"I Was Shocked when i Found Out that "All Things Must Die" Is Actually Just a MIddle Law, So There are some People that are Able To Exist WIthout the Concept of Death" (I said with a Suprised Expression)

"But when this Law is Broken The Major Laws Are Also Broken in a Way, Like when A Person is without the Concept of Death, The Law Of Vibration will be Broken as it States Everything in the Univerese Moves and Vibrates in a Circular Patterns and Everything have Its Own Vibration Frequency Unique to itself"

"When a Person Dies and Becomes a Soul as a Soul There is Still a Vibration but when a person is without a Concept of Death, That means that Person doesn't Exist Except you are Someone who Exists beyond the Laws, So there is meant to Be No Frequency becuase how can the Laws affect Nothingness. "

"But since the Person without a concept of Death is still Living, It Breaks the Law as How can Something Living not have a Vibration or Pattern."

"So as that Person Breaks the Law, The Omniverse will have to take Effect and Correct what is Wrong. That is where the Backlash Comes from, I Wonder How Tiamat was Able to Survive."

"Wait if I Am Correct looking at the Mesopotamia Mythology, The Concept of Creation Disturbed and Hurt Tiamat who was Trying to Rest in Her Oblivion Slumber."

"But that can be Drawn to the Fact she Is The Personification of Chaos, So Then she Got Enraged by the Death of Abzu, Then She went to Fight Against The Gods or her Children, She was Then Later Slain By Marduk who was the God Of Storm, He was Also Depicted as The god of Creation, Judgement and Magic."

"Maybe thats how The Universe Decided to Correct Tiamat By the Creation of Marduk. Because if Tiamat truly didnt have the concept of Death then How was Marduk able To Kill Her. He Must have done the Same Thing in FGO and Gave Her the Concept of Death."

"Sigh, I Am Tired of Thinking about all of this. All i Know is that The Universe Created an Effect to Kill Tiamat."

Then Shiki Rubbed his Forehead with His Hands

"The Quest That Nothingness Gave me is to Break The Law, Which is Quite Simple now That i Have 'The Presence' Skill, the Hard Path is Survivng the Omniverse Backlash." (Shiki waved his Hand And Created a Scene of the Omniverse)

"I can Safely Assure that i wont Die, But i dont Want a Case similar to Tiamat so basically i dont want an Overpowered Omniverse Backing Person to start Hunting Me Down" (Then he Cancelled the Projection)

So How Can i Prevent That' (Shiki Thought)

"I Need to Become something that the Omniverse can't Act Against"

Then An Idea Came to Shiki

"The Omniverse cant Act against Something that it doesnt have Power Over"

"So Basically i need to Exist Outside the Omniverse and to Do that i must become something that the Laws cant act against"

"I Must Become something that All The Laws Cant Affect, So Basically it all leads up to One Thing, To Survive the Backlash of the Omniverse, then i must Break All The Laws and Exist Beyond It. I Must Truly Ascend and if that's True that Means Every Step I've made to Avoid Death will now be Null and Void" (Shiki Said while Releasing His Legs and Assuming a Standing Position)


God: "It Seems that he is about to Start"

Nothingness: "Did he Succeed" (Nothingness asked God)

God: "Maybe, Maybe Not. But all i can say is Something Spectacular will Soon Happen"

Nothingness: "Hmmmm"

Back to Shiki

"Ok Since i have Gotten What i want to Do, Its Time to Start. I Only have One Chance, One Opportunity to Seiz-*Cough**Cough*"

"I Mean, Lets Do This"

"First to Break the First Law, The Law Of Divine Oneness, which States that Every Thought, Word or Action affect the Universe Irrespective of Time And Space, So Basically Everything to Connected to Everything Else"

"To Break this Law, Then I Must Simply Exist on My Own As My Own Person. And to do that i must Be My Own Creation. Then-"

Shiki Then Looked at His Own Body and Then Used Heavens Feel and ForceFully Ejected His Soul From His Body.

But The Universe Didn't act because His Soul is Still connected to His Body and He Hasn't Broken any Law Yet. His Soul Looked Exactly Like Enkidu except he was All White.

"Hmm Existing as a Soul.....There is No Difference, Why Do Main Characters always Exaggerate Stuffs"

"It Looks Like This isnt Enough For the Verse to Act, At least i can still Use all My Skills even as a Soul, That Old Man God really made the Omniverse Well"


"Hmmph, Who do you take Me For" (God said while Looking to the Side and Pouting)

Back to Shiki

"Since i can Still Use All My Skills, I Can Use 'The Presence' to Create My Body"

"But since, I Dont Want to Use Most Of God's Presets i have Start All Over , From Flesh to Bones But it will Be Similar as I Do Not Want to Take Another Form and I Am already Used to this form. So For My Base Form I Wont Be Human, I Would Choose a Fox Like I Have Always Been"

"Then Shiki Got To Work, From The Skull to the 10 Tails, The Entire Bone Arrangement Was Different From Other Foxes, As Each Bone was Made to Be Sturdier than Proto-adamatium plated with Amazonium and Vibranium it also Had a Different Compositiyon"

After he was Through Shiki Looked at His New Form With Pride.

"Now Time For the Production of Blood Or Something Similar, But instead of One Heart, I Am Going to Make 4 Hearts, 3 Lesser Hearts and 1 Large Hearts, So as to store More Blood and Pump More to My Bones and Veins"

Shiki Created A Liquid to Hold Large amounts of Ether, Then Shiki Concentrated Large Amounts of Ether Into Drops that Inserted it Into The Liquid, Then Compressed the Liquid Into 35 Drops and Dropped in into The Bone Marrows. The Bone Marrows in His Body Cosisted 5% Of His Body Mass.

