My Amazing WeChat is Connected to the Three Realms

Vol 3 Chapter 1305: Waiting to be your bride's day

"Dad, don't you worry so much?" Lin Hai was a little dumbfounded. He and Liu Xinyue were completely unprepared now.

Lin was deeply glanced at Lin Hai, and then said with a strong heart.

"Small sea, there is something you don't know. You have eaten the elixir for our family, and also teach the exercises, let us be different from ordinary people. This is a good thing!"

"But I don't know why, my mother and I are close, my heart is always a little unreal, I feel like there will be something big happening recently, so we hope that you and Xin

I can get married as soon as possible, and don’t leave any regrets. ”

Lin’s words made Lin Hai suddenly shocked, and some incredulously looked at his father.

Can it be said that the father and the mother have a sense of heart, and it is expected that the fairyland will soon be opened, and Liu Xinyue will leave the house.

"Dad, let me discuss with Xinyue!"

At the thought of this, Lin Hai’s mood has become more and more heavy, and he nodded slowly, saying to Lin Chengzhen.

"Well, your mother should also be married to Xinyue, you should discuss it!" Lin took a shot of Lin Hai’s shoulder and said with a strong heart.

Out of the bedroom, Lin Hai saw Liu Xinyue sitting next to Song Qin, deep in his head, his face blushing, his face was happy and shy, and when he saw Lin Hai came out, his eyes could not help but white.

Lin Hai glanced, shy.

"Mom, I am going to send my sweet home!"

Lin Hai said that he would pull out Liu Xinyue and leave the house.

"What did my mother say to you?" Out of the house, Lin Hai asked some embarrassed.

"Say, marriage!" Liu Xinyue said on the face, with deep joy, whispered.

"Amount... nothing else, like what to hear?" Lin Hai asked.

"What did you hear?" Liu Xinyue asked, suddenly asked.

"Call~" Lin Hai see Liu Xinyue has this question, this is a relief, it seems that his mother, did not tell Liu Xinyue, more reliable than his father.

However, looking at Liu Xinyue's charming face, Lin Hai suddenly showed a smirk, and got to Liu Xinyue's ear, his mouth open.

"Don't say, hear you, call, voice?"

"Ah! Big bad guys, you give me to die!" Liu Xinyue suddenly flushed, waving a small fist with a shame and calling Lin Hai.

"Haha, hahahaha!" Lin Hai laughed and ran towards the front.

"Bad man! Bad guy!" Liu Xinyue chased all the way, the little fist kept falling on Lin Hai's body, his face was shy, with a sullen smile, especially attractive.

After a while, Lin Hai will take Liu Xinyue in his arms, revealing the color of dignity.

"Xinyue, what do you think about marriage?"

"I am listening to you!" Liu Xinyue leaned on Lin Haihuai, said with shame and joy.

"One month's time is too hasty! And Haiyuezong has just started, and the descendants of foreign beasts will not be willing to give up. Next, there are a lot of things, not as slow as we are going.

But, I promise you, before the opening of the fairyland, you must be the bride of my forest! ”

Liu Xinyue heard the word of the bride, and her heart was excited. She held out her hand and hugged Lin Hai, feeling very happy.

"Husband, I am waiting, waiting for your bride's day!"

"Yeah!" Lin Hai kissed Liu Xinyue's forehead and made up his mind that no matter who he was, he would not want to take Liu Xinyue from her hand.

"Right, husband!" Liu Xinyue suddenly looked up and remembered something.

"What's wrong?" Lin Hai's hand began to climb the peak again, not honest.

"Oh, don't make trouble!" Liu Xinyue took Lin Hai's hand away, and then the face showed a hint of doubt.

"Today, isn't Fairy mentioning Kunlun?"

"Well, is there any problem?"

Liu Xinyue’s frowning seems to be thinking about something, but he can’t remember it.

"I foreboded that the day when the immortals opened, I will leave you, and will be related to this Kunlun!"


Lin Hai was shocked and his face was deeply worried.

"Kunlun?" Lin Hai bit his teeth, his fists clenched involuntarily, his face showing a fierce color.

"Husband, don't do this!" Liu Xinyue saw it, and quickly reached out and held Lin Hai's face, and said with a small mouth.

"I didn't say it, my departure is not dangerous, but it has its own instinct in the dark, there are very important things, calling me, it is good for you to me!"

"But, it’s so unclear to leave, how can I let my heart go?" Lin Hai’s face was both angry and worried, annoyed.

"Maybe, by the time, everything will be clear."

"If there is that day, no matter where you go, I will definitely go to you. Even if it is difficult, even with the people of the world, I will never give up, and no one will be allowed to

You and me are separated! ”

"Husband I love you!"

Lin Hai’s firm words made Liu Xinyue deeply moved, and Zhu Lip offered his sweet kiss.

The two men were intimate for a while, and Lin Hai sent Liu Xinyue back home and returned alone.

Walking on the road, the phone suddenly rang, and Lin Hai glanced at it and couldn’t help it.

"Oriental Dragon?"

Lin Hai pressed the answer button!

"Haha, Lin Laodi, I haven't seen you for a long time, what are you busy with?" The laughter of Dongfang Youlong sounded loudly on the phone.

"In the hometown of Jiangnan, what is the Eastern Brother?" Lin Hai asked.

The Oriental Dragon does not belong to any martial art, so Hai Yuezong’s opening ceremony did not invite him. He has not known anything about Hai Yuezong until now.

"There is nothing important, it is the jade of this month, collected, a total of 108, see how convenient it is for you."

Lin Haiwen listened, could not help but smile, his Penglai Xiandao line, almost searched a whole edge of the island, now simply rich in oil, where you need these ordinary jade


However, the Oriental Dragon has been collecting for himself for free, but it has made Lin Hai quite moved, at least that the Oriental Dragon is very valued. This kind of feeling of being valued makes Lin Hai

Very comfortable, but also shows his position in the minds of the Oriental Dragon.

"Oriental brother, thank you, from now on, you don't need to collect jade for me anymore!"

"Lin Laodi!" The Oriental Dragon listened to it, but was shocked and could not help but exclaim.

"Is it not good enough for my old brother? You know, this kind of jade containing the aura of heaven and earth is really too rare. Even if it is more than 100 pieces, I have exhausted it..."

"You listen to me to finish the words!" Seeing the Oriental Dragons suddenly rushed into this way, Lin Hai could not help but secretly shake his head, hurriedly interrupted his words.

"Okay, you said!"

"I mean, I have enough jade, I don't need it anymore. During this time, I also felt the sincerity of the old man to Lin, so I decided that the land was opened.

After the start, the introduction of the old brother of the East! ”

"Haha, really? Great!" Lin Hai’s words suddenly made the Oriental Dragons overjoyed. Although his competitors were all smashed by Lin Hai, Lin Hai still had a choice.

It is that he enters the game and does not need any referrals. He is also helpless.

Now Lin Hai chose him, which is equal to his family in the immortal world, and made great achievements. How can he not rejoice?

"Oriental brother, then the day when the fairyland opens, we will see you again!" After that, Lin Hai hung up the phone and returned home. It was night, watching the stars, Guanghua sprinkled into the room.

Lin Hai sits cross-legged and let the stars fall on his body.

"The Stars of the Holy Spirit, it is really a long march to start!"

Lin Hai smiled and shook his head, slowly closing his eyes.

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