
  Zeng Xiaoxian was frightened and threw the note out, his stomach kept tumbling, not knowing what the hell he was doing.

  "Oh, don't worry, I just think Zi Qiao's recent behavior is rather abnormal. He bought a green hat and still talks. Do you think he is mentally abnormal because of wearing a green hat?"

  "At least he's not perverted enough to dig through other people's trash cans. Are you disgusting! At least you have to wear a pair of gloves to dig in! Right?"

  "Why don't I think there is something wrong with Ziqiao?" Yu Ziye and Lu Ziqiao are in the same suite, and he knows that Lu Ziqiao and Meijia are pretending to be lovers. Although they are very affectionate in front of Yu Ziye, Yu Ziye is God after all. Looking at the perspective, I feel that their performances are fake.

  "It's all like this, isn't it abnormal?" Yi Fei retorted Yu Ziye: "Will you wear a cuckold all day? Will you mutter words all day? Also, after you know you wear a cuckold, you will Calm down?"

  Both Yu Ziye and Zeng Xiaoxian's faces were a little dark, and they were both depressed by Yifei's series of words. Yu Ziye asked weakly, "Are you sure Ziqiao already knows that she is wearing a cuckold?"

  "So I'm not confirming?" Yifei took the note again: "Look at what's written on it, maybe there are clues on it."

  "Let's see." Yu Ziye leaned over and saw that Sun's lyrics had not run away: "I have turned my wounds into roses, my tears have turned into rainwater, and have already reincarnated, for the olive tree in my dream, the olive tree Tree."

  "So sad!"

  "The literary talent is brilliant, eh, are you sure you didn't find this in my trash can?" Zeng Xiaoxian said narcissistically, not admitting anything.

  "Can you not be sad? These are the lyrics of Sun's song "Tears Become Poems"." Yu Ziye said silently: "What does this prove? I think it can only prove that you are full."

  "How am I so full? What's wrong with the lyrics?" Yi Fei said dissatisfiedly, "Will you not wake up after I pack you some broccoli, Chinese cabbage, celery and the like?"

  Buddhists have a cloud: the appearance is born from the heart.

  I was talking about Yifei's situation. She had confirmed that Lu Ziqiao knew that she was wearing a green hat, so when she saw anything related, she would go in which direction.

  However, what she said really made sense.

  Yu Ziye was a little confused, not knowing whether to tell Yifei this fact that was enough to swell her face.But after thinking about it, I decided not to talk about it. With Yifei's face-saving character, if she was slapped in the face, she would definitely become angry, and maybe Zeng Xiaoxian would have to collect his body for him.

  At this moment, Lu Ziqiao sang Sun's song and ran in again, followed by a carton of milk and ran away.

  This made Yifei even more sure that he must have known about his cuckolding.

  Just when Yi Fei was already anxious, Yu Ziye didn't know how to persuade her, the doorbell remembered at the door, Yu Ziye opened it curiously, and a little boy stood there with a few pots of garlic in his hands.

  "Kid, what's the matter with you?"

  "Hello, uncle." The child bowed politely: "We are donating money to elephants, do you want to participate?"

  "Elephant? Donate?" These words caught the attention of Zeng Xiaoxian and Yifei.

  "Yes! Look, this is a photo of an elephant." When Yu Ziye took it over, the child continued to explain: "It was freezing rain in the Antarctic, and the elephant froze to death after getting wet."

  Zeng Xiaoxian and Yifei didn't turn their minds around, they blinked and glanced at the child, and immediately decided that this guy was a liar.

  "It's freezing rain in Antarctica... What does it have to do with elephants?"

  "Stupid, the elephant went to the South Pole, where the temperature is low, so it freezes."

  "Why do elephants go to Antarctica?"

  "How do I know? I'm not an elephant."


Chapter 19

  Yu Ziye was actually powerless to refute what he said. Before he could recover from his brain crash, the child said mockingly, "Uncle, do you have any money? We will give you a pot after you donate. Xiaohua, this not only offered love, but also contributed to the environmental protection of the earth."

  "Yes, but yes." Yu Ziye took out a bill from his back pocket and handed it to the child: "I only have so much now, where is my little flower?"

  "Here, thank you uncle." The child was obviously not very talkative, so he took the money and gave a pot of garlic and ran away.

  When Yu Ziye closed the door, Zeng Xiaoxian and Yifei both stared at him blankly, as if Zeng Xiaoxian's worldview had been subverted: "The elephant goes back to the South Pole?"

