Hey! Almost everyone’s eyes are all looking at Lin Hai, and they are shocked.

No one expected that Lin Hai would stand up at this time.

Moreover, let the Kowloon Hall have something to do with him?

This is not looking for death! Cheng biting Jin was on the side, suddenly frowned, and whispered toward Xu Maogong.

"What about cattle nose?"

"Lin Hai's younger brother is this confused!"

Xu Maogong was a brow, and looked at Lin Hai deeply, shaking his head slightly.

"Don't worry, look back!"

"Lin Hai is not a reckless person!"

At this time, Long Aojun was a big eye, and some looked at Lin Hai.

"what are you!"

"Is there a copy of your voice here?"

Calling ~ voice landing, Long Aojun directly paws a wave, a mad wind is as heavy as a thousand, swept toward the forest.

In the view of Long Aojun, Lin Hai, a small seven-robbery, did not even have the qualification to speak with him.

When Lin Hai saw it, he was a brow, and suddenly there was a huge figure in front of him.

boom! As soon as this figure appeared, the thunder and thunder rolled, the purple thunder was like a light column, and the attack of Long Aojun was instantly blasted into powder.

Even the power of the violent shock made Long Aojun unable to prevent it, and the hard life was shaken back.

Long Aojun’s face changed greatly, and he looked up and saw a man with a majestic face. He stood up and looked at him coldly.


Long Aojun suddenly exclaimed, and his brow instantly wrinkled.

As the strongest person in this region, Long Aojun naturally knows this neighbor of Qiandao.

However, for a long time, two people have been doing water without water, and they have nothing to worry about.

Unexpectedly, today, a thousand blades suddenly popped out.

"Long Aojun, give me a face and leave with someone!"

敖 Thousands of blades are cold and arrogant, without a trace of emotion, indifferent to Long Aojun.

Long Aojun stunned, and then could not help but laugh, his eyes flashed a trace of cold mans.

"A thousand blades, do you know what happened, let me leave?"

"If it is something else, I will give you face, but today, you face, I can't give it!"

敖 敖 闻 闻 闻 闻 闻 闻 闻 闻 敖 敖 敖 敖 敖 敖 敖 敖 敖 敖 敖 敖

"Not your brother, Ami Ming, was killed?"

Long Aojun burned with anger and violently rushed to the top of his head.

"A thousand blades, what you said is really light!!!"

"That is my brother, and now I am killed, this hatred is not in the sky!"

敖 Thousands of blades are a sinking face, angry voice.

"I am crying, isn't it the same as you were seriously injured and killed?"

"This matter has been evened out!"

Long Aojun’s heart was shocked, and then his eyes were rounded and his face was astonished.

"It turned out that the ice is just your son?

! ! ! ”

敖 Thousands of bladed eyes are slightly stunned, proudly.

"Yes, it's me!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Long Aojun was anxious and laughed, and the murderous machine boiled again. In the air, a cloud of dark and gloomy clouds was formed, making the people below shudder and breathing difficult.

"There are thousands of blades, you really have it!"

"The original murderer turned out to be your son, but you squinted and let me go?"

"I am jealous, my debt is paid by the father, your son ran, I will kill you first!"

boom! Long Aojun finished, suddenly violently shaped, a huge dragon shadow, appeared in the clouds, rolling and roaring.

The horrible air column, with the power of destruction, madly bombarded.

敖 敖 刃 见 , , , , , , , , 敖 敖 敖 敖 敖 敖 敖 敖 敖 敖 敖 敖 敖 敖 敖 敖 敖 敖 敖 敖boom! The attack of two people, colliding together in the air, suddenly made a loud noise, like a catastrophe! The horrible wave swept through the four wilderness, tearing the space apart, and the sky was chaotic! Hey! The figure of two people, at the touch of a finger, flew away in the opposite direction.

Then they will be shocked again and fight fiercely together.

Hey! In an instant, lightning flashes in the air, the road is flying, the space is turbulent, as if to collapse.

The violent turbulence is like a flood of crazy madness. The people who are shocked repeatedly retreat and stand still.

Lin Hai also retreated to hundreds of meters away, and the pupils contracted, and it was awesome! "Long Aojun is so strong!"

Originally, Lin Hai thought that he would release the Thousand Blades and stretch his fingers to crush the Kowloon Hall.

Can not think of it, the main hall of the main dragon Aojun, actually so strong, with the Qian Qian blade evenly matched, hit a tie! This time, things can be difficult.

After all, there are still seven lords in the Kowloon Hall, and there is no shot.

"Second second, I am entangled in a thousand blades, you bring people to kill these people!"

At this time, Long Aojun suddenly burst into a burst of anger and directed the second lord.

"Big brother can rest assured that they can't live!"

The two main lords had a cold eyes, shimmering gloomy eyes, murderous, and screaming at the rest of the temple.

"Kill them!!!"

When the time was up, the seven lords rushed up and screamed at the horrible wind.

"Get together!"

The ghost Wang Yinshuai had a cold eyes and suddenly screamed and took the lead.

Subsequently, the Tautou horse face was very strange, Xu Mao made a long trip to the gold, all of them went into battle and fought together with the temple masters of the Kowloon Hall.

I saw it in mid-air and instantly became a few groups.

Qian Qianjian and Long Aojun have already broken the void and turned the battlefield into a space crack.

The heads of the bulls are each against a lord, and Xu Mao’s squad is a lord of the lord.

For a time, the two sides had a hard time.

Hey! At this time, the only two lords who did not take the shot, the two eyes were cold, and the cold looked at Lin Hai.

I don't know why, the second lord always feels that Lin Hai's strength is the weakest, but it gives people an extreme uneasiness.

To be sure, it’s better to kill Lin Hai first.

Moreover, he has to personally make sure that nothing is lost! "dead!!!"

The two lords of the temple screamed and turned into a huge dragon body, swallowing clouds and roaring and snarling.

Then, with the violent hurricane descending from the sky, rolling towards the forest.

When Lin Hai saw it, his brow slammed and eclipsed.

The strength of these two lords is not weaker than Long Aojun! "Lin cannon, run fast, Long Aosheng is Jinxian, you are not an opponent!!!"

At this time, the sudden surprise suddenly shouted, and shouted to Lin Hai.


! ! ! When I heard these two words, Lin Hai’s heart jerked, showing the horror of his face.

I did not expect that this two main hall dragon proud, is actually Jinxian! Hey! Lin Hai simply did not want to think, directly into the refining pot.

In the face of the dragon arrogance of the Jinxian level, Lin Hai did not have the power of a battle.

boom! The second main dragon, Ao Shengsheng, fell into the air and suddenly his pupil contracted and his face was surprised.

"The way of space?

! ”

Hey! The next moment, Long proud of the huge body, tumbling, stimulating the situation, twisting the space! In an instant, countless space cracks opened and closed, revealing a dark inside.

The two main halls were proud of the dragon, and their eyes were smashed into a slit, flashing the sharp glimpse of the fine mans in the crack of the space, looking for traces of the forest.


! ”

For a moment of effort, Long Aosheng has searched the space within a radius of five miles, but did not find Lin Hai.

In a sudden time, Long Aosheng’s heart was shocked, showing an incredible surprise.

Hey! But at this moment, the space shook, and Lin Hai’s figure appeared in situ.

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