My Adventures In The Multiverse

Chapter 57 - 53 The [Blessed Day Of Subjugation] (AN:Forgive my Naming Sense)

Baster led Shiki and Amaterasu to a special carriage that was driven by winged giant anacondas ridden by a man clothed from head to toe which made shiki slightly uncomfortable.

Bastet opened the carriage doors and gestured for shiki and Amaterasu to enter and after she followed and sat opposite to them and closed the doors.

The Robed man, jerked its control over the Winged anacondas and they immediately took to flight, Heading towards the location of one of the Greatest histories in all of DxD Verse.

[The Blessed Day of Subjugation]



In an Empty gold room, only an equally gold chair and two gold statues stood in that room, sitting on that gold throne was a being of Uniqueness.

A man wearing a clothing of the head of a falcon with a Halo on him but it wasn't a Heavenly Halo but it was equally divine, the halo was made out of the essence of the Sun, coiled around the disk was a golden serpent with an emerald embedded in its forehead.

On the Left side of the man was the statue of a Beetle on the other was the statue of a Ram both made out of gold.

The Man rested his head on his hand and let out another of his sigh adding to the numerous he let out before. In his thoughts numerous scenarios played out all ending up in negativity, Only one scenario led to an ending beneficial to his cause but the risk that came with it was on equal or even higher level than the reward.

'The best way is a direct confrontation'

He spoke with an imbedding of his Divinity in his words signifying its gravity, ''All Gods are to report to my Abode this Moment''

Few Moments later, The Empty golden space was now filled with numerous beings of different shapes and sizes, they all had one similarity. They were.... Unique. Some had animal heads, others were animals themselves while a few had an animal symbolism on them.

A Panther strutted out of the crowd and approached the Divine man on the golden throne and bowed towards him. ''My Lord, The Great Sun God Ra. May your grace shine on us''

''Stop the Flattery Bastet!'' ra cut her off, he stared at her expressing his dėsɨrė for her to urge on to the point

The Panther chocked on her words ''Ugck''

Seeing that the talking Panther had nothing else to say, Ra faced the crowd once more began to address those in front of him ''I called you all today because of something important''

Feeling the graveness in their Kings tone, the gods too became serious creating tension in the air.

''You all have felt it...…. Our Divinity is Fluctuating'' he began, ''The Biblical God has died, we expected that since he had died humanity's faith would return to us and they have.... But they have also turned to the other factions, The Greek, The Shinto, etc.''

''Humanities faith should be with US! THE TRUE GODS!'' Montu the god of war and sun bellowed

Bast tried to reason with her king, ''But my Lord, we can't rush into this if we do then we might as well just wage war on the Shinto Faction and the Greek Faction.''

Ra didn't reply to her words and kept silent giving his answer to her

Bast eyes widened in surprise, ''You don't mean~''

Ra still kept quiet, Words weren't needed to express his will

Bast bowed her head and moved back into the crowd.

''We will Wage war on the Shinto Faction….'' He dictated, ''But there is one problem''

''The Yokai God of Chakra'' Anat, the war goddess and Daughter of Re put in. (Ra Female Form)

Ra nodded in acknowledgement of his daughter words ''Yes'' he began, ''He is the Embodiment of Chakra just like I am one of the Embodiments of the sun. In terms of Strength, he is stronger than two of the current me, after all he is the Only god of Chakra unlike I.''

''Before we can successfully wage war on the Shinto Faction and have a chance of winning, we have to get rid of him''

''But how may we get rid of him, My Lord'' Bastet asked

Ra kept quiet for a while and replied Bastet after letting out another of his numerous sighs ''A direct confrontation nothing other than that.''

''But…'' Bastet tried to reason but Ra cut her off before she could attempt to do so.

''There is nothing else that can work on him. Poison is useless, attacking his followers is also not possible he would know from a Mile away. Only through a direct confrontation do we have enough of a chance''

'Enough?' Bastet thought, 'My Lord, you know we don't have a large chance of winning, but you are still willing to go through with this Suicide plan. Is Power that Important to you'

Montu the god of war walked forward from the group and knelt to ask the sun god, ''My Lord, how do we go about it''

''Good Question Montu'' Ra began, ''My Fellow Gods he is only one man while we are many in solidarity. An invitation would be sent to him and he shall be invited to a party, knowing him he already knows we will attack him so he will be on his guard and will have something up his sleeve, but together he surely has no chance even if he is the only Embodiment.''

''Against us that have seen war for Decades, Millenia's even. A mere 300 Decade god has no chance.'' Boasted Sekment

Sekhmet's plan was to coax the other gods to clear their doubts and support her companion which worked splendidly.

Ra gave a slight nod of acknowledgemt to Sekhmet and turned to his fellow gods and began to declare ''Heed My Order, Those who wish to not participate shall be exempted and those that are participating, Sharpen yourself, tomorrow a god shall fall!'

The Egyptian gods roared out in great pride

On that day a god fell...…followed by another and another and another.

Flashback end


Ra was brought out of his thinking when he felt the infinite energy of Chakra nearing his position, The Suffocating feeling that accompanied it made Ra rethink his decisions.

Even he didn't have such infinite Energy, he knew his limit especially with the lack of faith but this energy knew no such thing as Limit, Ra knew if he tried to sense deeper he may see things that would discourage him.

A Beautiful carriage driven by two Winged Anacondas approached the ground and landed safely, The Carriage doors opened and [Nature Essence] came out of it Brushing the Plethora, The Minor Gods couldn't sense it but he the God of the Sun how couldn't he sense it

He was brought out of his shock when he felt his hand being held. Ra turned to who held his hand and met with the face of Hathor the goddess of sky, fertility and love

Ra scanned his Wife's figure landing on her slightly shaking legs.

Ra let out a sigh and gripped her hand firmly, ''Yes…. Yes, we do''

Shiki Majestically dropped form the carriage and stepped aside for his Plus one to walk down with his help.

Amaterasu and Shiki walked hand in hand and approached the standing figure of Ra and Hathor

''Greeting, Sun God Ra. I have to thank you for hosting this party today'' shiki greeted

''Oh, don't worry about it Yokai God of Chakra Shiki, Its all a part of good will''

The Blessed Day of Subjugation

The Day when a Faction Fell.


Aliens Kidnapped my Laptop, So I'm currently slaying them

Hiatus is coming soon

Also comment on some ideas for Heavenly Clan names, I have a few but I wouldn't mind extra.

So that's all



The End


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