  "You just gave him the money like this? Don't you see that he is a liar?" Yi Fei looked at Yu Ziye like an idiot, with a kind of hatred for iron.

  "I see it!" Yu Ziye said calmly.

  "Then you pay directly like an idiot? You have a mine at home? You complained to me two days ago that you have no money to eat!" Yifei felt like she was going crazy, what the hell is this guy's brain circuit? Happening.

  Yu Ziye smiled, and then said proudly: "Okay, since you asked sincerely, I will answer you mercifully, I will not pretend, I have super powers."

  "Hehe~" Yifei smiled disdainfully: "Zhanbo or an alien! What is your superpower? Liars attract physiques?"

  "Hey, can you answer this right?"


  Yifei covered her forehead, is this a superpower?Isn't it the kind of people who are not smart enough to attract liars the most?What a superpower.

  Yu Ziye also said proudly: "Actually, what you said is not correct. My super power is called: Lies to me and will not end well."

  Yi Fei looked at Yu Ziye up and down, and said with some dissatisfaction: "In the past few days, you have said this sentence many times, and it didn't end well, what could happen?"

  "I'm not sure either." Yu Ziye said in confusion, "I remember when I was ten years old, a gangster in the senior year robbed me of a lollipop and threw me a piece with a dime written on it. A note saying it's the money to buy a lollipop with me."

  "and then?"

  "Then, that bastard had a stomachache for three days because he ate an expired lollipop and rested at home for a week. After his father found out about this, he also beat him."

  "Wow, you are so scheming at such a young age?" Zeng Xiaoxian asked in surprise.

  "What nonsense?" Yu Ziye said speechlessly, "I bought that in the store. Later, the store was closed for selling expired food, and a lot of money was fined."

  "This is the superpower you said 'you can't end well if you lie to you'? What does this mean?" Yi Fei spread his hands, a coincidence that was so long ago, you can remember it.

  "Listen to me." Yu Ziye gave a dissatisfied glance at Yifei, and then continued: "Let's not say anything else, just this year, a producer fell in love with my script, but he crazily lowered the price and lied to me. My script wasn't very good, so he only gave me [-] yuan to pay for the pen. As a result, he sold it for [-] yuan."

  "Hi~" Yifei took a deep breath: "Are you heartless!? Are you selling it at such a low price?"

  Yu Ziye touched his nose. He also wanted to say this sentence. Originally, Yu Ziye was lack of heart. After writing the script for a year, he sold it for a thousand dollars. What are you planning?

  But he will not admit that he is also lacking in heart: "This is not the point. Later, do you know what happened to the producer?"

  "Don't tell me he also ate expired food and had diarrhea for a few days." Yifei guessed speechlessly.

  "That's not true." Yu Ziye said calmly: "Afterwards, he took the money and took his wife to XWY for vacation, and his wife cheated and cheated him of all the money and ran away with a Chinese citizen, and he has been begging for a few in XWY. months of meals, and will not be forcibly sent back until the passport expires.”

  Yifei and Zeng Xiaoxian suddenly gasped, this price is not ordinary!

  Yu Ziye continued: "That guy sold the script to a director, and then the director spent money to find the scriptwriter to revise the plot, and found me. I gave him the revised version, and he got [-] yuan for the adaptation fee."

  "Are you bragging? Then how do you say you have no money to spend now?" Yi Fei felt a little pain in the ass. This is both a resale and an adaptation, and it's not like that.

  This is also what Yu Ziye found out after checking his memory later, this guy is not lacking in heart, but has a big heart, and gave that guy a relatively primitive script with many loopholes.

  "That's another story." Yu Ziye said painfully.

  This is to say another problem of the original Yu Ziye: investment.This guy took the money and invested it in a blink of an eye. He still doesn't know if this investment has produced eggs. This madness is like an anonymous charity. He didn't even leave a phone number. Yu Ziye estimated that the investee I have already rolled up the money and ran away, but I don't know if it has already begun to be unlucky.

  "But what does this have to do with you paying [-] yuan to buy garlic?" Zeng Xiaoxian changed the topic again. .

Chapter 20

  "It's a big deal." Yu Ziye then became anxious, pointed at Yifei and said, "After I was molested by her last time, I found out that it was me who was unlucky, so I wondered if this superpower has appeared. Problem, I have to verify it today, and a liar happened to come over, I think it is necessary to spend a hundred yuan to test it."

