My Amazing WeChat is Connected to the Three Realms

Vol 3 Chapter 1306: Destroy the dragon

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, the major sects and the scholastics have been practicing in Haiyuezong for a month, and now they have reached the final deadline.

"Haiyue Zong is really a holy place to practice. Just one month, I am going through a year of hard work."

"No, I am progressing this month, but unfortunately, this is the last day."

"If you can continue to cultivate here, how good it is, maybe in my lifetime, I can become a great boy!"

"What do you think, Lin Zongzhu can let us practice here for a month, it is already a great affection."

"Yeah, yeah, Lin Zongzhu is really very interesting!"


Above the peak, whether it is the people of the major sects, or the scattered repairs, in this last day, the gaps in cultivation are all in the discussion, with deep regret and reluctance.

Bai Haoran, who is practicing, hears people's conversations, his eyes suddenly open, and a flash of light shines.

This month, I am afraid that it is the most rewarded among the people in the place.

Originally, Bai Haoran’s cultivation was already at the peak of Jindan’s mid-term. It’s only one step away from the breakthrough. If it’s normal, it’s possible to break through within three years, but no

I thought that when I practiced in the month of Haiyue, I broke through the bottleneck and entered the late Jindan.

The improvement of cultivation did not bring much joy to Bai Haoran. Instead, his brows were locked, and his heart was filled with deep unwillingness and jealousy.

Standing up, Bai Haoran came to the crowd who were talking about these cultivation gaps.

"Lin Zongzhu is still a bit embarrassed. If it allows everyone to practice here for a long time, I am afraid that everyone will have a day of concentrating Yuan Ying. This is a big one for the entire practice community.

Pieces of merit? ”

When Bai Haoran said this, he suddenly stood up and retorted.

"The white lord is saying this, this is the ancestral hall of Haiyuezong. After a long time here, what is going on, one month is enough to show the mind of Lin Zongzhu."

Bai Haoran was a faint smile and shook his head.

"I don't think so. The world is a family. It is a family. It's a shame that I have no such blessings." Otherwise, Bai will definitely open to you for a long time!"

"The white lord is acting arbitrarily, demeaning, and the character is legendary. We believe this!"

"Unfortunately, this is Haiyuezong, not my mysterious ice!" Bai Haoran sighed helplessly, left with his hands, and went to another group of people, continuing the previous words.


Lin Hai has not been idle for the past month. Although the daily affairs of Haiyuezong have been handed over to Yunsheng, some things still need him to decide. Lin Hai feels this.

How complicated it is to manage a sect.

"Cloud brother, after the sea moon, you are me, I am you, unless you are faced with life and death, otherwise all matters of Haiyue Zong, do not need to report to me again, you are the sole authority!"

At the end of the day, Lin Hai was really annoying, and he simply did a thorough hand-to-hand shopkeeper and handed over all the rights of the sect to Yunsheng.

"The Sovereign, Yun Sheng will not be responsible for your trust!" Although Yun Sheng also saw that Lin Hai is trying to be lazy, but such trust, or let him be unable to say a touch.

"Haha, Haiyue Zong is a cloud brother who has been formed by his own hands. Just like your own child, I believe that you will let him grow up!"

All the things of the sects were given to Yunsheng, and Lin Hai bought two copies of the "Feng Shen Yan Yi". One of them held a new review and gave it to Xianer.

After all, Xianer mentioned the war of the gods, and the Taoist is probably from the legendary Kunlun, Liu Xinyue also foreboding, her departure will be related to Kunlun, Lin Hai feels very

Need to know in advance.

"Grass, it turns out that this ghost is so white, so powerful!"

When I saw the story of Yu Ji, who used the ghost bones to capture the story of the generals of Xi Xi, Lin Hai could not help but deepen the understanding of this magic weapon.

"Fairy, is this story recorded in the Romance of the Gods consistent with the real battle of God?"

Lin Hai went into the holy place and asked Xianger. After all, if you read it yourself, the result is not in line with the truth, then it makes no sense.

"With the description of the first owner of the Holy Land, although there are some differences, but they are basically the same!" Xian smiled and replied.

"That's good!" Lin Hai nodded.

"Dad, are you looking at the fairy to see the little yellow that is not suitable for children?" Ahua did not know where it came from, and said awkwardly.

He and Xiaohong have been secretly following Sakura safely back to the cold moon pool before returning to Jiangnan and entering the holy world.

"Roll!" Lin Hai suddenly covered his face with black lines, this dead dog, what thought?

"Grandpa, do you have Xiao Huang? Listen to Ahua's father, Xiao Huang is wonderful, give me a look!" Suddenly, a more wretched voice rang behind, Lin Hai turned

Then I saw the big, cute eyes of Yinhe, shining and glaring at myself.

"Nima!" Lin Hai almost slammed on the ground, watching a good end of a cute cute dragon, became such a wretched temptation, Lin Hai is almost crazy.

"Don't listen to the rogue dog nonsense! Don't call my grandfather!" Lin Hai snarled toward the silver.

"Oh!" Yinhe scared his neck, then looked at Lin Hai weakly.

"You can do it without looking at Xiao Huang, then you will give me a fire!"


"Be your sister!" Lin Hai almost collapsed, his face almost stuck on the face of Yinhe, angry martyrdom.

Yinhe scared a spirit, two cute big eyes, instantly tears rolling, watching it will cry.

"So hard, don't let you do it, I can exchange it with you!"


Lin Hai couldn't stand it anymore. He lifted his foot and kicked the silver into the air.

"Oh, this is what Ahua Dad described, do you want to fly to heaven?"


Listening to the words of Yinhe in the air, Lin Hai rubbed his chest and a blood spurted out.

"You are really ruining the dragon and tireless!" Lin Hai cried and said to Ahua.

"Haha, I won the prize, all the claws, the little dirty dragon has a lot of room for improvement... Hey!" A flower looked proud, but did not finish it, let Lin Hai break into the lake


"Fairy, I am gone, I will not leave, I am afraid that I will be mentally broken!" Lin Hai figured back and returned to reality.

"A flower, this rogue dog, who is with him, can't learn well!" Lin Hai looked helpless.

"The Sovereign, Lin Jian wants to see!"

Suddenly, someone talking outside was the voice of Lin Jian.

"Lin Jian?" Lin Haiyi, I couldn’t think of Lin Jian’s coming home, and quickly got up and opened the door.

"How come you down the mountain, how is your body?" Lin Customs said.

On the day of the war, Lin Jian was bleeding from the intestines. Even if he took the medicinal herbs, he also had Du Fu's own treatment. If you want to recover completely, I am afraid it will take two or three months.

"Thank you for your concern to the Sovereign, Lin Jian is already innocent!" Lin Jian said with respect and respect.

"Sit down, take this place as a home, you are welcome!" Lin Hai rushed to let Lin Jian sit down, soaked tea for Lin Jian, and touched Lin Jian.

"The Sovereign, don't need this, Lin Jian can't be dare! Today is here, my information hall got important information, so I came here to report to the lord!"

"Oh?" Lin Hai stunned, his face showing a dignified look.

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