My Amazing WeChat is Connected to the Three Realms

Vol 3 Chapter 3169: I am a magic weapon, not bad?

"Kid, this time I see where you are going!"

When Lin Hai appeared, Long Aosheng suddenly screamed and the Dao was bombarded.

Hey! When Lin Hai saw it, he couldn’t get away from it, and he hid directly into the refining pot.

No, Jinxian is terrible, and the speed is so fast.

When I went out, Long Aosheng’s attack came, and I didn’t give myself a chance to breathe.


Lin Hai held the phone in his hand, opened WeChat directly, and found the Baibao Pavilion.

"The mixed umbrella is still there!"

Lin Hai saw that the mixed-yuan umbrella was not rented by the magic ceremony, and was directly taken out.

Although Lin Hai has a lot of magic weapons, the power that can be exerted is basically related to his own strength.

With the strength of the current seven robbers, even the Xuanyuanjian, an ancient artifact, does not play much role in the face of Jin Xian.

On the contrary, there is only a hybrid umbrella of the top grade, which can be used freely to maximize the power.

Therefore, Lin Hai directly chose to use the mixed yuan umbrella against the enemy.

Hey! Lin Hai’s thoughts moved back to reality.

At the same time, Lin Hai directly gave the mixed-yuan umbrella to the sacrifice, and did not give the dragon a chance.


Long Aosheng discovered Lin Hai, but he had not waited for his shot. Suddenly, his eyes were dark and dark, as if the sky was covered.

"what happened!!!"

Not only is Long Aosheng, but everyone else who is fighting is also shocked.

Can not help but, jumped out of the circle one by one, looked up with horror.

Calling ~ And this time, the sky suddenly violent wind, rainstorms, like the water of nine days from the sky.

"How can it rain?"

The people present, all felt that the rain was a bit strange.

Rumble, hey! ! ! Suddenly, countless whirlwinds appeared in the sky, the space was distorted, and the sky turned! What is even more frightening is that the rain is like a knife, with a fierce murder, shrouded in the head of everyone.

"not good!!!"

"Fast defense!"

Long Aosheng exclaimed, and there was a stream of air in the head, which was shining and resisting the rain.

However, the body is involuntarily shaking and stunned.

Other people are not good at it. The light on the top of the head is flashing by the rain, and it is bleak.

One by one, like a drunkard, all eyes are full of deep panic.

The space is dark, the sky is turning, the rain is like a knife! This strange sign makes everyone's heart have a deep fear.

"The trough!"

Lin Hai at the moment, but the pupils shrink, the dark road is not good.

This mixed-yuan umbrella is awesome, but Nima is not divided between us! At this moment, not only the temples of the Kowloon Hall, but also the ghost king Xu Maogong, they are all within the scope of the attack of the mixed umbrella.

Moreover, it seems that except for the poor and the dragon proud, it is almost unable to support.

"The killing of a thousand, self-destruction of eight hundred, this can not!"

Lin Hai was a pity, and his heart sighed, and he had to lift his arm.


Hey! During the time, the hybrid umbrella stopped rotating and turned into a streamer, flying back to Lin Hai’s hands.

At the same time, the wind and rain stopped suddenly, the sky returned to a clear and clear, everything was as it was.

However, the people on both sides were stunned, and each pupil was beating, and his face was full of gloom.

This strange scene, coming quickly and quickly, makes them all a little worried.

"Is your ghost?

! ”

At this time, Long Aosheng's gaze instantly fell on the mixed umbrella of Lin Hai's hand.

Lin Hai's eyes were slightly stunned, his mouth was slightly tilted, and a real element was sent into the mixed-yuan umbrella.

In an instant, the hybrid umbrella shines brightly, and the horrible atmosphere is released, igniting the surrounding air.

"I am a magic weapon, isn't it?"

Lin Hai slammed his head and lazily.

After the harvest, Lin Hai suddenly once again sacrificed the mixed-yuan umbrella, and suddenly everyone fell into the darkness.

However, Lin Hai did not let the hybrid umbrella rotate this time, but only obscured the sky.

But even so, let Long Aosheng and others as the enemy, and quickly prepared for defense.

"The people in the Kowloon Hall, you listen, I really don't want to kill you!"

"Now retreat, I can't go anywhere."

"Otherwise, I will not leave a living under the umbrella of the yuan!"

Lin Hai’s words, cold and overbearing, full of murder, give people a shock of the soul.

Long Aosheng several lords, suddenly stunned, can not help but give birth to a trace of fear.

Where did they know that Lin Hai had used the Moon Palace and the Great Souls at the same time.

A two-pronged approach is to let Long Aosheng and others fear, thus scaring them away.

Otherwise, in the face of the dragon proud of such a master, there is no way to fight.

Lin Hai’s strategy has worked.

Long Aosheng several temple owners, his face kept changing, his heart was mad, and the cold sweats all flowed down.

Just now, the attack of the mixed-yuan umbrella has made them deeply jealous.

If the time is a little longer, in addition to Long Aosheng, several other temple owners may not be able to stand.

"Two brothers, what should I do?"

A few of the heads of the temple had no idea, and they whispered toward the dragon.

Long Aosheng frowned, but his heart was thinking fast.

Then, suddenly a cold, toward the main hall of several temples.

"Brothers, don't be fooled by this kid!"

"If I expected to be good, he can't push this magic weapon now."

"Otherwise, when he was sick, he would suddenly stop?"

"I see, he is clearly bluffing now!"

The words of Long Aosheng, let a few other temple owners, suddenly brightened, and agreed.

"The second brother said it is good!"

"With such a powerful magic weapon, consumption must be great."

"With the strength of his seven robbing, I am afraid that the real yuan will have been drained!"

Long Aosheng’s eyes were slightly stunned and suddenly he rumored to several other temple masters.

"Wait, I will suddenly shoot and try to shoot this magic weapon down."

"You cooperate with me, while I am shooting, you attack Lin Hai together!"

"it is good!"

Several other lords have responded and prepared.

"If you think about it, don't you retreat or not?"

At this time, Lin Hai looked cold and suddenly began to speak.

Long Aosheng is sighing and sighing towards Linhai.

"Count you, we...reverse your uncle!"

boom! The dragon proudly voiced and landed, and suddenly shot, the huge dragon shadow skyrocketed and slammed toward the top of the head.


At the same time, several other temple owners, all following the voice of Lin Hai, launched a fierce attack.

"My day!"

Lin Hai did not think that Long Aosheng and others would suddenly come to this hand, and suddenly they were caught off guard.


When the mind moves, the mixed-yuan umbrella turns sharply and instantly, and the wind and rain are in the same breath, like a knife! boom! The attack of the dragon proudly was instantly shattered by the rain and turned into nothingness.

However, the attacks of other people have already reached the front of Lin Hai.

Lin Hai wants to hide again, it is too late.

"Oh, what is this?"

"How suddenly it was dark, the dog is afraid of black!"

At this moment, suddenly a wretched voice sounded, and then a figure flew away.

Coincidentally, just in front of Lin Hai’s body, he was attacked by several lords and hit.


"Who is his head and dog, lacking eight generations!"

boom! The figure was directly shot and flew down on the ground, his eyes narrowed and twitched.

"Ha ha ha, A flower!!!"

When Lin Hai saw it, it was overjoyed. I didn’t expect it to be Ahua back!

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