  Yi Fei rolled her eyes from the side, does this bastard hold such vengeance?

  Zeng Xiaoxian smiled and looked at Yifei and Yu Ziye: "Hahaha~ Yifei, you're going to be out of luck, but then again, he's a child, you treat him badly, right?"

  "Don't worry, I'm measured." Yu Ziye waved his hand and said calmly, "My superpowers have a rule, the worse you deceive me, the worse the other party will be. Everything should be small, at most a small punishment for him."

  "It's okay, it's okay, you're always entangled in this kind of thing that hurts eight hundred for yourself and one thousand for the enemy is not a solution." In Yifei's opinion, this is the ability to perish together. This kind of superpower can be given to her. No, it's better to have a superpower that won't be deceived: "We continue to return to the question of Ziqiao, what do you think about now!"

  "I have reservations." Yu Ziye pouted: "In order to write the script, I taught myself a little psychology, and I don't think there is anything wrong with Zi Qiao, but you, I have always felt strange."

  "What do I feel weird? Even if my future boyfriend is sweet with a girl now, I don't care!" Yifei said fiercely.

  "I can't tell." Anyway, Yu Ziye didn't know what was wrong, he just felt that the female man seemed to have the wrong nerve.

  "I also have reservations." Zeng Xiaoxian echoed Yu Ziye: "You women don't understand our men, men! Maybe it's because you don't have any clothes to wear, the weather is bad, and you buy things in the wrong color, so you're so unhappy. , is fundamentally different from your women."

  Yu Ziye scratched his head, something was wrong: "Mr. Zeng, are you saying the opposite? Is this a woman's trouble? Or a man's trouble, right?"

  "..." Zeng Xiaoxian's body froze for a moment: "Aren't other people like this?"

  "It's not." Yu Ziye complained: "With my years of research, men don't seem to be so sentimental."

  "is it?"


  Yifei shook her head: "I tell you, don't think you're amazing after reading two pages of psychology books, practice will give you true knowledge, no matter how much you read, it's just talk on paper, and I'm different, I have experience. , I can be sure that this is definitely Zi Qiao's depression caused by being cuckolded."


  Zeng Xiaoxian seems to have discovered the bright spot: "Do you have experience? Oh, hahahaha~ No wonder you are so perverted."

  Yifei glared at Zeng Xiaoxian with a murderous face, his smirk stopped abruptly, and then Yifei explained slowly: "I mean, our family has a history of mental illness, my aunt, no, it should be said yes Zhan Bo's aunt has a history of mental illness."

  "Isn't Zhan Bo's aunt your aunt?" Zeng Xiaoxian suddenly remembered: "Yeah~ You and your brother don't have the same surname, your parents divorced?"

  "It's not." Yifei explained: "On the contrary, my mother is Zhanbo's stepmother, and his father is my stepfather, so that's why! Although I have always called Zhanbo's aunt an aunt since I was a child, but Zhanbo's aunt is my aunt. It's just his own aunt, not my own aunt, my dad is the only child, so I don't have an aunt, do you understand?"

  Zeng Xiaoxian was stunned, and said stubbornly, "It's clear at a glance."

  "To put it simply, their family is a restructured family. She and Zhanbo are a half-parent family, but because they grew up together, they are as close as siblings, but from the issue of blood Speaking of which, they have no relationship at all. In simpler terms, her relationship with Zhan Bo is like the relationship between Xia Xue and Liu Xing in "Family with Children", is that clear enough?"

  After Zeng Xiaoxian listened to Yu Ziye's brief introduction, he couldn't help but suddenly realize: "As expected, he wrote the script, you can straighten out such a complex logical relationship right away."

  Yu Ziye didn't feel proud at all. At that time, he was stunned when he listened to it, but after smoothing it, he felt it was clear at a glance, and he just didn't smooth it.

  "It's good." Yi Fei saved himself and explained it to him again: "So, our family has a history of mental illness, Zhan Bo's aunt was in a similar situation to Zi Qiao's now, and after experiencing emotional failure, it was endless. Then I bought a little red riding hood and muttered words, and it didn’t take long before I was admitted to a mental hospital.”

  "My aunt lives in a mental hospital?"

  At this time, Lu Zhanbo came out of the room just now, and when he heard Yifei's words, he almost became mentally ill.

  It made Zeng Xiaoxian quite curious, and asked with a mean smile, "Doesn't he know?".

Chapter 21

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