My Adventures In The Multiverse

Chapter 58 - 54 The Battle That Decided The Fate Of A Faction [Pt 1]

Amaterasu and Shiki walked hand in hand and approached the standing figure of Ra and Hathor

''Greeting, Sun God Ra. I have to thank you for hosting this party today'' shiki greeted

''Oh, don't worry about it Yokai God of Chakra Shiki, It's all a part of good will''

The Blessed Day of Subjugation

The Day when a Faction Fell.


A leader of a faction is the representation of a faction and everything it stands for. Its past, its present, its present and most importantly its strength. 

It's an unsaid rule the leaders are the representation of a faction power, hence, no other person under that faction can be stronger than said person unless they become the leader of the Faction and succeed the former.

Now three leaders of highly powerful factions. The Egyptian, The Shinto and The Yokai were seated at a royal long table endowed with jewelries and metals beyond riches.

They were conversing with each other with smiles on their faces, but why is the thought of approaching that table make the other observing Egyptian gods shiver in fear.

It was because even though they look like they are conversing happily with each other there was a writing of [Death] and [Doom] in the air. 

One is crosschecking his plan to slaughter the man in front of him with numbers, while the man is thinking of how to eradicate the entire faction from history with no stress. The woman beside him is making a plan on how to weaken the Egyptian faction permanently.

Seated at the right of the Egyptian faction leader, The Sun god Ra was Hathor, the goddess of [Sky], [Fertility] and [love].

Seated at his left side was Anat, The goddess of [War] and minor goddess of the [Sun]. Further on his right side was seated Bastet, Goddess of [Feline], [Fertility], [War] and [Soul]. 

Behind Ra were two Egyptian gods' guards that served as protection, one was Wenenu that escorted shiki a few days back while the other was unknown like the remaining seven surrounding the table.

Shiki looked at the getup and couldn't help but let out a slight chuckle that managed to catch the Egyptian goddess Hathor attention.

''Shiki-Sama, what's funny'' she said with a smile.

Shiki waved his hands in dismissal while stile chuckling, ''Oh, don't worry about it. I was just thinking of how me and the Sun god were enemies a few days before and now here we are all forgotten about it''


Shiki words reverted the atmosphere and conversation to how it was meant to be.

A talk between two Warriors. One having the utmost advantage, the other having the upmost percentage of winning.

After sending the message, Ra looked back at the cause for his dilemma and let out a fake laugh, ''Hahaha, Chakra no Kami. You are too talented [AN: Funny], You know a question just popped up to me.''

Shiki adopted a thinking pose, ''A question?''

''Yes, a Question'' ra replied

''Okay, please ask''

''Hahaha...…'' ra chuckled in delight

''After you lay conquest what do you do to the losing si''

Shiki didn't let ra finish before he answered, ''Utmost suppression''

The atmosphere became gloomier.

''Mmmh, Maybe I'll kill a few or just turn all into slaves.... But if I feel like it, I'll plain kill them all''

All were silent. 

''I see''

Looking to his left, shiki sensed an attack, he looked up to see Anat slicing towards him with a sword empowered by the Divinity, [War], [Death], [Aliment], [Solar].

Shiki simply looked at her before he rapidly disappeared from his position and appeared above her and landed slap to her back head which sent her straight to the floor, Mid-Air he changed his posture and did the same  to the guards around them knocking each of them out, Only Wenenu managed to survive. 

Anat used the floor as a spring and dashed towards Amaterasu and tried to attack her.

Amaterasu simply looked at her and whispered softly, ''Begone''

A huge horizontal explosion wave followed her words sending everything flying, It even managed to send Ra 10 steps back, before he stomped hard onto the ground and caught his consort that had been sent flying with him, Bastet simply flipped in the air and landed easily on the ground.

When the dust settled, everything in the radius had been sent away and the floor had been caved in while Amaterasu still didn't move from her sit that was now floating midair, Then Shiki floated beside her with a ċȯċky smirk on his face.

''Ra, what's the meaning of all this'' shiki ċȯċkily asked.

He then flashed from his position and punched strongly towards shiki, shiki simply pushed the hand away and slammed a chakra punched to his ċhėst which sent ra flying, but he just used it as a way to gain distance.

Ra landed beside his consort with no visible injury but he knew that he had been injured slightly.

Shiki was quite surprised at the resilience of the Sun God, it made him laugh out which seriously unnerved Ra, ''It has been a long time since someone actually survived my punch''.

''Since you survived one, what about two''

Shiki zoomed from Amaterasu side and appeared instantly Infront of ra and punched him away from his consort, then he slapped the back of the Hathor sending her towards Amaterasu awaiting arms while he pursued the flying Ra. 

But Hathor managed to correct herself midair and land away from Amaterasu. She used a small time to heal the palm scar on her back.

Anat and Bastet joined Hathor and both decided to Triple team Amaterasu and then gang up on shiki, with a plan in mind they nodded at each other and dashed together towards Amaterasu but midway they had to separate mid dash because a solar laser grazed them and continued to destroy all in its path and eventually exploding rapidly in the distance. 

Anat, Bastet and Hathor felt the loss of 35 gods from that move alone. They pried their eyes away from the blast zone and looked back at Amaterasu that still hadn't moved from her chair with shock.

Amaterasu yawned into her hands and looked at the battle between ra and shiki before deciding to end her own

After that Bast could swear that she saw an orange flash and suddenly Hathor was beneath Amaterasu heels while Anat was stuck to the ceiling.

Looking at the pitiful position of both her comrades she couldn't help but regret her actions. Alas she couldn't think of that now because Amaterasu eyes were now set on her making her hairs erect in alert.

The Radiance of power from the Amaterasu was a little bit too much for her

Something else happened that moment that she won't ever tell another person

Looking at Amaterasu bathing in all that power

She felt a little excited

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