When that Happened Suddenly The Blood From The Bone Marrows Connected to the Hearts and then another Connection was made to The Bones and then From There. The Bones seemed alive and Flesh Started Growing Untill It was Fully Formed around the Bone structure then Fur.

Until Shiki Saw The Full Image Of His Fox but it was still The Same Just The Fur Seemed to Be Ancient And Majestice, It Seems that was Just the Fox that Suited Him.

"Now its Time To Cut of From This Verse"

Shiki then made An Empty Soul with The Help of the Akashic Records and the True Magics.


Then Shiki cut of the Link Between Him and His Body and then The Laws Noticed something Off but before they Could Act Shiki had Started the Transfer Of His Soul To The Empty Soul which served as A Holder.

Then the Laws Took Effect, Because By Doing this Act He Broke Several 'Mid-Laws' And 'Low-Laws'. So then The Verse Started taking Effect Minorly by just Holding His Soul in Place And Destroying it but since it was Just a Minor Threat its Grip On Shiki sould wasn't too strong And that was all Shiki Needed.

Tch, Underestimating me Aye, That will be Your Greatest Mistake."

Then Shiki Used 'The Presence' to Stop Time, Freeze Reality And Started Creating Multiple Space Rips, Time Rips and Merging Timelines, Etc all at the same Time and at Different Points in the Verse. The Universe then Had to Start Working On That as they were Affecting Everything according to the Law Of Divine Oneness.

During this Moment, Superman Was Teleported to a Xianxia World mid Flight

All the Marvel Characters Suddenly started Getting attacked by Robo Chickens

And Naruto was Currently slaming a Rasengan on Pico from Boku No Pico

"TCH, I Need a Greater Distraction"

During this Moment Shiki used this Distraction To Create A Wall with the Concept of Unmmoving and a Spear with the Concept of Unstoppable and Threw the Spear at the Wall.

"What Happens when an Unstoppable Force meets an Immovable Object"




"A Paradox"

When the Spear Hit the Wall All Stopped and then the World was Put into A Loop, Multiple space-Time-Reality Rips started Occuring mostly Reality Rips, as the Universe tried to Correct itself. Then Shiki Used this Moment and Gathered all His Ether and Forcefully ripped Himself from The Hands Of The Laws, Damaging himself.


The Laws finally Stopped the Paradox and Fix the Rips, But By The Time It Focused back on Shiki, He Was Already Gone, And A Unidentified Body Remained in the stillness of Nothingness.

Then A Report Came, A Soul had Left the Influence of the Akashic and therefore The Verse and the Akashic No Longer Know the Future of the Soul. Then The Universe Focused on the Fox Body and Saw that the Soul in the FoxLike Creature had the Same Signature as that of the Lost Soul, But The Soul Wasnt Alive. The Verse then Though that The Soul tried to Leave the Influenc of This Verse but Failed so It Decided to Leave It Alone


Nothingness: "It Seems that He Failed"

God: "Yes, It Seems" (He said While Rubbing His Beards)

With Death

Death: "Why Do I Suddenly Feel Empty, Like A Lost Something" (Said the Eternal Beauty while Looking away from the Mad Titan)

Then Death Teleported to God to Ask what She Was Feeling

With Gaia

Gaia: "What Happened"

Gaia suddenly Looked Into The Distance: "Why did i Lose Connection with One Of My Systems."

"Isn't That The System i Gave that Boy"

Then she Also Teleported to the God to Ask what Happened

With God

When they Both Appeared at the Side Of God they Saw him Looking At a Dead Creature that Looked lIke A Fox. Then they Saw that the Soul had the Same Signature as Shiki, They Suddenly Felt At Lost, Like Their Heart Broke.

Then They Looked at God

Death: "Father"

God: "I Cant do anything, He has Left My Influence"

Gaia: " But"

God: "Have Fate in Him" (He Said Still Looking Strongly at The Image Of Shiki)

Gaia: " Father"

As Death was About to Ask for their Fathers Intereference they Suddenly Felt an Increase In Unknown Energy, Until the Energy exploded with Enough Power to Push Death and Gaia to The Floor.

They were shocked until they saw that The Fox-Like Creature Had One of its Tails Up, With another Tail Coming Up another Blast came until the 10th Tail rose with an even greater Blast than the Former Ones.

The Universe looked at the Creature with an Intimidating Stare. Then as it scanning the fox from its waving tails to the Eyes, Then it stopped at the Eyes and the Eyes suddenly Snapped Open and Looked at the Verse with an Intimidating Stare With the Eyes Encompassing 'The Truth'

The Universe was scared as how could this Being Know The Truth, It Then Tried to Kill Shiki thats when it Heard.

"Huh, A Weak Verse Like You dare Try to Attack Me..."



With just that Roar, The sent a Wave of Ether across the Ever Expanding Verse both Outer and Inner at that moment Every Single god, Minor Or Major, Even Chtulu and The Sleeping Azatoth looked at Shiki's Direction well except Aza and All Knew One Thing.

A New God Has Been Born' (They All Thought)


Author Here

So just to clear somethings Up

The Verse, Death and Gaia called Shiki a creature or A Foxlike Creature as the Akashic Records now have No Records of Him, So It Cannot Classify Him as a fox but just a Creature.

The Harem Of Shiki In the DXD World will Only Consist of 6 People.

The Fixed People in the Harem Will BE

- Yasaka

- Amaterasu

- Matatabi

- Gabriel

The Ones stiil In Thought are

- Serafall

- Great Red

- Ophis

- Trihexa of DXD (But Probably Not)

- Kuroka (Still Thinking of it but Probably Not)

So Try to Convince me on Who To Add

Well Thats a Wraaaap



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